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CBD for Menstrual Cramps – 4 Amazing Benefits!

Using CBD to get away with the pain of menstrual cramps is a great thing. Women feel enormous pain, and uneasiness during those days and it can affect their mood severely. CBD is cannabinol which is associated with pain relief properties. Using CBD for period cramps can ease the pain associated with women. However, CBD does not make you high like THC.

Research suggests that using CBD for Menstrual cramps can be an easy way to bear the uneasiness in those cranky days. Most women are well aware of the problems they face every 28 days or so when good old aunt flow (her period) decided to show herself. Thanks to mother nature a woman’s period is one thing in life they just can’t avoid. Aunt Flo comes, with mood swings, crippling stomach cramps, and generally just an unwell low feeling. As a woman’s period is a natural part of her being, we decided wouldn’t it be more fitting to approach a more natural way of easing its symptoms? Clever right?.

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Using CBD for Menstrual Cramps

As talking about our bodies is still, even today in the 21st century, a taboo topic, we’ve decided to take the embarrassment out of the equation and cover all aspects regarding the benefits of treating menstrual discomfort naturally with CBD.

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What is CBD?

CBD (also known as Cannabidiol) is a natural compound found in cannabis. Cannabis contains 113 different cannabinoids; the most used ones are THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD. CBD and THC consist of almost exactly the same formula, however, CBD won’t make you high or alter your state of mind as it contains no psychoactive ingredients whereas THC does.

CBD is a natural substance derived from hemp plants and research has proven that this natural substance has many MANY health benefits, including helping with menstrual discomfort

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Health Benefits of Using CBD for Menstrual Cramps

CBD oil has been proven to treat a whole host of conditions from chronic pain, anxiety, and depression to childhood epilepsy.

According to Harvard Medical School Publications:

“A study from the European Journal of Pain showed, using an animal model, CBD applied on the skin could help lower pain and inflammation due to arthritis. Another study demonstrated the mechanism by which CBD inhibits inflammatory and neuropathic pain, two of the most difficult types of chronic pain to treat”.

So as you can see natural oil can help you in more ways than just to ease discomfort during your menstrual cycle, anyway, let’s get back to that… let’s take a look at how CBD can really help you when it comes to “that” time of the month.

cbd for menstrual crampsFour ways in which CBD oil will help banish your monthly cramps, discomfort and enhance your mood.

Is CBD good for menstrual cramps?

  1. Prevent mood swings – We’re sorry to say it ladies, and perhaps a little scared too, but during PMS your moods are all over the place. This mood change is caused by a hormonal imbalance that occurs during PMS, this is where CBD can help you, and us, be happier and more settled during your period. Your endocrine system is what causes this mood fluctuation, this is the part of your body that regulates your hormone production CBD works to calm the Endocrine system when it starts to overreact to your body’s natural monthly cycle. By calming this system you get a less stressful, happier, and calmer feeling.
  2. Reduce stomach and breast tenderness – CBD has amazing anti-inflammatory properties, making it perfect for treating inflammation and tenderness in your back stomach, and breasts during your period. CBD is designed to regulate pain perception, making it a far better natural pain relief option during your period.
  3. Helps to lower anxiety and stress levels – As discussed previously CBD helps the body to manage mood fluctuations, it also slows the breakdown of Anandamide often known as the “bliss molecule”, which pretty much speaks for itself, you will find yourself less stressed and untroubled when it comes to other PMS symptoms also.
  4. Crippling stomach cramps and bloating – Amongst its other benefits, CBD also helps improve the digestive system, meaning it also reduces nausea symptoms. As CBD improves the digestive system, helps to work on pain perception, and treats inflammation, you can wave goodbye to those horrible cramps and that troublesome bloating feeling. By taking CBD a few days before your period is due to start you can eradicate many of its usual symptoms.

CBD also helps to relax the muscles within the body, meaning muscle contractions during your period will be much smoother and hardly felt. Your body is also filled with thousands of tiny blood vessels, as the cannabinoids travel through these they prompt the connected muscles to relax, so a double whammy when it comes to eradicating muscular pain and cramping.relax cbd extreme oil biotech cbd cream bundle

Simona Mockute, 24 made news headlines in 2019 when she told the world about how CBD had cured her of her painful period cramps that would leave her bedridden for days. After years of struggling and trying endless amounts of “remedies”, she turned to CBD and has never looked back. Simona told news

“I saw the effects in about two months, and my cycle has become more regular now.

“If I forget to take it, then the pain comes on so I feel sure it’s the CBD.

“It’s a huge relief to not have to have my life stop for a couple of days a month. I can go to work, go shopping, and do normal things at the start of my period for the first time ever.”

We are pleased that Simona was introduced to the benefits of CBD and we want to do the same for you.

CBD isn’t something that should scare you, it is a natural substance that has real feel-good and pain-fighting effects on the body. We hope that you can get relief from menstrual discomfort by treating it naturally with CBD.

Sip On Some CBD Drinks

For people who don’t want to sip on a caffeine-based drink but need refreshment after a long hectic day, CBD drinks are their prior option. They are plant based, purifies the body. They are naturally stress-reducing and tasty. CBD drinks are available in many flavors. If you want to grab a healthy toxin-free refreshment then CBD drinks can help you.

A New CBD Treat – How About a Beverage?

After a long day, nothing hits the spot like a nice drink. So many of us suffer from the demands of work, family, friends… other responsibilities, weighing down on us all the time. While I would change nothing about my life, or the people in it, the stress of it all sometimes make me want to pour drink number two… or three.

Now I have the option for a beautiful, relaxing beverage without the excess alcohol; a CBD mixed drink!

With fun and tasty flavours like Hot Chocolate, Green Tea Matcha, French Vanilla Cappuccino, and Electrolyte Lemon Lime, CBD mixed drinks are just as they sound — you can get a buzz with CBD (without THC). With the growing cannabusiness community, CBD mixed drinks are a trendy new way to not only change up your happy hour game but how you consume CBD as well.

