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CBD for Vision Health

CBD for vision health is a bit of an enigma. So let’s clear out all the misinformation today. The human eye is a sensory organ that reacts to light, allowing people to see. Many eye conditions can lead to vision complications. Some eye problems are minor and may go away on their own or are easily treatable. However, some eye disorders and diseases are more serious and can lead to blindness. The eye is very complex and contains various tissues and structures that work together to provide vision. Many types of eye disorders and diseases can affect vision and may lead to blindness.

How does CBD affect the Eyes?

Several studies have shown that CBD does have anti-inflammatory effects on the eyes. There are several medical conditions eye doctors commonly treat that cause inflammation including these:

  • Cataracts
  • Glaucoma
  • Macular degeneration
  • Allergies
  • Meibomian gland disease

CBD can be used to protect nerves from damage and relieve neuropathic pain, possibly making it a useful choice for patients with optic neuritis, glaucoma and other types of eye disorders that are associated with the optic nerve.

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a group of related eye conditions involving damage to the retina and optic nerve that may lead to vision loss, mainly because of high fluid pressure inside of the eyes. 

CBD & Glaucoma

  • Cannabis has long been associated with relieving glaucoma symptoms. Patients suffering from it typically experience high levels of intraocular pressure (IOP). Too much extra fluid pressure damages the optic nerve and can cause vision loss and blindness.
  • CBD may protect against cell damage, but studies have indicated that the chemical has no influence on IOP levels. Other studies have shown that
    CBD actually increases IOP levels making higher risks for glaucoma and pain associated with it. When and if the pressure in the eye becomes so severe, it starts to damage the optic nerve leading to gradual loss of vision.

What does CBD do for the Eyes?

In addition to increasing IOP levels and having effects on inflammation and nerves, CBD has also been seen to affect the level of activity of both oxidants and antioxidants. Oxidants can be reactive to other cellular molecules and cause various diseases, including macular degeneration.

CBD and its antioxidant qualities can help to reduce the risk of macular degeneration. However certain antioxidants found in green leafy vegetables are used for preventing or reducing the risk of macular degeneration. CBD may also have the potential to be an antibacterial compound. Antibiotics are slowly becoming resistant to bacteria; hence the nature of CBD could possibly be an alternative way for future remedies. This would be beneficial for eye diseases that result in the growth of bacteria, including conjunctivitis etc.

Facts on causes and symptoms of CBD with relation to eyes

There is ongoing research on its effects but so far CBD does not appear to cause any problems with healthy eyes. CBD can increase the symptoms and risk for people who suffer from glaucoma. In severe cases of glaucoma, the increased pressure damages the optic nerve and leads to blindness. However, there is no proof for CBD to cause glaucoma on its own.

Out of CBD and THC, it is the THC present in cannabis that causes red and watery eyes but it does not stand the same for CBD. CBD is not a good treatment for dry and irritated eyes. Instead, eye drops are used along with other lubricating agents to treat the dryness in the eyes. So in a sense, CBD cannot improve the quality of a person’s vision. That can be achieved by external factors like glasses or lenses but at the same time taking some vitamins and antioxidants can enhance and support the overall health of the eye and hence the vision.

 When people have consumed cannabis they often experience a temporary heaviness around their eyes. The predictable image of a stoner is supposedly a chilled-out individual with bloodshot and heavy puffy eyes but as we have come to understand the positive effects of cannabis more clearly now, the world has started to challenge this stereotype.

The CBD compound from cannabis is not the cause of red eyes. In fact, CBD reacts in a subtle, non-intoxicating way. The beauty of this compound is that it essentially gets the whole body back to its optimum, enabling it to produce and regulate the flow of natural chemicals to ensure the body is at its physiological best.

Heavy eyes are most likely to be the result of ingesting marijuana that contains very little CBD but a lot of THC. THC is the intoxicating element that causes the consumers to feel high. THC also lowers blood pressure which in turn increases blood circulation to the eyes. This very effect can cause redness and sensitivity to light, which often results in the eyelids of users being more heavy than usual.

As cannabis usage causes feelings of relaxation with these intoxicating varieties it becomes all the more visible through the eyes. There are more obvious signs although the plant does not affect the appearance of the eyes directly apart from the contribution to relaxation.


CBD Vaping What You Need to Know

Let’s take a look at the question, CBD vaping what you need to know. Vaping CBD is the most effective way to take your CBD as it has the highest bioavailability compared to CBD food, drinks, or others. This is because CBD can be directly absorbed into the bloodstream via your lungs.

CBD E-liquid has been manufactured to be vaped, similar to standard vape juice, with some key differences to ensure the best vaping experience.

For the est CBD Vaping experience

The CBD is manufactured to either a 50PG/50VG (or 70PG/30VG) ratio. This means that the overall liquid is quite thin and is best vaped with a Pod Style vape device with a Sub Ohm coil at a low wattage. This is to ensure that the liquid is properly vaporised and to ensure that your coil does not burn if set at a higher temperature.

  • Ensure that you are using a vape pod kit and that your device is at a low wattage under -20W
  • Fill your tank with your CBD e-liquid and check that the coil is properly soaked. It is recommended to leave the liquid to sit for 5-10 minutes before vaping
  • Start your CBD Vaping experience by drawing the vape into your mouth first, and then inhaling it into your lungs afterwards.
  • Hold the CBD vapour in your lungs for a few seconds to allow the CBD to be fully absorbed.

How much CBD Vape can I vape?

