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The Best CBD Sugar Scrub – Buyer’s Guide

Not all cosmetic products are gentle with your skin. CBD sugar scrub is a caring touch to revitalize your skin. The CBD based scrub is made of cannabinoid and by reacting with the existing endocannabinoid system, it positively affects your skin. However, getting the best CBD sugar scrub is not easy, so here we present the best CBD scrub for you.

Cannabidiol has excellent anti-inflammation properties. As such, CBD beauty products are becoming increasingly popular. Typically, exfoliating CBD products have a high concentration of cannabidiol, along with the inclusion of other useful ingredients. With that said, what is the best CBD sugar scrub?

KushQueen Renew Scrub

With lavender, we believe this is the best CBD sugar scrub to use before sleeping. The sugar scrub effectively exfoliates dry skin, while the CBD works to reduce inflammation, and the lavender ignites a sense of relaxation. Just like with all KushQueen products, this scrub is third-party laboratory tested.

  • 2oz/16oz 100mg CBD
  • Zero THC guarantee
  • Third-party tested
  • Made with Hemp CBD isolate sourced in the USA (Pacific Northwest)

Renew-Sugarscrub-16oz-minSee Product

Buyers Guide

This buyer’s guide is frequently updated with the latest and best CBD sugar scrub products for exfoliating.

Dealing with flaky skin? Want to reduce inflammation? Fortunately, CBD has shown that it can be beneficial for skin health, especially when it comes to inflammation. CBD works by interacting with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in our body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS). As part of the ECS, these endocannabinoid receptors are found in all key bodily systems.



How to find the best CBD sugar scrub?

Want to use cannabidiol scrubs to re-vitalize your skin? Then you should know that not all cosmetic products are made the same standards. There are a number of factors at play, let’s delve further.

Whichever brand of CBD product you want to buy, the quality indicators are basically the same. With that said, the other ingredients can make one CBD product better than another CBD product for specific conditions, like flaky skin.

Before deciding on the best cannabidiol sugar scrub, we must first look at the following factors:

Lab results – Some CBD companies publish third-party laboratory results for their products, others don’t. To have ultimate confidence in your products, you may want to purchase from a company with transparency.

Ingredients – It’s important to check the label of all CBD products you want to put on your skin, especially if you have specific allergies.

Price – Why pay more than you should? With CBD products being rather costly, it’s important to make savings where possible! With that said, the cost can defiantly be worth it for the benefits.

Tips for using CBD sugar scrubs

If you’re unfamiliar with how to effectively use exfoliates, please follow these simple instructions:

Allow time for the CBD to soak in – When using topical CBD scrubs, you’ll want to allow enough time for the cannabidiol to soak into the skin. As such, we recommend leaving the sugar scrub to sit on your skin for a few minutes, instead of washing off immediately.

Gently massage into the skin – Make sure to gently massage the scrub into the skin, so that the scrub can remove dry skin cells, and so your body can absorb as much cannabidiol as possible.

Read the packaging – Make sure to read the instructions carefully before use your CBD sugar scrub.

Does CBD Oil Cause Munchies?

You may be wondering if CBD oil cause munchies. Well, let’s find out!

Like THC, CBD is also a cannabinoid that comes from the plant cannabis. But unlike THC, it does not affect the mind. Using THC can affect a person’s consciousness but CBD is safe to use and it does not play with the consciousness of a person. Also, CBD does not make you high. So, it is safe to use. It does not produce any munchies or psychoactive effects.

With the ever-increasing popularity of CBD oil, you may be thinking about trying it yourself.It might seem silly to those who use CBD oil, but for those who have never tried it before, this question is makes a lot of sense. After all, CBD does come from cannabis; with one of the most widely-known side effects associated with marijuana being an increased appetite.

So, does CBD cause munchies? Let’s take a look so you have a better understanding of what to expect when you use this popular, natural remedy.

ChongsChoiceOils 728x90 1

What are “the munchies”?

Smoking hemp can result in a serious case of the munchies. But why is this the case? Well, it’s because of a compound known as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

THC is one of more than 100 cannabinoids that have been found in the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds, and it was once believed that only cannabis contained these compounds; however, studies have found that several other plants contain them, such as black pepper, ginseng, and even broccoli and carrots. However, marijuana is the only known plant that contains THC; and it’s this chemical compound that is responsible for creating that “high” feeling that users experience when they smoke or ingest the plant.

In addition to creating a psychoactive effect, THC also affects our appetite. Specifically, it causes an increased desire to eat, hence the reason the “munchies” often occur after using marijuana.

Does CBD oil cause munchies, too?

Like THC, CBD is also a cannabinoid of the cannabis plant. However, that’s the only thing the two chemical compounds have in common. Unlike THC, CBD does not cause a psychoactive effect, so it won’t cause an altered sense of consciousness.

Just like CBD doesn’t make you feel  high, it also doesn’t cause the munchies. In fact, research studies have actually confirmed the opposite. It’s been found that CBD can act as an appetite suppressant, meaning that it will decrease your desire to eat. So, instead of reaching for a bag of chips, a pint of ice cream, or a stack of cookies, you may actually find that you’ll feel like eating less when you use CBD. Given the fact that it could actually suppress the appetite, using CBD may actually be beneficial for weight loss.