CBD helps your body maintain a relaxed mood. If you are feeling down from alcohol or frantic from caffeine, infusing your beverage with CBD may help to assist in evening those emotions out.

Not to mention, CBD supports joint and muscle function. There’s nothing better after a long day of sitting crunched at your desk and hovering over your steering wheel in traffic than working out those kinks with a CBD cocktail.

For more information on these products and to qualify for a discount, click below for my drinks of choice.

CBD Drink Mixes

Infinite CBD Asteroid Gummies Review

Infinite CBD Asteroid gummies come in a bag of 500 mg CBD, which is divided between 20 gummies, and per gummy contains 25 mg. These asteroid gummies are made from the refined hemp cannabis plant and work as pure cannabidiol in the daily regimen. Reviews online on these gummies are pretty positive, and you can also get them at reasonable prices.

Infinite CBD Asteroid Gummies Review Summary

CBD-Infused Asteroid Gummies are one of the most popular edible products in the CBD market. To be honest, we can see why. The gummies taste great and are effective at inducing relaxation soon after ingesting.


With Asteroid Gummies being one of the most popular brands of CBD edible, I was keen on trying them. To be fair, I had tried one in the past when a friend offered me one, but I wanted to give them a real go. Having tried the gummies available on the market, I have to say that Infinite CBD’s gummies are up there with my favourites.

While waiting for my order, I was worried that the Infinite CBD Asteroid Gummies wouldn’t actually taste like normal sweets – due to them being loaded with cannabidiol! Upon tasting them, I was pleasantly surprised. Don’t get me wrong, I could tell the CBD compound was present, but it didn’t detract from a tasty flavour profile.

Effect – As a user of CBD topicals and capsules, I normally have to wait around one hour before I start to feel the cannabidiol work its magic. However, these gummies work a lot quicker! I could feel a sense of calm within roughly 20 minutes.

Price – Asteroid Gummies are somewhat more costly than some of the competitors.

To cut a long story short, if you have the funds, then Relax Gummies are up there with the best you can buy.

CBDfx CBD Gummy Bears Review

CBDfx CBD Gummy Bears come with tasty flavours which could relax your nerves within 20 minutes. These are pocket friendly when bought in large quantities. Being made with a CBD isolate extract they are devoid of any psychoactive effect and do not make you high on taking them. They are either berry-flavoured or enriched with turmeric and spirulina.

We have a detailed CBDfx CBD gummy bears review here. This CBDfx CBD gummy bears review will give you an idea of how effective CBD gummies are. The next time you get the munchies, these will help you out surely

With the CBD market growing and growing in popularity, it’s no surprise that more companies are competing for a slice of the pie.

My experience with CBDfx CBD Gummy Bears Review

With CBDfx Gummies being one of the most popular brands of CBD edible, I was keen on trying them. I had tried one in the past when a friend offered me one, but I wanted to give them a real go. Having tried the gummies available on the market, I have to say that CBDfx Gummies are up there with my favorites.

While waiting for my order, I was worried that the CBD gummies wouldn’t actually taste like normal sweets – due to them being loaded with cannabidiol! Upon tasting them, I was moderately surprised. Don’t get me wrong, I could tell the CBD compound was present, but it didn’t detract from a tasty flavor profile.

Effect – As a user of CBD topicals and capsules, I normally have to wait around one hour before I start to feel the cannabidiol work its magic. However, these gummies work a lot quicker! I could feel a sense of calm within roughly 20 minutes.

Price – CBDfx Gummies can be costly in small quantities but offer good value when ordered in larger quantities, and CBDfx regularly offers discounts. In fact, if you link from this article, you can get 15% off all gummy products with the promo code: MYCBD-GUMMY.

Do CBDfx Gummies get you high?

No. CBD edible products made by CBDfx Gummies are created with a CBD-isolate extract, meaning the edibles do not contain any psychoactive ingredients, so they won’t cause you to get high.


About CBDfx CBD Gummy Bears

With the CBD market growing and growing in popularity, it’s no surprise that more companies are competing for a slice of the pie. As with all emerging industries, you need to be careful about who you buy from. At myCBDauthority, we recommend going with established CBD companies that have been in business for a few years, like CBDfx.

Whether you like gummies or topicals, CBDfx is a company that offers a wide range of products. One of their most popular products is their CBDfx Gummies, and it’s this product we will be reviewing today.

WHAT ARE CBD GUMMIES? They are sweet and chewy treats that give you the many nutritive benefits of CBD in tasty, easy-to-manage doses. You can choose from simple berry-flavored gummies or special gummies boosted with other superfood nutrients like turmeric and spirulina.

ANY SIDE EFFECTS? Unlike many pharmaceutical drugs, CBD does not cause any known side effects, and it will not intoxicate you or cause impairment.

WHY CBDFX? To get the full potential benefits of CBD, you want gummies that are made with a “broad-spectrum” formulation. That means that these gummies come with all of the helpful compounds that exist naturally within the cannabis plant, rather than just isolated components of its oil. Additionally, broad-spectrum means that there is far less than 0.3% THC in each gummy — so you’ll never have to worry about accidentally failing a drug test or ingesting something you didn’t mean to.

The CBD is derived from plants grown organically at our state-of-the-art partner farms in the USA in our gummies. Our vegan CBD edibles are made from organic, non-GMO, 100% vegan ingredients, along with high-quality CBD oil. They contain no corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, or any other harmful chemicals. A glance at our label shows that we’ve only included the bare minimum and most natural ingredients to provide you with a truly pure experience.

CBD For Atherosclerosis – Symptoms & Benefits

CBD has already become a popular treatment option for this disease due to the link between the endocannabinoid system and the cardiovascular system in the body. As Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease, CBD reduces discomfort due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Though CBD cannot cure the disease, it sure does slow down the process early on.

In this post we will explore the potential benefits of CBD for atherosclerosis, and whether the compound can be used to treat the condition.