It is always recommended to start with a few vapes at a time and see how we feel. Our CBD should be taken slowly, leaving time for the CBD to be absorbed before redosing. It is recommended to take the first dosage of CBD at home where you are free of any strenuous activities or where high concentration is required (like driving, going to work etc.)

Why is CBD used for Vaping?

There are a few different ways to get CBD into your diet, from eating drops to vaping it. Each one can be useful, and which one works for you will depend on what you want out of the CBD. At the end of the day, though, it will be down to personal preference and how it affects your body.

What does CBD vape liquid consist of?

The four ingredients a CBD e-liquid will be made up of:

  1. Vegetable Glycerine (VG) – is normally made from soybean, coconut or palm oil. VG is used in a huge variety of food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics products. 
  2. Propylene Glycol (PG) – Propylene Glycol has been the base ingredient in thousands of products for years. You can find PG in medicine, food (like ice cream) and more. 
  3. Flavouring – Normally food flavourings are used to give the e-liquid a nice taste.
  4. CBD – Vaping liquid can contain CBD isolate or broad spectrum CBD here in the UK, and should have been tested to make sure that there is no THC or any other compound in.

Vaping CBD v/s other methods of consuming CBD:

Vaping CBD rather than any other method does have a few advantages, with one of the biggest ones being that CBD e-liquids seem to be the most efficient way to take cannabidiol. 

According to the study, due to the way that CBD is being absorbed by the lungs – there are a huge number of blood vessels in the lungs – the CBD is absorbed the most as a vapour. Consuming CBD from drops or food the absorption rate is about 12%, meaning only 12% of the CBD is actually getting into your body and helping. With vapour, you can get up to 56% of the CBD!

Another benefit of vaping CBD is that gets into the blood much quicker than the other options, taking about 20-30 minutes for the vaporised CBD to start working. Compare that to other methods which can take a few hours for you to feel the effects and you can see the difference.

Eventually, it will all come down to your individual body and exactly what you are using CBD for. If you want to use CBD to help with your sleep or mental health then a slow and accurate drop system might be for you.

Potential Side Effects and Health Risks of CBD Vaping:

Some experts say that someone who regularly vapes CBD oil isn’t likely to notice its harmful effects at first. In fact, the immediate side effect of vaping CBD tends to make you feel relaxed. But over time, the damage can have a serious effect on a person’s health. A few of the health risks of regular CBD vaping are listed below.

  1. Popcorn lung
  2. Lung or heart disease
  3. Compromised immune health
  4. Death

Vaping CBD affects the lungs and heart and is linked to both lung disease and heart disease. Vaping impairs the ability of the inner lining of the blood vessels to produce a substance called nitric oxide. This inability can cause clotting and the blood vessels to constrict which can raise blood pressure levels instead of staying relaxed.


CBD For Pets Tail Wagging Benefits

Let’s take a look at CBD for pets tail wagging benefits.

What Is CBD?

Put very plainly, marijuana is a plant with two main derivates, CBD and THC. THC is the active ingredient that is associated with the feeling of a “high” while CBD on the other hand is the ingredient that offers a range of potential health benefits, without any ill effects.

Epidiolex is an FDA-approved product that contains CBD. Apart from this, there are no other approvals given to CBD by the FDA. However, there is extensive research underway on CBD and the sale, purchase and use of it has been legalized in many major states in the US and all over the World.

How Does CBD Help Pets?

The main way that CBD functions in the case of humans and animals is basically the same.

CBD is known to target the endocannabidiol system that is present in humans. This causes a generalized sense of calm and is also known to reduce pain and inflammation, along with several other health benefits.

It may surprise you to know that animals too, have an endocannibidiol system that functions pretty much the same way as humans. The effects that CBD has on their systems are also the same.

CBD For Dogs, Cats and Horses

CBD offers a host of benefits for dogs, cats and horses. Listed below are some of them:

  • CBD is known to control seizures in dogs
  • CBD is also helpful in controlling pain, especially neuropathic pain
  • CBD helps with the cardiac health of a canine
  • CBD also possesses anti-anti-inflammatory properties that can be very beneficial
  • CBD also shows anti-nausea, anti-anxiety and appetite-stimulation properties 
  • Irritable bowel syndrome in dogs has been seen to improve with the regular use of CBD

Is CBD Safe For Consumption By Pets?

CBD is generally considered safe for consumption by pets, though is is yet not approved by the FDA in the US.

Here are some points you must keep in mind when purchasing CBD for your pets, to ensure the best product:

Check for quality

You can do this by reading the ingredient list on your product, as most CBD products carry a detailed list. Ensure that your product is obtained only from organically grown hemp plants. The product should also have undergone third-party testing.

Never use human products for animals

Though the action of CBD in both humans and animals is pretty much the same, you must never make the mistake of giving your pets CBD products that are meant for human consumption. This is because they might contain substances that might harm their systems.

THC content

You must ensure that the product you have selected has the least amount of THC or preferably, no THC at all. THC might cause toxicity in some pets.

Drug interactions

CBD might cause adverse interactions if mixed with other drugs. This can be avoided if you consult with your veterinarian before beginning to use the product.

Individual Sensitivity

Since each pet is different, it is obvious that each pet will react differently to CBD. Observe your pet carefully when you begin them on CBD for any changes in their diet, overall appearance or general behaviour.