Why CBD affects our appetite

As we said, CBD has been found to suppress the appetite. This is because of the way he compound interacts with the brain. CBD actually blocks the receptors within the brain that cause feelings of hunger, while THC stimulates the hunger receptors; hence the reason why people who ingest the THC in marijuana get the munchies, while those who use CBD alone feel satiated for longer periods of time.

Remember those studies we mentioned that have found CBD may be beneficial for weight loss? Well, those studies have illustrated that the cannabinoid has the capability of controlling cravings and can quell feelings of hunger; hence the reason why it’s believed that it could be a natural way to promote weight loss.


Using CBD For Panic Attacks

There are many instances that have proved the effectiveness of CBD works to make one’s body and mind stable. It is an actual solution for mental unstableness, anxiety, and panic. But the doses may vary. We recommend you to thoroughly read this article and go for medical supervision. You may get results by using CBD for panic attacks with a maintained dose.

Panic attacks can be extremely terrifying and even exhausting for those that suffer from them. There are medications out there that can be prescribed to help manage panic attacks, as well as a number of psychological techniques that can help when they occur, but one of the newest ways that researchers have found to use CBD. CBD has shown to be particularly effective in helping to prevent panic attacks and to reduce their severity when they do happen. Please continue reading to learn more about using CBD for panic attacks.

What is a panic attack?

A panic attack is something that happens both physically and psychologically to a person. It is a sudden surge of intense fear that can last for several minutes. People can go through life and have random panic attacks once or twice, but the most severe diagnosis is panic disorder. Panic disorder is a psychological term assigned to those who experience random, out of the blue panic attacks at any time. However, even with panic disorder, there may be certain triggers that you can identify that will help you know whether or not a panic attack is likely to occur.

Panic attacks can cause symptoms that are absolutely terrifying for the person that is experiencing them. Many people believe that they are having a heart attack, stroke or some other serious medical condition. Some people are also embarrassed by the attacks and avoid telling anyone about them, which unfortunately prevents them from getting the help that they need.

Some of the specific symptoms include heart palpitations, accelerated heart rate, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, choking sensation, chest pain, dizziness, lightheadedness, chills, numbness and tingling and fear of losing control or dying. Some people may even have a sense that they are detached from their body.

Panic attacks and CBD

Luckily, there has been some recent research that shows that CBD can actually be quite effective when it comes to panic attacks. CBD is a part of the marijuana plant. However, unlike the part of the marijuana plant that contains THC, CBD does not have any psychoactive effects. However, it does have a number of health benefits. One of those is in treating depression, anxiety and panic attacks.

Depression and anxiety is the number one mental illness in the United States. Anxiety disorders affect nearly 20% of the population. Often, these disorders are treated by psychotherapy and medication. But for those who do not wish to engage in psychotherapy or take prescription medication for panic attacks, CBD may be a natural alternative. For one thing, it is completely legal to get CBD and they sell it in lots of places online. In addition, there has been a great deal of research showing that CBD is quite effective at treating mental illnesses like depression and anxiety.

Most of the research so far comes from animal studies in laboratory experiments. In a study in 2015 published in the Journal of Neuraltherapeutics, researchers found that CBD oil was a promising treatment for generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Since testing is just beginning, these results cannot be completely verified, but just about every laboratory testing study that has been done has shown that CBD oil is indeed effective. However, there is still a lack of large clinical trials which should come in the near future.


One small study had 24 participants with social anxiety disorder they received either 600mg of CBD or a placebo. They would take this medication prior to performing a public speaking test. The result of the testing revealed that the people who took the CBD experienced far lower levels of anxiety in the public speaking test than those who received the placebo. In addition, the CBD also reduced cognitive impairment and discomfort so that people could deliver the speech.

Researchers are also trying to pin down exactly how many milligrams of CBD are effective. For example, another published study showed that CBD was effective in reducing anxiety with a 300mg dose but was not effective with the 900mg dose or a 100mg dose.

But it is not going to be effective for everyone. A study published in the Journal of psychopharmacology showed that people who suffer from paranoid traits were not able to see an impact from CBD. The CBD had no impact on anxiety, did not lower their cortisol levels, their heart rate remained high, and their blood pressure remained high. In addition, CBD did not reduce responses to negative emotional stimuli.

However, there is enough scientific evidence out there now to show that people with anxiety should at least try CBD to see if it works for them. There are also thousands of anecdotal reports from people who claim that CBD has effectively calmed their panic attacks. As mentioned, it will not work for everyone, but for the majority of people out there, CBD may be an alternative to prescription medication or psychotherapy. For those that are embarrassed to go to a psychologist for treatment or simply cannot afford to do so, CBD may be an effective alternative.


The bottom line here is that there are a lot of people out there that suffer from panic attacks. While panic attacks are usually not a life-threatening issue, they can certainly decrease the quality of life and in some cases, they may actually endanger a person. Imagine having a panic attack while driving a vehicle or operating heavy machinery.