CBD is one of the most prominent of the cannabinoids, and has a host of effects – many of which appear to be beneficial from a health standpoint. That can include improving the risks associated with atherosclerosis, and possibly even reversing it to some extent. In this post, we’ll explore precisely what that means and whether you should consider using CBD to treat atherosclerosis.

What Is Atherosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis is a condition that is characterized by narrow and inflexible arteries, caused by high cholesterol levels. This can then cause a number of unwanted side effects. Cholesterol in turn is caused by triglycerides. These are a type of fat, which are deposited on the inner walls of arteries – blood vessels carrying blood away from the heart. As these deposits increase, the arteries become stiff and rigid, eventually making it very difficult for blood to pass through. This will in turn raise the blood pressure and heart rate, and increase the chances of heart attack or stroke.

Early Symptoms Of Atherosclerosis

  • Chest pain
  • Radiating pain throughout the body
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Heart palpitations
  • Passing out


The Benefits of CBD

CBD is a cannabinoid that works by attaching to the CB1 receptors located in the brain and throughout the body. These are found on the surfaces of cells throughout organs, including the heart, brain, and vascular smooth muscle cells – which we’re interested in.

CBD has a calming effect and is able to help mitigate some of the stronger effects of THC – the psychoactive component of marijuana that makes users feel “high.” It can also reduce the amount of a substance called anandamide, and upregulate the “feel good” hormone known as serotonin. Serotonin not only enhances the mood, but also helps to relieve pain and even encourages sleep. It does this by being converted in the body to melatonin – the sleep hormone.

What causes atherosclerosis?

What might come as some surprise to learn for many is that we don’t fully understand how plaque forms in the body. While it is generally understood that we get cholesterol from our diets, it isn’t clear how this leads to fatty deposits – if in fact it does.

Once, it was thought that fat in general would lead to fatty plaque – that triglycerides could be found in everything from cheese, to red meat, to cooking oil. Regular advice for patients then was to avoid any foods containing fat when struggling with atherosclerosis or generally high blood pressure.

Today, this is no longer understood to be the case.

First, it was found that there was such thing as “good” and “bad” fat. The good fat contained good cholesterol, called High Density Lipoprotein. This type of fat is found in things like eggs, meat, butter, and cheese. That cholesterol is used to form our sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen, and therefore to help maintain normal metabolism.

At the same time, that cholesterol might actually help to lower blood pressure!

Suddenly, the advice has changed. With many people actually recommending practices such as sticking large amounts of butter into your morning coffee!

The latest news is that there might be no such thing as “good” and “bad” cholesterol, and that we actually need both HDL and LDL in our system!

What we do know, is that atherosclerosis is caused by smoking, which irritates the lining of the blood vessels. It can also be caused by general high blood pressure, and inflammation. It may be that LDL is not so much bad in itself, but that when the walls of the blood vessels are damaged, they begin to collect it. THAT is when it becomes “bad” and that is what can lead to a blood clot. And this is how CBD can help to combat the problem.

Potential Benefits Of CBD For Atherosclerosis

As we have seen, there are CBD1 receptors located directly on the vascular smooth muscle, which is on the inside of the blood vessels. These muscles are responsible for directing blood around the body by altering pressure. When they become narrow however, they increase that pressure – which in combination with other issues can be a problem.

Firstly, the higher your blood pressure, the greater your chances of suffering from stroke once the plaques form. This is because it is harder for the heart to pump blood around the body when pressure is high – imagine it like trying to suck water through a very narrow straw that also has been blocked by fat!

This is further enhanced by reducing the body’s stress response and by easing the “sympathetic nervous system.” This is the branch of our nervous system that is responsible for the “fight or flight” response, also known as the “stress response.” As we become stressed, our heart-rate increases, our blood vessels constrict, and we begin to feel anxious. This is designed to help us escape quickly in a fight.

The problem is that when we face chronic stress and our blood vessels remain narrow, it can become dangerous. CBD can help to alleviate this by reducing daily stress and anxiety, thereby allowing blood to pass through more easily, diminishing the risks associated with atherosclerosis.

What’s more, is that this will also reduce the amount of plaque that continues to gather, as it can pass through without getting stuck more easily. More impressively, CBD may help to reduce inflammation in the cell walls. This in turn would once again prevent the obvious risks, but also prevent further adhesion.

CBD may additionally help to improve the strength of the immune system, thereby helping the body to reverse the effects of the condition. Several studies have shown that CBD is capable of strengthening the immune response and this way helping the body to heal itself.

Finally, CBD has an indirect benefit on atherosclerosis by enhancing sleep. By reducing stress and increasing melatonin, CBD can be a powerful and natural sleeping aid. Author Matthew Walker directly makes the link between good sleep and atherosclerosis in his book “Why We Sleep”, and simultaneously advises against taking melatonin and other sleep aids directly.

The Journal of the American College of Cardiology has likewise shown the causative correlation between poor quality sleep and atherosclerosis. In fact, a lack of sleep (getting less than six hours) can increase the chance of developing the problem by a significant 27 percent.

Final Words

While CBD does not directly work to destroy plaque build-up or treat atherosclerosis itself, it does have a number of powerful effects on the body that can help to reduce the severity of the symptoms AND to prevent the condition from worsening. With all that in mind, CBD might be a useful tool in the fight against this serious condition.

Soothe Sciatica Pain with CBD – Your Road to Relief

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on CBD for sciatica pain relief. If you’re someone who suffers from the debilitating condition of sciatica pain, you understand how it can greatly impact your quality of life. The constant discomfort, shooting pain, and tingling sensations can make even the simplest tasks feel unbearable. Fortunately, there is a natural remedy that has gained significant attention for its potential in alleviating sciatica pain—CBD. In this article, we will delve into the world of CBD, explore its benefits, and discover how it can be an effective solution for sciatica pain relief.

Can I use CBD For Sciatica Pain?