Research In Support Of CBD For Pets

  • A study conducted in 2018 investigated the use of CBD in dogs with osteoarthritis. The results showed that CBD oil reduced pain and improved mobility in the affected dogs.
  • Studies on rodents and humans have indicated that CBD may have the potential to manage neuropathic pain.
  • A study published in 2019 suggested that dogs who had been suffering from epileptic seizures for a while showed a significant reduction in seizures after they were started on CBD medication alongside traditional seizure medication.
  • A study from 2018 recorded the effect of CBD oil given to a population of dogs suffering from osteoarthritis. Eighty per cent of the dogs showed an improvement in their mobility.

Side Effects of CBD 

Though CBD is deemed safe for consumption there are innumerable studies in support of the same. It is best you know of the side effects that might arise due to its use. This will help you cope better with the symptoms if they ever arise:

  • Dry mouth
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Constipation/Diarrhea or any other gastroenterological issues that might arise
  • Inhibition of liver enzymes
  • Lethargy 

Dosage of CBD For Your Pets

More often than not, the dosage is clearly mentioned on the container. In general, 2 – 4 drops, taken 2 – 4 times a day is recommended. 

Here are a few factors you must keep in mind though:

  • The size of your pet. It is safe to alter the dose according to the size of your pet.
  • The severity of the condition for which you intend to use CBD.
  • The method of consumption of CBD, eg, CBD oil tends to work faster than a capsule since it does not have to cross the digestive tract.
  • The concentration of your product. Some products available in the market are highly concentrated and should not be used generally.


Though the research on the use of CBD for pets is limited, there is enough evidence to prove that CBD does not harm your pets, if used responsibly.

If a few drops of CBD can help calm your pet and make them feel relaxed while firecrackers are being lit, instead of sending them into a frenzy, it is definitely worth a shot. 

It is always best to check with your veterinarian before you begin to use the product for your pet and start with small doses.

Take a look at this as well:


CBD For Immune Support Separating Facts From Fiction

Let us talk in depth about CBD for immune support separating facts from fiction. We are all born with our own immune systems that help us function and live in today’s world. The basic function of the immune system is to make sure that you have some kind of defence against the everyday viruses and bacteria that tend to keep attacking you. It is basically a part of our body that activates itself immediately, as soon as our bodies are under attack.

Everyone has their own strength and immunity and no two immune systems are alike. However, a strong immune system is something that obviously equates to a healthier lifestyle, since it makes you stronger in the face of disease and does not allow you to fall prey to infections easily.

CBD and The Immune System

Phytocannabinoids are chemical substances found in cannabis and other plant-based drugs. Surprisingly, our bodies have an endocannabinoid system as well that produces its own phytocannabinoids.

The phytocannabinoids present in CBD bind to the ECS receptors present in the human body and strengthen the immune response of the body. This leads to speeding up of the following functions:





Reproduction etc.

There is still a large amount of research that needs to be conducted to prove the above statements. However, this is basically a rudimentary understanding of how CBD interacts with the immune system for the benefit of humans.

Is CBD An Immunity Booster?

COVID-19 has many authors claiming that CBD is a good shot when it comes to boosting your immunity. Sadly, there is no conclusive evidence for the same. You should remember that there are several lifestyle changes you could make to ensure that your immunity is well supported, like getting adequate rest and exercising regularly. There is still research though that needs to be conducted to be sure that CBD can be used as an immunity booster.

Is CBD An Immunosuppressant?

Research published in 2020 by James Nichols and Barbara Kaplan showed overwhelming evidence that CBD can be used as an immunosuppressant in chronic auto-immune diseases. The exact mechanism of action for this is not known.

A study conducted in 2021 supported the data presented in the above study. We can hence safely assume that CBD works as a good immunosuppressant wherein it can be used to calm the natural immune response of the body and reduce inflammation.

CBD can be used to provide relief from the following diseases:

  • Lupus
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  • Multiple sclerosis

CBD and Cytokines

Cytokines are large groups of proteins that are produced within the body. They are believed to have a direct effect on the regulation of inflammation, immunity and the production of white blood cells. CBD is thought to interact with cytokines in a positive way. This boosts the production of cytokines which in turn will cause your immune system to act effectively on the rest of your body.

It should be noted here that much of this evidence is based on studies conducted on animals. There is still much research that needs to be conducted.

Safety Considerations While Using CBD

  • Always decide on the dose based on advice from your doctor. Most packages come with clear instructions about dosage, but it is best to be sure that your doctor is in the know.
  • Check with your doctor before you begin using CBD as it may interfere with your current medications. It is best to let your doctor decide whether or not you need to start using CBD.
  • Always insist on high-quality products as they carry the least amount of risk. Look for labels that are all-natural and organic. In addition, you should ensure that the CBD products you are using do not contain allergens that might cause an anaphylactic reaction.
  • Make sure that the particular product you are using is tested by a third party. This way you can be sure that it has been tested without any bias.

Types of CBD Products You Can Opt For

There are a multitude of products in the market, that you can choose from when you begin your CBD journey. Here are some of the popular options you can consider:

  • CBD oils: They are available in dark-coloured tiny bottles that can easily be carried on the go. Most CBD oils are edible but some might be made for subcutaneous usage and you will need to rub it on your skin.
  • CBD tinctures: CBD tinctures can be placed below the tongue and usually do not need to cross the digestive tract, so they act faster than pills.
  • CBD pills: They are the most commonly available products and are also the most handy. It doesn’t take much to pop a pill, especially the kind that will make you feel better. CBD pills need to cross the entire digestive tract which makes them slightly slower in acting.

Concluding Thoughts

Though there is still research that is needed to completely quantify the effects of CBD, it is a product that is worth the hype created around this. The main reason for this is that it can definitely do no harm and is completely safe for consumption by humans.