But if you can treat panic attacks with CBD oil and lessen their effects, then you may be able to get through life a little better. There is enough research now show that CBD oil is effective in many cases. There is no reason not to try CBD if you suffer from depression, anxiety or panic attacks. This includes disorders like social anxiety, obsessive-compulsive and others.

Can You Mix CBD And Caffeine? – Is It Bad?

Caffeine is present in most beverages, primarily in coffees and caffeine pills. But is it possible that the effects of caffeine are reduced by mixing CBD with coffee, or is it the other way around? Is it dangerous to mix CBD and caffeine? This article focuses on what happens when you mix CBD and caffeine and the possible health benefits reaped from it.

Many people consume coffee first thing in the morning in order to wake up, but others consume their coffee throughout the day. With the recent rise in CBD usage, many coffee drinkers are wondering about the effects of using CBD in combination with caffeine. Well, let’s find out!

What is CBD?

Simply put, CBD is a compound found in the cannabis plant. However, it is different than the part that contains THC. THC is the psychoactive substance in the plant. CBD does not contain any psychoactive substances, but it does contain many of the health benefits that are derived from the cannabis plant. In fact, you can get more health benefits from CBD then you can from consuming the part of the marijuana plant that contains THC.

Of course, what this means is that many people are using CBD for a variety of health reasons. CBD has been shown in studies to treat depression and anxiety and has a number of other effects as well, including treating insomnia and even potentially slowing the growth of cancer cells. There is still a lot more research the needs to be done, but there is no doubt the CBD is one of the most effective tools in natural medicine today.

Caffeine and CBD

We find caffeine in lots of our beverages. In fact, most soda brands out there contain caffeine, our coffee contains caffeine, and there are even caffeine pills the can take to keep you awake when you have a long night of studying ahead. But are you negating the results of caffeine when you take CBD? Is it the other way around? Is it dangerous to mix CBD and caffeine together? That’s exactly what we’ll be exploring here.

The first thing that you have to understand is that caffeine is an upper and CBD is a downer. CBD is known as a natural relaxant and mild stimulant. It helps you to deal with anxiety and makes you feel more relaxed. On the other hand, caffeine juices you up and get you motivated, giving you energy and wakefulness to get through the day. So how can these two work together?

Effects Of Caffeine On The Body

First, let’s talk about the effects the caffeine has on the body. Caffeine has lots of antioxidants and is a stimulant. It will help you with focusing your attention and enhancing your cognitive abilities. It will also help you stave off sleep to a certain extent. When energy is low, caffeine can definitely give you a spike for a period of time.

There have been studies that show that coffee in particular is good for heart health and has cardiovascular benefits. In addition, coffee is supposed to help with aging, cell pollution, repairing cellular damage and even giving you the ability to burn fat better.

But what really happens with caffeine is that it blocks the adenosine receptors in our brains that normally would cause us to feel sleepiness. Adenosine is a chemical that widens the blood vessels and steadies the heartbeat. We release the most adenosine late in the night and early in the morning. That’s why most people are prone to drinking coffee early in the morning because those adenosine levels are high.


Effects Of CBD on the Body

On the other hand, CBD is known for calming and relaxing the body and mind. It is a natural remedy that helps to combat stress and anxiety, and has even been shown in research studies to treat depression, anxiety and panic disorders. In addition, it can help to treat pain, insomnia and has other benefits as well. Most of the mechanism by which this works is by its anti-inflammatory properties.

However, how CBD actually works in the body is a little more complex. The cannabinoid receptors are located in the same region of the brain that the adenosine receptors are. CBD can actually lower adenosine levels which cause us to feel more relaxed and reduce anxiety. So, while caffeine actually helps to reduce adenosine levels, CBD is trying to get the body to create more adenosine.

That leads to the question whether or not these two simply cancel each other out. They definitely both have things in common. They help to reduce free radicals, get help to repair cell damage and have components that change your mood. In addition, they help to boost serotonin levels.

But according to researchers, these two work very differently. Adenosine works with the central nervous system as a sedative while CBD interacts with the adenosine receptors. Caffeine blocks the adenosine receptors and CBD tries to delay the uptake of adenosine by the neurons.

But what many do not take into consideration is that the right amount of CBD can actually act as a stimulant rather than as a depressant. There is a window of opportunity for CBD to act as a stimulant. How much exactly will be required depends upon how much caffeine you are drinking, your own body chemistry and various other factors. That means that instead of these two working as opposing forces, they actually work together to help you become more focused, more wide-awake and still has the effect of treating anxiety and depression.

So, adding CBD to your coffee may actually create a completely different effect than what you were expecting as long as you use the right does. One of those effects is the reduction of coffee jitters symptoms. Caffeine has a number of effects on the body including nausea, restlessness, insomnia, gastrointestinal issues and more. But CBD may actually combat these symptoms.


The bottom line is that you can mix CBD and caffeine if you do it correctly. At the end of that day, it will come down to trial and error. While some may not like it, others clearly do. The results may be better than you expected, but if you do it incorrectly then you are basically going to cancel each component out. Still, the window to get the right dose of CBD is quite large.