CBD has been shown to possess impressive anti-inflammatory but instead, painkilling properties, which can help sciatica means exactly managing symptoms. In addition to that, CBD has been shown to help with other painful conditions such as chronic pain but instead neuropathy. CBD oil can help with sciatica. CBD is frequently used to treat inflammation and pain.

Although there hasn’t been much research on the advantages of using CBD for spinal stenosis, other studies, such as comprehensive research, suggest that it may help with the pain. CBD oil has been demonstrated to be beneficial in the treatment of nerve pain besides reducing inflammatory conditions and pain messages. CBD oil is thought to function by having to interact the with body’s endocannabinoids, which helps regulate a variety of functions such as inflammation and discomfort.

3 Effective CBD For Sciatica Pain

Receptra Targeted Topical

receptra relief targeted topical 400mg 1.25oz jar top 2 1This is our perfect CBD cream for sciatica pain that covers larger areas. The product is easy to rub into the lower back area, then all the way down the leg (should your sciatica pain travel that far). In fact, you may want to use this product over your whole body. The pain-relieving solution is also packed full of nourishing ingredients that are kind to the skin. Receptra’s product carries an impressive 400mg of CBD per 1.25oz. Use coupon code “CBD15” for 15% off your entire order.

Ingredients: Shea Butter, Shorea Butter, Coconut Oil, Mango Butter, Beeswax, Emulsifying Wax, Jojoba Oil Infused with Hemp Extract, Camphor, Vitamin E Oil, Arnica Oil, Jasmine, Ylang-Ylang.

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Endoca Hemp Oil Drops for Sciatica

Endoca Hemp Oil capsuleThis lab-tested product from Endoca is the most suitable CBD oil for sciatica sufferers who prefer to take their CBD sublingually. Endoca is one of the highest-quality CBD companies on the market, and their Hemp Oil is no different. Each bottle has a concentration of 3%, meaning it contains 300mg of CBD. A single drop contains 1mg CBD (300 total drops). Confidence in a bottle. Endoca offers free shipping on orders over $74.

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BioTech CBD Pain Creamrelax cbd extreme oil biotech cbd cream bundle

This powerful duo features an extra-strength CBD pain relief cream and CBD oil for results you can feel inside and out. Diamond CBD’s CBD oil with MCT delivers all the benefits of high-quality CBD with MCT oil’s essential fatty acids for optimized energy to help you kickstart your day.

CBD Oil Biotech’s Pain Relief Cream targets sore muscles and joint pain to deliver instant relief with a topical solution. With a heavy focus on continuous research and development in hemp, CBD Oil Biotech and Diamond CBD work hard to produce the finest and purest quality CBD products on the market.

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BioTech also has a Topical Pain Relief Bundle available for 54% off here

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What is Sciatica?

Sciatica is back pain caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve. This, in turn, causes pain, discomfort, a loss of sensation, and a sense of “pins and needles” felt in the lower extremities and buttocks.

Sciatica is an affliction that affects many people and can be highly disruptive to a normal lifestyle. With that in mind, if you are suffering from the problem, you are likely on the lookout for any treatment that might be effective in helping you get some relief. One relatively new option that is growing in popularity is the use of CBD.

How to Use CBD for Sciatica Pain?

Cannabidiol (CBD) has various potential advantages, and researchers are growing interested in its usage as a pain therapy. CBD is one of more than 100 chemical components found in the Cannabis sativa plant. It gained popularity following the passage of a federal statute in 2018 that legalized the cultivation and sale of hemp products on a nationwide scale.

CBD, unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), another well-known and well-studied chemical in cannabis plants, does not produce a “high.”

Rather, several studies have found associations between CBD consumption and decreased symptoms of a variety of diseases, including anxiety, nausea linked with chemotherapy, some kinds of epilepsy, and pain. This indicates that CBD might assist with sciatica pain as well.

Cannabidiol (CBD) has various potential advantages, and researchers are growing interested in its usage as a pain therapy. CBD is one of more than 100 chemical components found in the Cannabis sativa plant. It gained popularity following the passage of a federal statute in 2018 that legalized the cultivation and sale of hemp products on a nationwide scale.

CBD, unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a more well and well-studied chemical in cannabis plants, does not produce a “high.”

Rather, several studies have found associations between CBD consumption and decreased symptoms of a variety of diseases, including anxiety, nausea linked with chemotherapy, some kinds of epilepsy, and pain. This indicates that CBD might assist with sciatica pain as well.

CBD For Sciatica Pain: A Natural Solution

Living with sciatica pain can be challenging, and traditional treatments may not always provide the desired relief. This is where CBD comes into play. CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a compound derived from the hemp plant. Unlike its counterpart THC, CBD is non-psychoactive and does not produce a “high” sensation. Instead, it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for regulating various bodily functions, including pain perception.

CBD offers a range of potential therapeutic benefits, such as anti-inflammatory, analgesic (pain-relieving), and muscle-relaxing properties. These properties make it a promising option for individuals seeking relief from sciatica pain without the side effects associated with pharmaceutical medications.

sciatica for cbd 1

Muscular imbalances and issues like scoliosis (unusual curvature of the spine) can also cause the vertebra to pressure the nerve. Exercises and interventions provided by a physiotherapist may help. Infections can also affect the area, which will subside on their own or with the help of antibiotic treatment.

Finally, a condition like spinal stenosis – the narrowing of the hollow spinal canal that leads to a “crushing” of all the nerves inside – can cause sciatica and other issues with no obvious treatment method. This type of problem cannot be easily reversed, meaning that the most suitable cause of action will be to manage symptoms and find ways to reduce pain.

In many cases, it won’t be readily apparent what is causing sciatica, and so your doctor might recommend “watchful waiting.” This means that you will observe the symptoms while taking it easy for a while. During this time, you might also find that using CBD for sciatica pain can be very effective.

How To Find The Perfect CBD For Sciatica Pain?

Thinking about using CBD for your sciatica pain? Before you embark on your journey, it’s important to know that not all products are made the same, especially within the CBD industry. 