In addition, CBD is particularly helpful to those with autoimmune diseases, especially to those who do not respond to traditional forms of medicine. CBD can provide necessary and welcome relief to such people.


The Truth About CBD Side Effects

The truth about CBD side effects. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical in the Cannabis sativa plant, also known as cannabis or hemp. Over 80 chemicals, known as cannabinoids, have been found in the Cannabis plant. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the most famous ingredient in cannabis. But CBD is obtained from hemp, a form of the Cannabis sativa plant that only contains small amounts of THC. CBD seems to have effects on some chemicals in the brain, but these are different from the effects of THC.

A prescription form of CBD is used for seizure disorder (epilepsy). CBD is also used for anxiety, pain, a muscle disorder called dystonia, Parkinson’s disease, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.

Common CBD Side Effects:

The specific side effects and their severity vary from one person to the next and from one type of CBD to another. Potential side effects of CBD include decreases in alertness (e.g., drowsiness and sedation), fatigue, changes in mood (e.g., irritability and agitation), decreased appetite, gastrointestinal symptoms/distress (e.g., diarrhoea), and changes in liver enzymes, dry mouth, nausea and interaction with other medications. CBD may also produce psychotic effects or cognitive impairment in individuals who regularly use delta-9 THC products like marijuana.

A few of these side effects are outlined in greater detail below:-

  • Drowsiness

Drowsiness and sedation are among the most common CBD side effects. This is also considered a benefit for some people, but it is also noted that the effects might be too strong if CBD is being taken with other sedating medications.

  • Gastrointestinal Issues

Stomach upset or other gastrointestinal problems are another common side effect of CBD and CBD-derived products. Some people may get diarrhoea or liver problems when using CBD. This totally depends on the individual and their medical history, so monitoring becomes an important part.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned that CBD may cause liver damage. In clinical trials, Epidiolex, a CBD-derived prescription medication used to treat seizures, was linked to an increased risk for high liver enzymes, a sign of liver damage.

  • Dry Mouth

Also known as ‘cotton mouth’, CBD can potentially cause your mouth and eyes to feel very dry. Although this side effect is more likely to occur with THC, it can happen with CBD as well.

Dry mouth is a common side effect of different medications and substances. The exact reasons why CBD causes this effect are not fully understood yet, but some research suggests that CBD’s impact on the endocannabinoid system might affect how saliva is produced.

  • Can Interact With Other Medications

CBD might interfere with the other medications you take. While research on CBD and drug interactions is ongoing, it has been found to interact with antidepressants, opioid pain relievers, anti-epileptic drugs, alcohol, and acetaminophen. CBD may increase drowsiness when taken with other sedating medicines or herbal products.

CBD may interact with some commonly prescribed medications including warfarin, lithium, sertraline, tramadol, codeine, captopril, valproic acid and carbamazepine (both anti-seizure medications). Fatty foods may increase the absorption of CBD.

  • Nausea

In some cases, those who ingest CBD supplements might experience nausea. This depends again on how sensitive the person is to CBD, as well as the amount they ingest into their system.

Because CBD supplements come in so many different forms—such as oils, gummies, tinctures, and vapours—the amount that’s actually absorbed can vary drastically. This, combined with each person, will ultimately affect which (if any) CBD side effects a person might experience.

Severe CBD Side Effects:

In addition, CBD use has been associated with adverse events such as liver injury, interactions with other drugs, injuries following periods of sedation or drowsiness, and male reproductive harm. 

Factors influencing the likelihood of CBD-associated adverse events and/or side effects include the strength and purity of the product, the amount used, mode of administration, concurrent substance use and misuse (such as legal and illegal drugs and alcohol), and interactions with prescribed drugs or other medications.

Severe side effects have been noted in people with treatment-resistant epilepsy (ongoing seizures despite multiple medications). These include:

  • Status epileptics (a life-threatening medical emergency where a seizure lasts longer than five minutes)
  • Pneumonia (infection of the air sacs in the lungs)

Severe other side effects of THC, particularly at doses above 2.4 milligrams, can be quite severe and include:

  • Anxiety
  • Impaired cognition (lowered IQ scores and memory loss)
  • Psychosis (including suspiciousness, emotional withdrawal, and hallucinations)

Adolescent users are at an increased risk of psychological disorders from THC. These psychological disorders include an increased risk of psychosis and schizophrenia.

Unreliable dosage and purity

A significant safety concern with CBD is that it is primarily marketed and sold as a supplement and not as a medication. CBD products that are not FDA-approved do not have to meet any standards for content or potency. Thus, these products may contain more or less CBD than stated on the label and, more concerning, biological and chemical contaminants due to unsafe manufacturing practices without adequate process controls. There are also concerns around product formulations, purity and dosage, unintentional product exposure to children and pets, and potential adverse events, such as vomiting, hallucinations, and loss of consciousness. Also, the most effective therapeutic dose of CBD for any particular medical condition remains unknown.

Look at some more information on CBD:

CBD Isolate Vs Full Spectrum How Does It Work

Whether you’re a beginner or a veteran with CBD, you’re sure to have thought of this, CBD isolate Vs full spectrum how does it work. Let’s take a sneak peek into some information on that thought.

What is CBD isolate?

CBD isolate is pure CBD that contains no THC. Manufacturers make CBD isolate by extracting all substances and compounds from the cannabis plant, leaving pure CBD behind. What’s left behind is a pure crystalline substance that doesn’t contain THC, terpenes, flavonoids, or other cannabis plant compounds.

