
The Science behind CBD How does it work

HomeEducationThe Science behind CBD How does it work

The science behind CBD how does it work is something that has baffled many. Though it is not easy to find information on the same, we have tried our best to present the facts to you.

How CBD (and CBD oil) works:

While cannabidiol is a cannabinoid, it doesn’t bond directly with either of the cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2). Scientists believe that CBD actually works in your body by slowing down the breakdown of endocannabinoids that already exist within your body. By slowing the breakdown, your body is able to use them more readily and more efficiently. With greater efficiency in your systems, your body has the ability to reduce inflammation in your immune system and nervous system. On top of helping to modulate cannabinoid receptors, CBD also impacts the:

  • Dopamine receptors – regulating mood and potential addiction
  • Opioid receptors – regulating pain
  • Serotonin receptors – regulating mood, anxiety and possibly addiction
  • These receptors help in regulating different bodily functions and responses. 

CBD also works to positively regulate a key endocannabinoid called anandamide, better known as “the bliss molecule.” Anandamide’s many health benefits include:


In one study, participants with social anxiety disorder who were given a one-time dosage of 600mg one hour before speaking publicly had reduced self-reported anxiety compared to a control group. These anxiety-mitigating effects were replicated in a separate study of healthy subjects who were given a 300mg dose. It seems that these results show that CBD reduced anxiety when taken one hour before an anxiety-inducing event, and a compilation of case reports found that nearly 80% of patients given CBD for anxiety saw reductions in one month


One study found that CBD may have seemed to have reduced nightmares and sleep disturbances in those with PTSD.

Some human trials suggest that CBD reduces PTSD symptoms, although some include THC, the main mind-altering element in cannabis. When THC and CBD work together, they create what’s called an ‘entourage effect’, complimenting each other’s benefits and potency.


Alternative therapies for pain management are of particular interest given the highly addictive nature of modern pain medication. Early, small-scale studies suggest that, while CBD is not effective for the management of acute, short-term pain, it may play a role in chronic, long-term pain. The results showed that CBD improved the quality of life in some participants, reduced or eliminated opioid use in some participants, and significantly improved sleep quality in the group after just eight weeks. Some studies also have indicated CBD is effective in treating chronic, non-cancer pain. Results have shown a significant reduction in intense, sharp pains and cold, itchy sensations.


CBD likely has a dose-dependent effect on sleep—it appears that low doses are stimulating and keep you awake, but larger doses have a sedating effect and can improve sleep time and wakefulness during the night. 


Physiologically, it would make sense that CBD could play a role in lowering inflammation levels due to its interaction with the ECS. In cellular and animal studies, CBD has displayed antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. 


CBD can help lower cravings from tobacco and heroin under certain conditions, according to some research in humans. Animal models of addiction suggest it may also help lessen cravings for alcohol, cannabis, opiates and stimulants.

In one such study, researchers administered CBD to people with heroin use disorder. Over a period of one week, CBD significantly reduced heroin user’s cravings, withdrawal anxiety, resting heart rate and salivary cortisol levels.

Alleviate ALS Symptoms

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a disease that causes nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord to deteriorate, resulting in loss of muscle control that worsens with time. Research suggests people with ALS can benefit from the entourage effect. Those with mild, moderate or severe spasticity (muscle tightness and stiffness) due to ALS reported high levels of satisfaction with the treatment. 

Ease Diabetic Complications

Tests on human cells found that CBD helps reduce the effects of high glucose levels on other cells in the body, which typically precedes the development of diabetes and various complications.

In a small study with thirteen patients of type two diabetes who weren’t on insulin but were given both CBD and a placebo. The researchers found that CBD helped in decreasing their levels of resistin (which causes resistance to insulin), the protein that regulates sugar levels and increased their levels of glucose-dependent insulin tropic peptide compared to their baselines before the test started. These results suggest CBD could be a natural treatment for diabetes by helping the body to regulate insulin-related hormone levels.

Protection against neurological disease

Some clinical studies show that CBD has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers have found these characteristics to provide significant neuroprotection and other related disorders. Severe studies suggest CBD can produce beneficial effects against Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis.

Inhabit Arthritis Symptoms

Arthritis involves the deterioration of the tissues in and around your joints. There are various types of arthritis and the symptoms include pain, stiffness and loss of motion. Some studies promoted significant improvements in the quality of sleep, pain during movement and pain at rest in patients. Hence CBD was found to have a pain-relieving effect, as well as the ability to suppress disease activity.

Epilepsy syndrome

CBD has been known for a wide variety of health issues, but the strongest scientific evidence is for its effectiveness in treating some of the cruel most childhood epilepsy syndromes which typically don’t respond to anti-seizure medications. In numerous studies, CBD has been able to reduce the number of seizures, and in some stop them completely. 

Look at some more information on CBD

health benefits of CBD oil

what can CBD do for you



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