Whether you want to use CBD for sciatica pain or take advantage of CBD oil’s health benefits, the main quality indicators are the same. With that said, certain ingredients can make one CBD product better than another for specific conditions, like back pain.

There are many reasons to experiment before deciding on the perfect CBD product for dealing with sciatic pain. The cannabinoid compound is typically safe, with few side effects. However, it can be tricky to know which products to purchase. When searching for the perfect product for your specific needs, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Lab results – In short, you want a product that you can trust. As such, you want to purchase from a CBD company that publishes third-party laboratory results regularly. These results allow consumers to see that the product can be trusted and used confidently.
  2. Ingredients – It’s paramount to check the label of all CBD products, especially if you’re allergic to specific ingredients. Some CBD products can contain a trace level of other ingredients, like THC.
  3. Price – As with all products, you don’t want to be paying over the odds. With most CBD products already being rather expensive, you don’t want to be paying more than you should be. With that said, can you really put a price on a pain-free life? Some products are worth it.

How Does CBD Relieve Sciatica Pain?

When it comes to sciatica pain, inflammation and nerve compression play a significant role in the intensity and duration of discomfort. CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid receptors in our body, specifically the CB1 and CB2 receptors, which are found in the central nervous system and peripheral tissues, respectively.

By activating these receptors, CBD can potentially reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and promote overall relaxation. Furthermore, CBD’s interaction with the endocannabinoid system may help regulate pain signals and mitigate the impact of nerve compression on the affected area.

What Is The Correct CBD Dosage for Sciatica?

For starters, CBD’s interaction with CB1 receptors can help relieve tension and relax the sympathetic nervous system. This can help you relax while also improving blood flow and strengthening your immune system. This, in turn, will help place your body in a more restorative “repair state,” as opposed to a damaging negative energy balance that will aggravate your symptoms.

The true benefit of CBD, however, stems from its ability to act as a potent analgesic (painkiller). While it is not quite clear how CBD has this effect, it is most likely interacting with pain signals generated both at the location of the pain and throughout the brain. This is conceivable since CB1 receptors may be found throughout the body.

The Benefits of Using CBD for Sciatica Pain

Using CBD for sciatica pain relief offers numerous benefits. Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. Natural Alternative: CBD is a natural remedy derived from plants, making it a desirable option for those seeking holistic solutions for pain management.
  2. Non-Intoxicating: Unlike THC, CBD does not induce psychoactive effects, allowing individuals to experience pain relief without feeling “high” or impaired.
  3. Minimal Side Effects: Compared to pharmaceutical medications, CBD has fewer reported side effects. Common side effects, such as dry mouth or drowsiness, are generally mild and well-tolerated.
  4. Versatile Formulations: CBD is available in various forms, including oils, capsules, creams, and edibles, providing flexibility in choosing a delivery method that suits individual preferences.
  5. Targeted Relief: CBD can be applied topically to the affected area or ingested, allowing for localized or systemic relief, depending on the user’s needs.

Closing Thoughts on CBD for Sciatica Pain

CBD offers a natural and potentially effective solution for individuals suffering from sciatica pain. Its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and muscle-relaxing properties make it a compelling option for those seeking relief without the adverse side effects of pharmaceutical medications. However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating CBD into your pain management routine, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking other medications.

Sciatica is often experienced as pain in the lower back (the lumbar spine), along with numbness and tingling. This is due to the pressure of some sort being placed on the “sciatic nerve” – the longest nerve in the human body that runs down the spine’s length and controls the legs. The precise cause of sciatica can vary a lot from person to person.

For example, you might find that it results from a blunt trauma that has irritated the area and caused inflammation. In this case, the pain and discomfort should alleviate themselves over time. Alternatively, you might find that this discomfort is due to a slipped disk, which has trapped the nerve. This is a much more complicated issue and one that is harder to treat. Visiting a chiropractor may be advisable in this scenario.

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CBD For Sciatica Pain: Frequently Asked Questions

Can CBD completely cure sciatica pain?

While CBD shows promising potential in relieving sciatica pain, it is essential to note that it is not a cure for the underlying condition causing the pain. However, it can help manage the symptoms and provide relief.

How should I use CBD for sciatica pain relief?

The dosage and method of CBD consumption for sciatica pain relief may vary from person to person. It is recommended to start with a low dosage and gradually increase until you find the optimal dose that provides relief. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

Are there any side effects of using CBD for sciatica pain?

While CBD is generally well-tolerated, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as dry mouth, drowsiness, or changes in appetite. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating CBD into your pain management routine.

Is CBD legal?

CBD derived from hemp containing less than 0.3% THC is federally legal in the United States. However, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the specific laws and regulations regarding CBD in your state or country.

Can CBD interact with other medications?

CBD has the potential to interact with certain medications. If you are currently taking any prescription medications, it is crucial to consult with your healthcare provider before using CBD to ensure there are no potential interactions.

How long does it take for CBD to provide relief?

The onset and duration of CBD’s effects can vary depending on factors such as the individual’s metabolism, the method of consumption, and the dosage. Some people may experience immediate relief, while others may require consistent use over time to achieve optimal results.

CBDfx Overnight Recovery Balm Review

CBDfx overnight recovery balm is a great thing for your skin. It has some magical elements which can reduce inflammation and dryness of the skin. It provides a high range of products which are really good for the skin. CBDfx balm contains jojoba oil, sunflower oil, beeswax, shea butter, coconut oil, and chamomile oil which are really good for the skin.

CBDfx Recovery Balm Review Summary

CBDfx provide a wide-range of high-quality products, and the Overnight Balm is defiantly one to try. With 150mg of CBD per 2oz tub, we especially loved how soothing this product was. The small pot is easy to carry around, while the balm effectively worked to reduce inflammation and dryness. Thumbs up from us! Use coupon code “CBDAR10” for 10% off your entire order.