The Benefits of CBD for Endometriosis

CBD for Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition that affects between 5% and 10% of females around the world. Endometriosis is an extremely painful condition with no cure. With that said, research shows there to be potential in using CBD for Endometriosis. There are several ways that CBD can help endometriosis, and one of the top ones is how it works on pain. Whether you decide to go with this particular treatment or something else, you should at least know the potential benefits of CBD for endometriosis.

Understanding endometriosis

In order to understand why CBD is so effective against endometriosis, it is important to understand exactly what endometriosis is and how it works. This is a condition where the tissue lining the uterus grows outside of the uterus instead. Endometrial tissue develops on the ovaries throughout the abdomen and the fallopian tubes. This is not a life-threatening condition, but it is an extremely painful one. In addition, it responds to the hormones circulating in the body. Each month the endometrium breaks down and sheds, but instead of the blood and tissue from the cells being expelled from the body, they are trapped inside. This creates inflammation and scarring.

Women who suffer from endometriosis often have no choice but to manage their condition with dangerous painkillers because there is little that can be done about. There are some surgical options, but not many, and women that suffer from endometriosis also have higher rates of anxiety and depression. Some of the symptoms of endometriosis include severe cramps, painful urination, painful bowel movements, chronic diarrhea and constipation, nausea, chronic pain throughout the lower back and abdomen, pain when having sexual intercourse and more.

How can CBD help to treat endometriosis?

There are several ways the CBD can help in reducing the symptoms of endometriosis. The first reason that it is so effective is due to the ability of cannabinoids to stop cell multiplication. Your body is supposed to inhibit the growth of aberrant cells and then destroy them, but this is an ability that seems to be missing for those that suffer from endometriosis.

But the endocannabinoid system is involved with the process of stopping cell growth and destroying those aberrant cells. Research has shown the effectiveness of these in cancer treatments; activated either by the body’s own endocannabinoids or by the THC in marijuana. They keep cancer cells from multiplying. Similar research proved that activating these receptors inhibits endometrium tissue from growing.

CBD also prevents the migration of cells. One of the options when you have endometriosis is the surgical removal of the endometriosis lesions. But the problem is that they often come back. However, modern research has discovered that cannabis can help with regulating cell migration. That’s because molecules like CBD can stop those cells from migrating by blocking certain receptors. However, many experts are recommending that women who are using THC in order to prevent the cell migration would be better with CBD because THC may potentially increase cell migration at the same time which makes the effect nil.

In addition, CBD may be able to help with another aspect of treatment for endometriosis. Those endometriosis lesions are only able to grow if they develop a network of blood vessels so that they can get the required nutrients for growth. But CBD can actually prevent them from getting the nutrients that they need and therefore prevent them from growing. The research is shown that this is somewhat of a limited effect; both CBD and THC can prevent a certain amount of nutrients from getting to those lesions.

Pain relief is something that every woman with this illness needs. One of the most painful things about the illness is nerve pain. Some women have endometriosis that goes very deep into the abdominal tissue and that affects a larger number of nerves. This means that nerve pain is much more pronounced and nerve pain can be one of the most excruciating types of pain. But those endocannabinoids actually regulate nerve growth. Molecules like CBD prevent the activation of the nerve receptor. Again, researchers recommend using CBD over THC or at the very least using CBD in conjunction with THC because long-term use of THC may offer short-term pain relief but they could result in a long-term increase in pain.



CBD is also remarkably safe. One of the most commonly used anti-inflammatory medications is Advil which goes by the generic name ibuprofen. But NSAIDs like Advil work by inhibiting certain enzymes that contribute to the inflammation. But they also thing your blood and can have an effect on your gastrointestinal system. Basically, anti-inflammatories like Advil come with side effects that simply do not exist with CBD.

In addition, cannabinoids can help to soothe an overactive immune system. Your immune system goes into overdrive with endometriosis. But a large number of the body’s receptors are located in the soldier cells of your immune system. When these receptors are activated, they prevent those soldier cells from releasing inflammatory proteins which are called cytokines. People that suffer from endometriosis often become overly susceptible to inflammatory toxins. But THC in CBD activates certain receptors that contribute to anti-inflammatory properties and that can be helpful for an immune system that is causing inflammation.

Finally, cannabinoids have a major impact on pain for a couple of reasons. Not only do CBD and THC allow you to feel less pain, but THC in particular allows you to feel pleasure in place of that pain. CBD helps relieve feelings of pain through different targets than THC and CBD is capable of the sensitizing one of the main pain receptors. However, with THC you get the psychoactive effect which can be pleasurable for many people. It is up to each individual woman that suffers from endometriosis whether they want to use THC or CBD to get relief and treat their illness.


The bottom line here is that there are a lot of people out there that suffer from endometriosis. While the condition is usually not a life-threatening issue, the condition undoubtedly decreases the quality of life for those it affects. However, if you can treat endometriosis with CBD oil, then you may be able to get through life a little better.

The Benefits of CBD for Pets Scared of Loud Noises

Pets like dog and cats often gets panic attack or behaves awkwardly to loud noises. It arises a kind of instability in them and they start behaving strangely. If you want to help your furry babies to reduce anxiety try CBD. It calms down the stress and nerves that help them to be peaceful and calm. So consult a doctor before starting your doses.