CBD isolate is exactly what its name implies: the purest form of cannabidiol (CBD). The process to obtain CBD isolate follows the same route as full-spectrum CBD, with the addition of some extra steps in order to isolate CBD from the rest of the hemp plant extracts. Once the extract is activated after decarboxylation has taken place, it then goes through a type of distillation. The specific method used may vary, but CBD distillation is not much different from the process used for alcohol. What remains after distillation is a white powder that’s typically made out of at least 99% CBD—with the remaining 1% being traces of plant matter that could not be removed. The final product of these processes can be bought in crystal form, or used by manufacturers to create tinctures, vape juice, and a wide variety of CBD isolate-based products.

What is full-spectrum CBD?

While CBD isolate contains no additional cannabis plant compounds, full-spectrum CBD contains all the naturally occurring cannabis plant compounds, including CBD, THC, terpenes, and flavonoids.

But unlike cannabis, full-spectrum CBD contains only trace amounts of THC (less than 0.3%), which isn’t enough to produce psychoactive effects. Full spectrum refers to a CBD-rich product that contains the full profile of organic compounds (cannabinoids, terpenes, etc.) that can be found in the hemp plant. 


The entourage effect theory suggests that taking CBD and THC together, along with terpenes, may be more effective than taking either cannabinoid alone. That’s why some people prefer to use full-spectrum CBD.

The entourage effect

While a 2015 study reports show that CBD can be beneficial on its own, another one from 2017 suggests that CBD’s therapeutic effects are stronger when combined with other cannabis compounds, including terpenes, flavonoids, and lesser-known cannabinoids. This theory is called the entourage effect.

Broad-spectrum CBD does include other compounds, but the THC found only in full-spectrum products may increase the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving benefits of CBD. The same review also concludes that CBD may help lessen unwanted THC effects, like hunger, anxiety, and sedation.

What are the pros and cons of CBD isolate?

Like full-spectrum CBD, CBD isolate comes with its own pros and cons.

Full-spectrum CBD contains small amounts of other cannabis compounds, like flavonoids and terpenes. It also contains a small amount of THC. CBD isolate, on the other hand, contains CBD only. While the entourage effect suggests that full-spectrum products may work best, CBD isolate may still produce beneficial effects.

If you’re looking for a health boost from CBD but want to skip the THC effects, broad-spectrum is probably your best bet. If you don’t mind THC and want to potentially get more benefits out of your CBD product, full-spectrum is probably the way to go. You may prefer to use both CBD isolate and full-spectrum CBD. For example, low doses of CBD isolate during the day for its stimulating and anti-anxiety (anxiolytic) effects and myrcene-rich, full-spectrum CBD at night for its more sedative effects.

Potential health benefits: CBD isolate has been shown to potentially help with a variety of health issues, including anxiety, depression, pain, inflammation, and seizures. Safe: CBD isolate is considered safe and non-toxic, with no known serious side effects.

If you’re interested in the potential therapeutic benefits of the entourage effect, full-spectrum CBD may be the best choice for you. However, if you’re sensitive to THC or just want to avoid it, you might want to try broad-spectrum CBD. That way, you’ll still get some benefits of the entourage effect but with no THC.

Full-spectrum CBD benefits:

Because full-spectrum CBD contains all cannabis plant compounds, it may have a more potent effect than pure CBD. Research reports suggest that CBD’s health benefits may be more prominent when multiple compounds from the cannabis plant are present. This is what researchers call the ‘entourage effect.’

Full-spectrum CBD products contain some THC, but usually in low quantities of less than 0.3% trusted source. However, during the manufacturing process, THC levels can rise as the CBD converts into a concentrate. People should do their research and look up independent test results before purchasing a CBD product.

With a range of reported health benefits, uses for full-spectrum CBD include the following: anti-seizure, muscle spasm relief, antianxiety, pain relief, treatment for psychotic disorders, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Is CBD isolate right for you?

CBD isolate may be right for you because:

  • It is a flavourless, odourless product 
  • It avoids THC altogether
  • It allows one to take large doses of CBD
  • It helps if one has to undergo drug testing

Is full-spectrum CBD right for you?

    Full-spectrum CBD may be the right choice because of:

  • The benefits of the entourage effect
  •  An earthy flavour profile
  •  A less refined product

CBD isolate has to go through a lot more refining than full-spectrum THC.

Take a look at some other content we have to offer:

CBD For Focus And Concentration

CBD for focus and concentration might come across as a myth, but there are hard facts to back this statement and we are going to look at some of those. CBD is a Nootropic and seeing how nootropics are used to enhance mental function it is believed that CBD is a nootropic. While CBD does not offer intoxicating mind-altering psychoactive effects, it does offer many properties that have been found to offer various potential benefits that could result in improved mental function. 

Talking about ‘Focus’:

Focus is defined as directed attention, as well as concentrated attention or effort. Basically, this means you’re pointing your brain at something like a task or problem and asking it to think only about that one thing. And your brain actually likes this kind of work. In fact, some research suggests that the more you concentrate, the better shielded you are from distractions. So, the more focused you are, the less likely you are to fall off track.

 How Does CBD Help With Focusing?

CBD works by interacting with the receptors in your endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for many things, including mood regulation, cognitive functioning, and metabolism.

In terms of CBD for focus, CBD’s main targets are CB1 and CB2 receptors that specialize in regulating neurotransmitter function, reducing anxiety, and promoting calmness. By interacting with those receptors and causing some alterations, CBD may allow you to focus better and achieve enhanced mental clarity.