About CBDfx

It’s safe to say that CBDfx is a company that is expanding rapidly. With roots in vape products, CBDfx have quickly transitioned into a full-blown CBD treasure-trove. In fact, CBDfx can be seen as an enterprising company that is forever innovating and keeping up with the latest in CBD research and market trends. In a crowded marketplace, it can be hard knowing which company to trust and reward with your custom. At myCBDauthority, we recommend doing your homework and only using companies that receive positive reviews.

Established in 2015, CBDfx use organic hemp plants that are extracted in Southern California labs. CBDfx are dedicated to provide the purest supplement experience possible by providing access to products that are always organic, refreshingly innovative, and lovingly crafted.


CBDfx Overnight Balm

My experience with CBDfx Overnight Recovery Balm

As you may have read elsewhere on this site, I turned to CBD products soon after I injured my back in the gym. I soon discovered that CBD also carries a range of other benefits, especially the advantages it gives to my anxious feelings. From using topical creams for my back, I quickly realized that the CBD creams were also providing skin benefits, helping to reduce patches of dryness and inflammation.

About – Combining CBD and a range of nourishing oils, the CBDfx Recovery Balm is designed to provide localized inflammation relief. With a delightful lavender aroma, the product is ideal for applying before crawling into bed. Currently, the product is only available in 2oz (150mg CBD).

Ingredients – Sunflower Oil, Jojoba Oil, Shea Butter, Beeswax, Coconut Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Tocopherol, CBD-Rich Hemp Oil (150mg), Lavender Oil, Roman Chamomile Oil, and Wild Orange Oil.

First impression – Like with all CBDfx products, I was instantly impressed by the packaging to this balm. Upon further inspection of the product, I noticed it had been stamped with a unique batch number. The label also featured a QR code, which allowed me to view the relevant laboratory report for the balm. It’s these little details that give CBDfx a real sense of quality.

Anyway, let’s dive into the balm itself. The balm appeared solid at first, but as I ran my finer around the surface, the balm quickly warmed-up and became workable. I applied the balm to my dry elbows and hands, and then let the product soak in for a few minutes. As the product soaked in, I noticed the delightful scent of this balm.

cbdfx recovery balm open

Effect – Upon applying the balm, I noticed that was product was more oily than I first thought (which shouldn’t be a surprise if you look at the ingredients list).  At this point I was that the product was just going to leave a greasy residue, but the natural oils slowly soaked into my skin – phew! After the product had completely dried, my skin felt soft and supple, but there wasn’t any residue or greasiness.

In our experience, CBDfx Recovery Balm lasts for a “decent amount of time”. CBDfx states that the effects of their balm should last for roughly 4-6 hours, which is also what we experienced before its effect began to fade away.

Price – When it comes to price. It depends whether you’re comparing this to other CBD products or not. Within the CBD industry, $39.99 for 150mg of CBD and an impressive list of nourishing ingredients represents fair value. However, this balm may be deemed to be on the expensive side when compared to standard creams. However, this product is of higher-quality and provides far more benefits than typical topicals on the beauty shelf. At the end of the day, it will come down to your individual budget. Also, it’s worth mentioning that this product is a balm, not a moisturiser. As such, this balm should be used for concentrated relief, and last for a longer period of time.

Laboratory results

CBDfx Overnight Balm Lab Results

Final Words

To conclude, we are very happy with how the CBDfx Recovery Balm worked for us. The product is designed to soothe the skin and stimulate the senses, which it definitely did.
We especially love the inclusion of the lavender oil, which gives the balm a real sense of relaxation, and makes it ideal for pampering after a long day. Use coupon code “CBDAR10” for 10% off your entire order.


Receptra Targeted Topical Review

With 400mg of CBD per 1.25oz tub, the Receptra Targeted Topical is an excellent blend of CBD and other nourishing products which you can use for chilling in your leisure times. An unbiased review followed by some special discount coupons can make you reconsider your brand of CBD and purchase Receptra Targeted Topical for an enjoyable experience.

Receptra targeted topical product reviews and coupons for you. Save Extra and make the right purchase of our Receptra targeted topical product review, and you can have something to fall back on when you are in the mood to relax.

Receptra Targeted Topical Review Summary

Receptra™’s products are well-regarded within CBD circles, and we can see why. With 400mg of CBD per 1.25oz tub, this product is packed with high-quality cannabinoids and other nourishing ingredients. It’s a yes from us! We’re also happy to help bring your cost down with our 15% off coupon. Just use the coupon code “CBD15” to take 15% off your entire order.



About Receptra Naturals

Receptra is a brand that represents transparency and high quality. It can be hard to know which company to trust and reward your customers in a crowded marketplace. At myCBDauthority, we recommend doing your homework and only using companies with an established history.

Receptra extracts its CBD using cold ethanol extraction. This is the best extraction method is best for preserving terpenes and other cannabinoids. Also, using ethanol picks up on molecules like chlorophyll, so the extracted oil often retains a green color, which gives the Targeted Topical its lovely green color.

Shop Receptranaturals.com with Free Shipping

My experience with Receptra™ Targeted Topical

As you may have read elsewhere on this site, I turned to CBD products soon after I injured my back in the gym. I also found many benefits when I started my CBD journey, especially its advantages to my anxious feelings. From using topical creams for my back, I quickly realized that the CBD creams also provided skin benefits, helping to reduce patches of dryness and inflammation.

About – Combining CBD with a range of butter and oils, Targeted Topical is designed to reduce inflammation and promote efficient recovery. The product is available in 1.25oz (400mg CBD) or 2.5oz (800mg CBD) bottle sizes.

Ingredients – Shea Butter, Shorea Butter, Coconut Oil, Mango Butter, Beeswax, Emulsifying Wax, Jojoba Oil, Infused with Receptra™ Hemp Extract, Camphor, Vitamin E Oil, Arnica Oil, Jasmine, Ylang-Ylang.