CBD has a lot of different uses. In fact, we are just now beginning to see the scope of what CBD could be used for. Research is shown that CBD can treat conditions like anxiety and insomnia as well as offer pain relief when normal over-the-counter medications can do nothing. But one of the out-of-the-box ways that CBD is now being used is to relieve anxiety in pets. With that said, can you use Benefits of CBD for Pets scared of loud noises?

What is CBD?

The first thing that you have to understand is exactly what CBD is. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there about the substance, so some people get derailed before they even try it. It is true that CBD is part of the cannabis plant. The cannabis plant is marijuana, CBD in marijuana are not the same thing. The psychoactive effects of marijuana are contained in a different part of the plant in CBD has no psychoactive effects whatsoever. However, the health benefits of marijuana still extend to CBD.

CBD and anxiety

When it comes to anxiety and depression, CBD has had extremely positive results. Normally, there are pharmaceutical treatments for anxiety and depression that are quite strong and carry health risks with them. In fact, both depression and anxiety are in the top 10 contributors to disability around the world with depression being in the top spot. So there are lots of people that suffer from these conditions and most of them are being treated with strong, psychoactive drugs that may have side effects.

But CBD does not come with side effects and has been shown to be extremely effective. It is also not addictive. Since there are no psychoactive ingredients with CBD, you do not get the high that you would get from the THC in marijuana. There have been a number of studies that show that CBD is effective for anxiety including a study of 24 people with social anxiety disorder who took 600 mg of CBD before a public speaking trial. CBD’s also been shown to be effective in children, but what about your pet?

CBD and anxiety in pets

Pets suffer from anxiety just like people do. There are many different forms of anxiety that pets can suffer from. Dogs are more prone to suffer from this anxiety than cats are, but both species may experience this condition. When a dog experiences anxiety, they may become destructive and tear up items around the house.

It is unknown if they are doing this in order to get the owners attention or if he gives them some sort of release from their anxiety. If your dog is tearing up items around the house while you are gone, then it is likely the former.

Not reacting well to loud noises it is another form of anxiety that your pet may experience. This often happens with dogs, but it can happen with some cats as well. You will notice that your dog is reacting badly to loud noises such as thunder if he or she tries to find a place to hide when these noises happen. You may also notice whining or anxious behavior before the storm actually starts. Pets are able to sense an oncoming storm better than we can.

But thunder isn’t the only kind of loud noise that pets can react to. Just taking your dog for a walk and seeing him or her react badly to a car driving by, a shout from the neighborhood child or any of the other millions of noises that happen on the streets every day can be painful. We want our pets to be comfortable and happy. We do not want them to be scared of every little noise. For one thing, it shortens their lifespan and makes it more likely that they will suffer from a heart condition or some other anxiety related malady later in life.

But the main thing is that we want our pets to be able to cope with everyday noises. Both cats and dogs can you scared when you turn on the vacuum. This is a pretty common problem, and in many cases this is perfectly normal because vacuums can be really loud and high-pitched which affects pets more than humans. But what about when you turn on the blender or when your microwave goes off to tell you that food is done cooking? If your dog or cat is experiencing anxiety on these levels, then it might be time to think about treatment.

The qualities that make CBD so effective are linked to the ability of the substance to act on the brains receptors for serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and social behavior. Although humans are quite different genetically than dogs or cats, some things are the, and that includes the way that the brain works. That’s why it is not that surprising that research studies have shown that CBD oil is effective for anxiety with both humans and animals.


The bottom line is that if you have an animal that suffers from anxiety that there is a good chance that CBD can help. You can simply add CBD oil to their food where it would be mixed in and they would not even noticed taste. You can also give it to them in the form of capsules, but you will likely still have to take them apart and add them to food to get your pet to take them.

However, this is usually not a big issue and there is no doubt that CBD is effective for anxiety. You do want to start early, and not wait for a major event like a storm because it has to build up in their bodies first.

Best CBD Capsules for Dogs – (Review & Guide)

What are the best CBD capsules for dogs? Though the recommendation of CBD capsules is a bit controversial as FDA does not approve them at this point. However, various research studies claim that CBD capsules work effectively on dogs to decrease pain and anxiety without almost no side effects. Several CBD capsules are available in the market, but we summed up some of the best CBD capsules in this article.

Just like humans, our pet dogs have endocannabinoid systems. Giving our canine friends the best CBD capsules for dogs can positively affect inflammation, pain, mood, motor control, and much more.

Know all about the best CBD capsules for dogs. Let your pet thrive and enjoy the benefits of this medicinal plant that has long since been ignored by all.

Our recommendation on Best CBD Capsules for Dogs

CBD Infusionz

With zero THC content, these are amongst the best CBD capsules for dogs. These capsules offer an easy way to administer CBD to your pet. Each bottle contains 25 capsules of 10mg THC-free CBD per capsule. Made from high-quality cannabidiol, these capsules are a superb way to use CBD daily.