A report published by the National Institutes of Health in 2018 indicated that CBD can support mental health and sharpness in several ways. The report showed that CBD supplements may promote new neuron growth in the brain, which likely explains why CBD can support occasional anxiety, sadness, and focus.

 Benefits of CBD for Focus:

Here are some of the top benefits that consumers might expect when incorporating CBD into their routine. 

 1. Anxiety Relief

At one point or another, we’ve probably experienced being too nervous to think or do anything at all. For example: sitting agitated, fiddling with hands or moving legs up and down. 

CBD has shown some promise in reducing anxiety brought on by different factors, including social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, or even stress. By offering relief from anxiety and decreasing your stress levels, CBD silences your mind and allows you to focus on the present moment or task at hand. 

2. Enhanced Cognitive Function

Besides relieving anxiety, CBD may also offer enhanced cognitive function that will improve mental clarity. A few studies have found that CBD can improve memory processing, among other mental processes, which could give a much-needed mental boost. 

By experiencing better cognitive functioning, it becomes easier to go about your daily life without dealing with issues like brain fog, burning out doing simple tasks, and otherwise being impacted by lower cognitive performance.

 3. Improved Energy Levels

Have you ever gotten enough sleep, only to still wake up feeling tired the next day? This is often caused by poor sleep quality, which can happen when you sleep late, experience sleep disturbances, or suffer from sleep disorders. 

The body uses sleep to restore it. If you don’t get adequate, quality sleep, your body won’t be able to recover and function properly. Now, when CBD enters the picture, CBD works by potentially calming your nerves and allowing you to enjoy a more restful, quality sleep – and this will contribute to improved energy levels!  

Why and how can a cannabinoid like CBD have any kind of impact on the brain at all? 

It’s because of your body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system is connected to your central nervous system and your peripheral nervous system. So the essential takeaways there are the brain and nerves! Cannabinoids mimic natural molecules your body produces, called endocannabinoids, and so they’re able to attach to special receptors that make up part of your ECS.

It is like CBD having a conversation with your body, but it’s using those special receptors to make it happen. In this way, CBD can work within your ECS, which plays a significant role in maintaining your physical and mental health by regulating functions such as mood, memory, stress, sleep, appetite and more. Without this system, your body would not be in a state of homeostasis, maintaining a stable internal environment despite fluctuations in the external environment. As a result, there is no focus or concentration. 

The Relationship between Sleep and Mental Clarity

Anything less than quality sleep can greatly impair your cognitive function and your ability to focus on even simple tasks.

 Lack of sleep affects mental clarity in several ways:

  • Leads to lower alertness and concentration.
  • Makes it more difficult to focus or pay attention.
  • Logical reasoning and complex thought become more difficult.
  • Impairs judgment.
  • Impairs memory and the formation of memories.

As important as sleep is to the proper function of our body and mind, getting the appropriate amount of sleep and sleeping well are both important to avoid cognitive impairment. Because CBD helps us to maintain a healthy sleep rhythm, especially when paired with melatonin and other supportive efforts, it is a contender for helping support both your sleep and subsequently your mental performance and focus. It also works by indirect means by improving the way we sleep and how we process the daily stress in our lives, and by affecting how we interpret stimuli. Improving focus by using CBD, therefore, is an indirect path to improved cognitive function, which may be more the result of simply reducing stress reactions and getting better sleep. 

The Science behind CBD How does it work

The science behind CBD how does it work is something that has baffled many. Though it is not easy to find information on the same, we have tried our best to present the facts to you.

How CBD (and CBD oil) works:

While cannabidiol is a cannabinoid, it doesn’t bond directly with either of the cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2). Scientists believe that CBD actually works in your body by slowing down the breakdown of endocannabinoids that already exist within your body. By slowing the breakdown, your body is able to use them more readily and more efficiently. With greater efficiency in your systems, your body has the ability to reduce inflammation in your immune system and nervous system. On top of helping to modulate cannabinoid receptors, CBD also impacts the:

  • Dopamine receptors – regulating mood and potential addiction
  • Opioid receptors – regulating pain
  • Serotonin receptors – regulating mood, anxiety and possibly addiction
  • These receptors help in regulating different bodily functions and responses. 

CBD also works to positively regulate a key endocannabinoid called anandamide, better known as “the bliss molecule.” Anandamide’s many health benefits include:


In one study, participants with social anxiety disorder who were given a one-time dosage of 600mg one hour before speaking publicly had reduced self-reported anxiety compared to a control group. These anxiety-mitigating effects were replicated in a separate study of healthy subjects who were given a 300mg dose. It seems that these results show that CBD reduced anxiety when taken one hour before an anxiety-inducing event, and a compilation of case reports found that nearly 80% of patients given CBD for anxiety saw reductions in one month


One study found that CBD may have seemed to have reduced nightmares and sleep disturbances in those with PTSD.

Some human trials suggest that CBD reduces PTSD symptoms, although some include THC, the main mind-altering element in cannabis. When THC and CBD work together, they create what’s called an ‘entourage effect’, complimenting each other’s benefits and potency.


Alternative therapies for pain management are of particular interest given the highly addictive nature of modern pain medication. Early, small-scale studies suggest that, while CBD is not effective for the management of acute, short-term pain, it may play a role in chronic, long-term pain. The results showed that CBD improved the quality of life in some participants, reduced or eliminated opioid use in some participants, and significantly improved sleep quality in the group after just eight weeks. Some studies also have indicated CBD is effective in treating chronic, non-cancer pain. Results have shown a significant reduction in intense, sharp pains and cold, itchy sensations.