First impression – The first thing I noticed when opening the tub was the lovely green color to the topical – It just screamed “natural goodness.” I ran my finger into the product to get a feel of the consistency – it was a nice balance between runny and thick. The consistency of the product allowed for widespread use, unlike salves that can be hard to spread. As the product soaked in, I noticed the delightful scent of this topical CBD – very refreshing!

cbd topical for pain

Effect – I had trained legs the day before trying this topical, so I decided to massage the cream into my aching ankles and knees. The thing that really stood out was how moisturizing and soothing the cream was. As such, I placed some onto my dry hands. After allowing the product to completely dry (I may have put too much on – oops!), I noticed that my feet could move more freely.

Price – $39.95 for the 1.25oz size seems expensive, but with 400mg of CBD, this product represents fair value for money. When compared to basic moisturizing creams, this product may seem pricey. However, this product has an impressive ingredients list that provides more benefits than cheaper items you would find on the beauty shelf.

At the end of the day, it will come down to your individual budget. If you have the funds, then Receptra™ Targeted Topical is one of the best topicals on the market. Also, it will come down to whether the benefits outweigh the cost. What price do you put on reduced inflammation or reduced pain? That’s a question only you can answer.

To use, run your finger into the product, then rub the cream into the area of inflammation!


Final Thoughts

To conclude, we are impressed with Receptra’s™ Targeted Topical. It was perfect for soothing aching joints. We’re also happy to help bring your cost down with our 15% off coupon. Just use the coupon code “CBD15” to take 15% off your entire order.


CBDfx Hemp Cream Review

CBDfx Hemp cream is formulated to soothe muscle and joint pain. These water-based creams help cannabidiol get absorbed through the skin while reducing the pain. CBDfx strictly follows the process of making organic CBD-based products that cause little to no side effects on the skin. You can get them at affordable prices along with coupon codes.

CBDfx Hemp Cream Review Summary

CBDfx is one of the highest-quality CBD companies on the market, and their Hemp Cream is no different. With 150mg of CBD per 50ml bottle, we especially loved the cooling-effect of this product. The pump-action design makes it easy to apply the product, while the cream effectively worked to reduce inflammation. Thumbs up from us!



About CBDfx

It’s safe to say that CBDfx is a company that is expanding rapidly. With roots in vape products, CBDfx have quickly transitioned into a full-blown CBD treasure-trove. In fact, CBDfx can be seen as an enterprising company that is forever innovating and keeping up with the latest in CBD research and market trends. In a crowded marketplace, it can be hard knowing which company to trust and reward with your custom. At myCBDauthority, we recommend doing your homework and only using companies that receive positive reviews.

Established in 2015, CBDfx use organic hemp plants that are extracted in Southern California labs. CBDfx are dedicated to provide the purest supplement experience possible by providing access to products that are always organic, refreshingly innovative, and lovingly crafted.


My experience with CBDfx Hemp Cream

As you may have read elsewhere on this site, I turned to CBD products soon after I injured my back in the gym. I also found a multitude of benefits when I started my CBD journey, especially the advantages it gave to my anxious feelings. From using topical creams for my back, I quickly realized that the CBD creams were also providing skin benefits, helping to reduce patches of dryness and inflammation.

About – Combining full-spectrum help extract and cooling-menthol, the CBDfx Hemp Cream is designed to provide localized pain relief. The product is available in 30ml (100mg CBD) or 50ml (150mg CBD) bottle sizes.

Ingredients – USP Water, Menthol, Hydroxylated Lecithin, Acrylic Polymer, Caffeine Anhydrous, Sodium Bicarbonate, White Willow Bark Extract 98%, Organic Hemp Oil, Tocopheryl Acetate, and Sodium Benzoate.

Menthol and white willow bark are two proven natural analgesics (pain relievers). The addition of caffeine helps to stimulate blood flow and helps ease inflammation.

First impression – The first thing I noticed when un-boxing my package was the unique container to this cream. I removed the top, and gently pressed down on the pump. Out came a white cream with a thin consistency. I applied the cream to my wrists and elbows, and then let the product soak in for a few minutes. As the product soaked in, I noticed the cool scent of this hemp cream – very refreshing!


Effect – Within minutes of applying the cream to my wrists and elbows, I noticed an immediate cooling effect to my skin, especially on my wrists. It felt like I could actually feel the product working, which was nice. After the product completely dried, I could still feel the CBD and menthol working, but there wasn’t any residue or greasiness.

As I type this with the bottle of cream on my desk, I realize the size of the bottle is ideal for placing in small bags and even pockets – perfect for on-the-go relief.

Price – $39.99 for the largest size represents fair value for money. On par with many other products in the CBD industry, this hemp cream may be deemed to be on the expensive side when compared to standard creams. However, this product is of higher-quality and provides far more benefits than typical topicals on the beauty shelf. At the end of the day, it will come down to your individual budget. If you have the funds, then CBDfx’s Hemp Cream is one of the best menthol CBD creams on the market. Also, it will come down to whether the benefits outweigh the cost. What price do you put on reduced inflammation or reduced pain? That’s a question only you can answer.

Laboratory results


How to use CBDfx Hemp Cream

As with all CBD topicals, just pump a small amount of cream onto your hand, and then rub into the target area! With the product being pricey, you may want to be gentle on the pump. We’ve all been there when you press too hard on the pump and half of the bottle comes out!

CBDfx Hemp Cream testimonials

CBDfxHempCreamTestimonials 1

Final Words

To conclude, we are very happy with how the CBDfx Hemp Cream worked for us. The product done exactly what it was supposed to do: relieve pain and inflammation.
We especially love the inclusion of caffeine and menthol, which we feel really gives this cream an edge over similar pain creams on the market. The icy feeling of this product lasted 2 hours, which means some may want to use this product more frequently, although the cream has an ergonomic design that makes it easy to top-up as you go about your day.


Benefits of Using CBD Before a Job Interview

Cannabidiol(CBD) found in a hemp plant has been extracted for its specific use. In job interviews sometimes our stress gets the best of us affecting our body language and we are not selected. Benefits of CBD before a job interview is great because it helps the person to be in a light and relaxed mood and gives the interviewer a good impression.