  • 25 Capsules x 10mg THC Free Hemp CBD
  • 250mg Capsule Bottle
  • No preservatives, Non-GMO, vegetarian, gluten-free, vegan
  • Serving Size: 1-3 capsules daily hidden in a treat or pet food.
  • cbd capsules dogSee Product

Buyers Guide

This buyer’s guide is frequently updated with the latest and best CBD capsules for dogs.

Unfortunately, even our canine friends suffer from conditions like inflammation and epilepsy. Fortunately, CBD works just as well for dogs as it does for humans. CBD works by interacting with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in our pet’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS). As part of the ECS, these endocannabinoid receptors are found in all key bodily systems. Thus, allowing cannabidiol to give your dog relief from pain and other conditions.

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How to find the best CBD capsules for dogs?

Want to improve your dog’s health with CBD? Maybe your dog is suffering from anxiety? Then you should know that not all CBD pet products are made the same. There are several factors at play. Let’s delve further.

Whether you want to use CBD for a specific reason or just for the general health benefits, the quality indicators are basically the same. With that said, additional ingredients can make one CBD product better than another CBD product for specific conditions, like dogs with anxiety.

There are many reasons to experiment before deciding on the best CBD capsules for canines. The cannabinoid compound is typically safe for pets and comes with few side effects. However, with so many products on the market, we recommend picking one specific to animals. When searching for the best CBD dog treats, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Lab results – When looking for the best capsules, you want a product that can be trusted. As such, you want to be able to have access to third-party laboratory results. These results allow consumers to see that the product can be trusted and used confidently.

Ingredients – It’s paramount to check the label of all products that we give to our pets. Some CBD products can contain THC, something you don’t want to be giving to your dog.

Price – Like with every product, you don’t want to pay over the odds for your CBD capsules. With that said, can you really put a price on a happy dog? Using the best CBD products can sometimes cost more, but it can be worth it.

Read More –

3 Amazing CBD Dog Treats for Cancer and Arthritis by experts
3 Handpicked CBD Treats for Pain and Inflammation

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2 Effective CBD Body Butter for Dry Skin

cbd body butter

CBD is rightly hitting the market queues, especially for the phenomenal anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects it has on any human’s body. CBD body butter is one such quoted example of the multipurpose use of topical CBD be it as the one that is designed to meet sensitive and dry skin requirements, or the perfect body butter for athletes to relieve all their muscle cramps and joint pains. While this CBD body butter has an unending list of benefits for your body be it in the form of a well-toned and nourishing moisturizer or one that can ail your heart-related issues.

Now all benefits of CBD body butter can be experienced from the different kinds of CBD body butter each designed for specific health issues. Now, these CBD-infused body butter is sold in various textures and flavors of topical creams thus meeting different requirements of your body’s health.

Are you keen on whether this CBD body butter can ease your body pains or any skin issues? Check out this article and glance over the 9 most effective CBD body butter, their ingredients, their benefits, and prices. You would definitely filter out the perfect one for you and your body issues.

2 Amazing CBD Body Butter To Get Rid Of Dry Skin

1. Endoca Whipped Body Butter


This is one of the most suitable CBD body butter for relieving smaller patches of dry, inflamed skin. With a concentrated solution, this product works fantastically well for tackling inflammation. The nourishing hemp salve also contains other natural ingredients like coconut oil and beeswax, perfect for reducing dryness and promoting softness.

  • 300mg/1500mg CBD
  • Made 100% of natural and organic food-grade ingredients
  • Contains CBD (cannabidiol), Coconut Oil, Beeswax, Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil, Shea Butter, Palm Oil, Cocoa Seed Butter Vanilla, Vitamin E, and Root Starch.

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2. CBDInfusionz Body Butter

products cbd body butter 500mg transparent 2

Combining orange and cinnamon spices, this is one of the most suitable CBD body butters on the market. We recommend applying this product over the whole body, just after showering. Choose from 500mg or 1000mg CBD THC-free per 4oz glass jar. More information can be found on their website.

  • 500mg/1000mg CBD
  • Contains Purified Water, Mineral Oil, Isopropyl Myristate, Cetyl Alcohol, Glycerine, Propylene Glycol, entereth-20, carbomer, Aloe Vera, Disodium EDTA, Dimethicone, Petrolatum, Beeswax, Domestic Hemp CBD, and more.

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How To Find The Perfect CBD Topical Body Butter?

Want to use CBD body butter to revitalize your skin? Then you should know that not all topical products are made the same. There are a number of factors at play, let’s delve further.


Whichever CBD product you wish to use, the quality indicators are basically the same. With that said, additional ingredients can make one CBD product better than another CBD product for specific conditions, like inflamed skin.

Before deciding on the perfect CBD body butter, we must take a number of factors into account:

Lab results – It goes without saying, but you want a product you can trust, especially in this industry. As such, you want to purchase from a CBD company that publishes third-party laboratory results for their products. These results allow consumers to see that the product can be trusted and used confidently.

Ingredients – It’s paramount to check the label of all CBD products, especially if you’re allergic to specific ingredients. Some CBD products can contain trace levels of other ingredients, like THC.