CBD likely has a dose-dependent effect on sleep—it appears that low doses are stimulating and keep you awake, but larger doses have a sedating effect and can improve sleep time and wakefulness during the night. 


Physiologically, it would make sense that CBD could play a role in lowering inflammation levels due to its interaction with the ECS. In cellular and animal studies, CBD has displayed antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. 


CBD can help lower cravings from tobacco and heroin under certain conditions, according to some research in humans. Animal models of addiction suggest it may also help lessen cravings for alcohol, cannabis, opiates and stimulants.

In one such study, researchers administered CBD to people with heroin use disorder. Over a period of one week, CBD significantly reduced heroin user’s cravings, withdrawal anxiety, resting heart rate and salivary cortisol levels.

Alleviate ALS Symptoms

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a disease that causes nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord to deteriorate, resulting in loss of muscle control that worsens with time. Research suggests people with ALS can benefit from the entourage effect. Those with mild, moderate or severe spasticity (muscle tightness and stiffness) due to ALS reported high levels of satisfaction with the treatment. 

Ease Diabetic Complications

Tests on human cells found that CBD helps reduce the effects of high glucose levels on other cells in the body, which typically precedes the development of diabetes and various complications.

In a small study with thirteen patients of type two diabetes who weren’t on insulin but were given both CBD and a placebo. The researchers found that CBD helped in decreasing their levels of resistin (which causes resistance to insulin), the protein that regulates sugar levels and increased their levels of glucose-dependent insulin tropic peptide compared to their baselines before the test started. These results suggest CBD could be a natural treatment for diabetes by helping the body to regulate insulin-related hormone levels.

Protection against neurological disease

Some clinical studies show that CBD has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers have found these characteristics to provide significant neuroprotection and other related disorders. Severe studies suggest CBD can produce beneficial effects against Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis.

Inhabit Arthritis Symptoms

Arthritis involves the deterioration of the tissues in and around your joints. There are various types of arthritis and the symptoms include pain, stiffness and loss of motion. Some studies promoted significant improvements in the quality of sleep, pain during movement and pain at rest in patients. Hence CBD was found to have a pain-relieving effect, as well as the ability to suppress disease activity.

Epilepsy syndrome

CBD has been known for a wide variety of health issues, but the strongest scientific evidence is for its effectiveness in treating some of the cruel most childhood epilepsy syndromes which typically don’t respond to anti-seizure medications. In numerous studies, CBD has been able to reduce the number of seizures, and in some stop them completely. 

Look at some more information on CBD

health benefits of CBD oil

what can CBD do for you


CBD and Mental Health Myths and Facts

Let’s clear up some CBD and mental health myths and facts. With rapidly rising awareness in the field of mental health and innumerable people raising their voices to let their experiences of struggle with this demon be heard, it is obvious that drugs and medicines that can help alleviate the symptoms are in great demand.

How CBD Is Better Than THC

For centuries, CBD was given the side eye by various scientists and researchers as it was hidden under the shadow of the intoxicating ingredient THC. Most researchers did not consider it to be of any value as it was usually extracted along with THC from the hemp or marijuana plants that gave their consumers the typical “high”.

Only recently have scientists been able to extract CBD separately and this has completely changed the name of the game. THC can induce a sense of calm, relieve pain and improve mood. All of the aforementioned benefits can be achieved without any form of impairment or anxiety that is often associated with THC use.

CBD And Anxiety

CBD is directly related to the action of the endocannabinoid system present in the human body. As such it is able to calm the overall response of the human body.

Promising research has been conducted in the fields of social anxiety and PTSD. A study, conducted in the year 2020 included a group of persons with mid-level social anxiety and asked the participants to give a short speech in front of an audience. The group was divided into two. One group was given a capsule made from CBD derivatives while the other group was given a placebo. The individuals who received the CBD capsule showed reduced symptoms in comparison to the control group.

In another trial, published in The Permanent Journal in 2019, daily doses of CBD were given to 47 adults with anxiety. The trial lasted 3 months and all adults showed rapidly decreasing symptoms. The effects lasted during the entire three-month period.

CBD And Addiction

CBD is known to reduce drug-seeking behaviour. This is because it can effectively deal with anxiety and raised levels of consciousness.

In a clinical trial published by Herd in the year 2019, the stress hormone cortisol was significantly reduced in persons who were long-term users of heroin. 

CBD is believed to reduce cravings which are one of the key problems faced by persons on their journey to de-addiction. Cravings are a result of increased visual cues. Even minor things associated with the drug can cause a relapse in the person. CBD is thought to target exactly this issue which is hopeful and promising to those struggling with the condition. There is still some research needed to further prove these claims though.

CBD And Depression

This is an onion field of research as not too many studies have been conducted on humans. 

The Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy published in 2019 strongly suggested the anti-depressant-like effects of CBD that were observed among a few animals.

A review conducted in 2019 also suggests an increase in brain-derived neurotropic factors. Low levels of BDNF are strongly related to a decrease in depression.

Myths About CBD That Need To Be Busted

  1. CBD lacks scientific evidence

Epidiolex is a plant-based cannabis medication that is used in the treatment of seizures and other rare diseases. This is a huge step in the right direction as it opens channels for more research as such to be conducted. In fact, there are a few hundred researches underway right now related to CBD, the World over.