To ace your interview, you need to be calm and confident. With CBD shown to reduce anxious feelings, are there benefits of CBD before a job interview? Let’s find out.

Is it beneficial to use CBD before a Job interview?

Check out the benefits of CBD before a job interview. It would amaze you to know how it can help you combat stress and calm nerves. Read our article now

CBD is a substance that is extracted from the hemp plant. It is one of 100 active “cannabinoids” found in the plant but is actually one of the most abundant – accounting for 40% of the extract from the plant. CBD does not make you high and has no harmful effects (that’s THC – an entirely different compound found in the plant). It’s also completely legal in most territories. However, acting on the “endocannabinoid system” in the body can produce several amazing benefits, including a sense of relaxing calm.

CBD has many miraculous benefits and has quickly gained a huge amount of popularity as an analgesic, an anti-stress supplement, and an all-around health panacea.

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Taking CBD before a Job interview

We’re only discovering some of the incredible ways that CBD oil can help to make us smarter, happier, healthier, and generally more successful. So what about a job interview? Are there any benefits to using cannabidiol to calm interview nerves?

Should I take CBD before an interview?

Normally, before we go into an interview, we might find ourselves feeling rather stressed and anxious. This is normal. After all, a lot is riding on the outcome of this interaction, and we feel as though we are about to be placed under a microscope for some intense scrutiny.

So what happens in the body? Essentially, our sympathetic nervous system will kick in and put us into the “fight or flight” mode.

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Fight or flight is the state our body and brain go into when it suspects there is danger. In response, it will produce an increased amount of stimulatory stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. It’s the adrenaline that might make you shake!

We tend to think of stress as a bad thing, but stress can actually be a perfect thing in this acute manner – in the right circumstances.

In the wild, for instance, you might find yourself faced with a predator. That predator might have threatened to harm or even kill you, and as such, you would enter this fight or flight state. The release of hormones would cause an increase in your heart rate. That would, in turn, allow more blood and oxygen to be delivered around your body and to be more specifically directed to your muscles and your brain. That would make you stronger and more alert, while less time-sensitive systems like your digestive and immune systems would receive far less energy.

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Meanwhile, your breathing would speed up, your veins and arteries would narrow (increasing blood pressure), and your blood would thicken (to encourage clotting should you be injured). Your senses would increase, and you’d become effectively “paranoid” as your mind started to race with the worst-case scenarios. Your vision would narrow, and your pupils would dilate. You’d be overcome by a sense of panic.

All this would help you to escape or overpower the animal staring you down. Great.

The problem is that in an interview, this extra energy and nervousness are not helpful. In fact, it will make you feel incredibly anxious and unable to concentrate on what the interviewer is saying fully. You’d appear clammy and sweaty, you’d look extremely nervous due to the shaking, and ultimately you would look like a far worse candidate for the job!

But it goes deeper.

That’s because stress also affects the way your brain operates. Just as it will show preferential treatment to certain bodily functions and organs (muscles and brain over gut), it will also shut down certain brain regions. Specifically, stress has been shown to reduce activity in the prefrontal cortex. This part of the brain helps you with logical thinking, long-term planning, and social interaction… Essentially all of the “higher-order” brain functions that we associate with being human!

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And as you might have guessed, this can have serious negative consequences in a job interview setting where you’ll begin to stumble over your words and sound far less intelligent and rational.

This is the same thing that happens when we give a speech on stage and then “choke.”

It has been described as a “self lobotomy.” Really not what we’re looking for!

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Your brain on CBD

However, when you use CBD, you will find that this transforms the way your brain functions and helps you become calmer and more rational.

We know that CBD works by acting on the endocannabinoid system. What we don’t know is precisely how this affects the body in its entirety. However, through this mechanism, CBD is somehow able to elevate levels of certain neurotransmitters (brain chemicals). In particular, it can increase a neurotransmitter called serotonin.

You might have heard of serotonin. This is what we know as the “feel-good hormone,” and it’s the same one released when you’re with friends, when you’ve just eaten a great meal, or when you’ve exercised. It’s what gets released when you feel warm and fuzzy.

Whereas cortisol and adrenaline are what we call “excitatory neurotransmitters” that increase activity throughout the brain, serotonin is an “inhibitory neurotransmitter” that reduces that firing. In fact, serotonin is used by the brain to create melatonin – the sleep hormone.

When you add serotonin to your diet, you will find that it helps you become calmer and less anxious. Those racing thoughts will stop, and the anxiety will reduce.

What’s more, is that serotonin can actually make you more creative. It does this by combating some of that “tunnel vision” that we associate with stress and focus, thereby allowing you to consider more disparate ideas and make novel connections.

What does all this mean for you in an interview? It means that you become calmer and more confident. It means that you give off the impression that you actually want to be there and are happy to be speaking. And it means you’ll be more creative and better able to make jokes, think up smart answers to questions, etc.

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Outside of the interview

While CBD is excellent for helping you feel calmer and happier during an interview, it can also be a great tool for boosting your mood and helping you fight anxiety the rest of the time.

Because while stress and anxiety can have serious negative consequences in the short term – shutting down our higher-order cognitive functions and making us anxious and nervous – it can also have serious implications in the long term.

That’s because the stress response robs systems like our digestive system and our immune system of blood flow – sending it instead to the muscles and brain. That’s useful in a fight, but when that “stressor” is ever-present, it can result in a long-term subduing of those systems.

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This is serious because we will be far more susceptible to illness, heart and health issues, and more. As it is known, chronic stress can cause insomnia, depression, and a whole host of illnesses and health problems.

So instead of letting this stress control you, you should instead find ways to combat it. So you should take CBD before a JOB interview. Meditation, CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), and lifestyle interventions can all help. But if you want some immediate benefits, CBD is a fantastic way to kickstart the transformation and become your best self! 

Try for yourself and get 15% off with promo code: “offer15″

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