Price – Why pay more than you should? With most CBD products already being rather expensive, it’s important not to be taken for a ride! With that said, the cost can be worth it for the benefits.

Tips For Applying Topical CBD Body Butter

If you’re unfamiliar with how to effectively apply CBD body butter, follow these simple instructions:

Avoid mixing your body butter with other topical products – By applying CBD body butter to product-free skin, you can ensure that your skin absorbs the full amount of cannabidiol. Mixing your CBD topical with other products may minimize the effectiveness.

Allow time for the CBD to soak in – When using topical CBD products, you need to allow enough time for the cannabidiol to soak into the skin. As such, we recommend waiting for a few hours before washing or taking part in an activity that will make you sweat.

Massage into the skin – Make sure to massage the product into the skin so that your body can absorb as much cannabidiol as possible.

Read the packaging – Make sure to read the instructions carefully before applying the topical CBD. Following the specific product information will ensure you get the most out of your CBD topical.

Closing Thoughts

This CBD body butter recipe is used in formulating CBD moisturizers. Pain-relief lotion and roll-ons. The topical CBD products are a perfect alternative to those heavy dosage painkillers for your muscle and joint pains, You just need to apply these CBD creams on the affected areas and you feel relieved from all the pain within minutes.

You can also get CBD  moisturizers to heal your dry, patchy, and scaly skin. But again the efficiency of these CBD creams and lotions with body butter depends on how well your body reacts to this external CBD treatment. The CBD content per ml of cream is also important in healing all your muscle and joint pains.

Yes these topical CBD creams may also risk you from skin allergies if your skin is intolerant to any of its ingredients. So before purchasing any CBD body butter, read the ingredients of the cream carefully. Also even if these creams are used for external applications, share this piece of information with your doctor and take suggestions to buy the perfect fit CBD creams for yourself.

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2 Best Anti Aging CBD Serum – Buyer’s Guide

Ageing is a natural process but due to rising pollution many faces its signs on their faces before a particular age. Anti aging CBD serum work to purify your skin by curing all impurities and inflammation. It is full of antioxidants, and natural extracts that provide important nourishment. After consistent use, you can get flawless-looking skin.

Unfortunately, getting older is inevitable for all of us. The good news is that research shows topical CBD can slow down the aging process by fighting inflammation, soothing skin, and encouraging sebum production. With that said, what is the best anti aging CBD serum? Let’s find out.

Best Anti Aging CBD Serum – Review

CBDFX Serum – Rejuvediol™

With 250mg of full-spectrum CBD in each bottle, this is our best anti aging CBD face serum. Alongside the full-spectrum CBD oil, the CBDFX serum includes critical essential oils and extracts (like jojoba, red raspberry seed, and bergamot) to nourish your skin.  CBDFX recommend incorporating this serum into your daily skincare regimen by patting the CBD serum evenly across your entire face and neck after washing.

  • 250mg of full-spectrum CBD (30mL)
  • Truly vegan with no animal products or harmful ingredients like parabens or phthalates
  • Made in the USA
  • Contains: 250mg Full Spectrum Hemp oil, Orange, Vetiver, Lavender, Frankincense, Bergamot FCF, Rosella, Vitamin E, Chamomile, Rosemary, Rose, Jasmine, Argan, Jojoba, Rosehip, Tamanu, Marula, Grapeseed, Calendula, Carrot Seed, Shea Butter, and more

CBDfx CBD Hemp Face Serum Oil Cosmetic Beauty 2 1

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SAGELY Brightening Face Serum

Preserve your youthful glow with this nutrient-rich botanical formula that promotes even skin tone and deep hydration. We infused our luxe, oil-based formula with 250mg of CBD. It is also packed with brightening, hydrating and antioxidant properties from Bakuchiol Seed Oil, Sea Buckthorn Oil, Meadowfoam Seed Oil, and Squalane.

  • 29.5mL bottle containing 250mg CBD
  • Contains Carthamus Tinctorius (Safflower) Seed Oil, Squalane, Rosa Moschata Seed Oil, Cannabidiol (Broad Spectrum CBD Hemp Oil), Natural Fragrance, Hippophae Rhamnoides (Sea Buckthorn) Oil, Limnanthes Alba (Meadowfoam) Seed Oil, Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil, Ubiquinone, Bakuchiol29.5ml

SAGELy brighten

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Buyers Guide

This buyer’s guide is frequently updated with the latest and best CBD anti aging serum. If you’ve spent any amount of time researching CBD, you’ll know that the studies are showing some promising results. With that said, here’s how topical CBD can act as a useful anti aging solution:

Fights inflammation – CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that allows for reduced redness and inflammation. By mixing CBD with other helpful ingredients, like omega 3 and gamma linoleic acid, you have the perfect anti-inflammatory beauty product. Studies also show that CBD beauty products directly reduce inflammation in your sebocytes. Research shows that CBD may reduce oxidative stress, which includes topical application. Oxidative stress is the major cause of inflammation.

Soothes skin – CBD binds to receptors in the skin, called TRPV-1 receptors. By binding to these receptors, CBD helps to relieve itchy, hot, or irritated skin.