2. CBD is a narcotic

After several scientific researches, it has finally been proved that CBD does not contain any narcotic substances. In fact, it is THC that contains harmful narcotics, and CBD is completely free of this compound.

3. CBD is a marketing strategy

The boom of CBD was rapid and intense. This chemical was suddenly discovered that had most of the positives of marijuana without THC so there was no high that might be caused. Due to this CBD has become a part of many wellness as well as beauty products. Some clients feel that its presence sometimes is unnecessary. Though there might be some truth in this statement, it can in no way disregard the effects of CBD.

Is CBD legal?

It’s been a while since the US approved CBD for open sale. This obviously means that the purchase, use or sale of CBD cannot put you into any kind of trouble. 

Not only is it completely legal but it is also helpful, especially in tough situations where traditional medicine cannot provide much relief.

There is even better news, as there are many countries around the World that are following in the wake of the United States.


The question of whether or not CBD is helpful for mental health is one that has been much debated. After many trials, most of which have included persons who suffer from severe forms of mental diseases like end-stage Alzheimer’s and dementia, it is only obvious that CBD can provide a safe outlet of relief.

CBD should however not be confused with traditional medicine which can actually, in certain cases reduce the disease. CBD can only provide periods of relaxation or calmness for those who suffer from mental health issues without causing any kinds of further ill effects.

Here is something more for you to glance at:

Does CBD products help you with anxiety

CBD Tinctures How to Use and Why

Let’s answer the question CBD tinctures how to use and why. CBD has been providing relief and help to people since the early 80’s. It is only in recent times however that the substance has got its due regard. We are still a long way away from CBD being a popular household name, but increasing research in the field is indicative of its spectacular growth.

With a variety of products and forms of CBD that one can choose from it might get a little confusing. However, it is always best to choose a product that is suitable to your particular needs. Eg. if you need something that you can carry around in your pocket and require it to work quickly, a CBD pill would be your best bet.

However, if you are willing to play around a little and experiment with the different products, tinctures, oils and lotions could be a good way to go as well.

CBD Tincture vs. Oil

The traditional meaning of the word tincture is a highly potent liquid that can be placed under the tongue and has an immediate effect. 

In the case of CBD, most tinctures are prepared by soaking the flowers of buds of the hemp plant in alcohol, a mixture of alcohol and water or plant-based oil. 

This results in a highly potent product that should be used only a few drops at a time as it has an immediate effect.

These tinctures are usually sold in glass bottles so they do not react with direct sunlight as that may alter the composition of the product.

The Use of CBD Tinctures

CBD tinctures need to be placed below the tongue for a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes. This ensures that they enter the bloodstream directly through the blood in the mouth. 

Often, people tend to swallow the tincture. This can actually cause a delay in the time it takes for CBD to take effect. This is because CBD has to travel through the whole digestive tract and wait to be absorbed into the gastric juices to take action.

Dosage For CBD Tinctures

The dosage for CBD is a matter of relative subjectivity. CBD is not under the regulation of the FDA hence, there is no recommended dosage.

Most studies suggest a dosage of 2.5 – 5 mg is the best to start with. It is always recommended to wait and observe the results of CBD if you are a beginner.

In addition, your dosage will depend on the specific purpose you are using CBD for. For instance, someone suffering from pain caused by end-stage cancer would obviously require a higher dosage of CBD in comparison to someone using CBD for relaxation.

Most tinctures come with droppers that have clear indications on them. Make sure that you can practice filling the dropper correctly as this might require proper control. It is a good idea to practice something more neutral like oil or water.

Your medical practitioner would be the best person to advise you on the dosage that would be optimum for you.

A systematic review conducted in the year 2019, has been published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. Almost three dozen studies were reviewed, where CBD was used for different causes, like epilepsy and anxiety. The dosage of CBD used was different in each case as well. Most of the studies that recorded positive outcomes, were the ones that included a higher dose of CBD.

The Uses of CBD Tinctures

There is limited research on the benefits of using CBD tinctures. However, this does not mean that it is ineffective. In fact, CBD has been named the drug of choice for several end-stage conditions, like cancer.

Listed below are a few conditions that can be positively affected by the regular use of CBD:

  • Epilepsy
  • Inflammation
  • Arthritis
  • Insomnia
  • Migraines
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Anxiety
  • Generalised pain
  • Seizures
  • End-stage cancer

A survey conducted in 2018 portrayed that 62% of people use CBD to help them with certain medical conditions.

Epidioloex is a CBD-containing product that is recommended for use in rare cases of epilepsy and is especially beneficial to children.

Types Of Tinctures Available In The Market

Most CBD products available in the market fall under one of the three categories:

  • Full spectrum CBD

Full spectrum products contain all the components of hemp plants. There is also THC present in these products.

  • Broad spectrum CBD

Broad spectrum CBD products are the ones that contain all the products of CBD excluding THC.

  • CBD isolates

These products contain only CBD and the purest form of the compound.

Are CBD Tinctures Safe?

Since CBD and its related products have been legalised in the US, there has been a boom in the market for the product. 

So long as you are consuming a high-quality product that has clear information regarding the products it is extracted from, there should be no problems.

It is worth mentioning here that CBD in high doses may interact with other medications. If such is the case, it is best to consult with a doctor before you begin consumption.


CBD tinctures are fast-acting and convenient. They are your best bet if you are dealing with conditions like anxiety or epilepsy where traditional medicine usually fails.

Products that carry a certificate of analysis are usually best to purchase as they are tested by a third party and deemed safest for consumption.