Encourages sebum production – Applying CBD topically regulates sebum (oil) production, so that your oil glands only produce the necessary amount. With the correct sebum levels, your skin stays more supple, and the look of wrinkles are minimized.

Antioxidant – CBD has powerful antioxidant properties, which help to get rid of the free-radicals that attack your collagen fibers. By using a topical CBD for anti aging, you allow the natural antioxidants to penetrate your skin.



How to find the best anti aging CBD Serum?

Thinking about using CBD to improve the quality of your skin and reduce the signs of aging? Then you should know that not all products in this booming industry are made the same. There are a number of factors at play. Let’s delve further.

Topical products containing CBD rarely come with any side effects. However, it can be tricky to know which product to purchase. When searching for the best CBD product for reducing the signs of aging, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Lab results – When looking for the best anti aging CBD oil on the market, you want a product that you can trust. As such, you want to purchase from a CBD company that publishes regular third-party laboratory results.

Ingredients – Like with all cosmetic items, it’s paramount to check the label before applying to your skin, especially if there are specific ingredients you may have a reaction to.

Price – It goes without saying that the best products can be expensive, but that doesn’t mean paying more than you should. With that said, can you really put a price on younger looking skin? Some CBD products are well worth the price tag.

2 Amazing CBD Vape Pens Everyone Should Know

There are many disposable CBD vape pens available on the market. CBD vape pens are infused with cannabinol which is good for medical purposes. When you use a vape pen, the cannabinol in it reaches the body via the lungs and starts producing a reaction within minutes. However, some CBDs contain THC. If you are allergic to THC, you should avoid using that product.

With vaping CBD shown to have many benefits, what are the most amazing disposable CBD vape pens? All products in this buyer’s guide come from reputable manufacturers that only use cannabidiol from trusted sources. Without further ado, here are our most suitable disposable CBD vape pens:

2 Incredible Disposable CBD Vape Pens

CBD Infusionz Vape Pens

cbd vape

With a massive 200mg of CBD per pen, this is our most popular disposable CBD vape pen for those who want an affordable product with a delicious flavor profile. Just like with the gummies, CBD Infusionz’s disposable vape pens come in a huge array of flavors – our favourite being the Classic Grape! These CBD vape pens are specially formulated using Colorado-grown CBD Isolate, solvent-less Tec Temper Oil, and natural flavor terpenes.

  • 200mg of CBD per pen
  • Natural, Organic, and Food Grade
  • 100% FREE of PG, VG, or MCT
  • Produced in ISO Certified Facility to ensure consistency
  • CBD Isolate from Colorado-grown hemp

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CBDFX Terpenes Vape Pens

CBDfx Terpenes Pens Group

These are our most suitable disposable CBD vape pens for those who want terpene-rich CBD. CBDFX is one of the most well-respected cannabidiol companies, and you can read lab results for every product they produce. With 50mg of CBD inside each pen, this product is perfect for those who want to try a few different flavours – We recommend their bundle 4 pack.

  • 50mg of CBD per pen
  • 3rd party lab batch reports
  • Quick absorption

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Buyers Guide

This buyer’s guide is frequently updated with the latest and most popular disposable CBD vape pens.

When cannabidiol is vaped, the compound enters your bloodstream nearly immediately (within minutes) via your lungs. When it comes to immediately feel the effects, there is no better delivery system.

CBD works by interacting with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in our body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS). As part of the ECS, these endocannabinoid receptors are found in all key bodily systems. Thus, allowing cannabidiol to provide a whole host of medical benefits to users.

How To Find The Perfect Disposable CBD Vape Pens?

Thinking about taking advantage of CBD’s benefits by using disposable vape pens? Then you should know that not all products in this industry are made to the same standards. There are a number of factors at play. Let’s begin.

Whether you want to inhale CBD vapour, ingest it orally, or use a topical CBD product, the quality indicators for each type of product are basically the same.

There are many reasons to experiment before deciding on the most suitable CBD vape pens for vaping. Vaping CBD is not known to come with any serious side effects. However, with so many products on the market, it’s important to do your product research. Here’s what you should keep in mind:

Lab results – When looking for the perfect CBD oil vape pens, you want a product that you can trust. As such, you want to purchase from a CBD company that publishes third-party laboratory results on a regular basis, like CBDFX. These results allow consumers to see that the product can be trusted and used confidently.

Ingredients – It’s paramount to check the label of your CBD vape pens, especially if you’re allergic to specific ingredients. Some CBD can contain trace levels of other ingredients, like THC.

Price – Let’s be honest, CBD products can be expensive. While some CBD products are definitely worth the price tag, you don’t want to be taken advantage of. We believe all products in this review represent great value to the consumer.

Closing Thoughts 

A team of seasoned hemp cannabis industry experts compiled this list of the top CBD vape pens. The brands on this list are producers of CBD vape pens that satisfy the highest quality requirements, as determined by a patented multi-point scale that takes into account manufacturing techniques, dose, ingredient sourcing, third-party testing, and qualitative data such as user feedback. Brands on this list have their accessible CBD vape pens rigorously evaluated in order to beat out the competition for a spot on our list.

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