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CBD for Women’s Health – Symptoms & Benefits

If you are dealing with health issues during pregnancy, CBD can provide you with some relief. Although CBD is a compound in marijuana, it does not necessarily get you high; instead, its healing properties can eliminate nausea, anxiety, trouble during sleep, stomach pain and many more pregnancy issues. CBD also provides hormonal balance in the body.

It’s no secret that CBD provides a host of benefits to its users. But did you know that you can use CBD for women’s health benefits?!

Every one of us has an endocannabinoid system (ECS) – a regulatory network that has a direct relationship with the other key bodily systems. Always at work, the endocannabinoid system ensures important functions like immune function, energy balance, and coordination are working optimally. For example, by boosting your endocannabinoid system with CBD oil, you can positively affect your hormonal system. Continue reading to learn more about CBD benefits for female health.

CBD for positive female hormone regulation

Warning! We will be getting slightly scientific for a minute.

Did you know that the hormone system is part of a complex network of transmitters called the endocrine system? Our actual hormone production is controlled by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, which is called the hypothyroid-pituitary-gonadotropin axis (HPG axis) and responsible for triggering the release of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). The HPG axis also stimulates the production of FSH and LH, which are responsible for the production of a number of different hormones, including estrogen estradiol.

Thanks to in-depth research, we know that the endocannabinoid system contains two types of receptors: CB1 and CB2.  Now, as mentioned in the article introduction, the endocannabinoid system has a direct relationship with different systems of the human body. It’s these CB1 and CB2 receptors that link the endocannabinoid system with the endocrine system.

Within the central nervous system lie CB1 receptors, while the CB2 receptors are predominantly found in peripheral tissues and in cells of the immune system. By stimulating these receptors with CBD, we are impacting our endocrine system, and thus, impacting our hormonal system.

CBD and female hormones go hand in hand. Essentially, CBD stimulates your endocannabinoid system, which impacts your hormonal system in a positive way.

Symptoms of an imbalanced hormone system:

  • Irregular periods
  • PCOS
  • Thyroids
  • Decreased LIBIDO
  • Insomnia
  • Weight gain
  • Hair loss
  • Skin problems/weight loss

CBD and female cortisol

CBD helps to balance your body’s cortisol level. This is a well-researched area of CBD, with studies showing the effect of cannabidiol on plasma prolactin, growth hormone, and cortisol. Taking CBD is the ideal way to set-up a healthy hormone balance.

CBD and female insulin

Insulin controls our metabolic process, which is responsible for blood sugar balances. CBD can help turn around insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, which both play an important role in your hormone imbalances. This is supported by many studies, such as this one that looked into the critical role the endocannabinoid system in the regulation of food intake and energy metabolism, with phylogenetic, developmental, and Pathophysiological.

CBD and the pineal gland

The Pineal gland controls both your melatonin production and your energy levels. This is huge for those of you who have hormonal imbalances that are paired up with sleep imbalances. Research has found that endocannabinoid signalling regulates sleep stability, and is activated by CBD.

CBD and pregnancy

We’ve established that it can be wise to use CBD for women’s health, but is CBD safe to consume while pregnant? Ever heard the phrase “eating for two”? When a woman is pregnant, all substances can affect the fetus, in both beneficial and negative ways.

With that in mind, is CBD harmful or beneficial to pregnant women? Due to the seriousness of this topic, we suggest talking with your health care professional before making any decisions. With that said, there has been an increase in women using CBD during pregnancy, effectively reducing pregnancy-related nausea.

Despite there being studies suggesting that CBD is beneficial during pregnancy, there are also studies to suggest that cannabinoids should be avoided when pregnancy is concerned. Essentially, the effect that CBD has on fetus is not yet properly understood.

Does CBD work for PMS pain?

Do you suffer from some discomfort during your period? Well, you’re not alone. You’re one of many women who know just how hard it can be to deal with a monthly cycle. Considering women spend 1-2 weeks out of each month dealing with PMS issues, finding a solution is more of a need than a want.

This is where CBD comes in…

Using CBD for women’s health allows you to fight the typical symptoms of PMS, including: abdominal pain, breast tenderness, headaches, water retention, mood swings, and cramps.

How to use CBD during PMS?

Anecdotal evidence suggests that it can be beneficial to use CBD during the menstrual cycle:

Muscle relaxation – With most women experiencing the notorious menstrual cramps, they are perhaps the most common symptom of the monthly cycle. So, how do we stop these painful cramps? Relax the uterine muscles. CBD is a known muscle relaxant, making it ideal for alleviating even the most severe cases of period cramps. One of the best ways to experience ultimate relaxation is to use bath bombs – Click here to view our recommended CBD bath bombs.

Ease discomfort – From back pain to intense headaches, only women will understand the amount of pain and discomfort associated with a period. With heaps of anecdotal and scientific evidence, the case for CBD in period-pain management is growing and growing.

Control your mood – Now, you don’t have to be a woman to know this one is true. A woman’s emotions can be up and down during her menstrual cycle, even leading to depression in more extreme cases. Fortunately, CBD is well documented to balance mood, acting as a solution to depression and anxiety.  


It’s safe to say that the CBD oil female benefits are many. So whether you’re looking to deal with PMS, lose weight, or manage anxiety, take a closer look into CBD supplements for female health.

Have you used CBD for women’s health? Have you found a great CBD product that is working well for you? We always love to hear from you. Leave a comment below or reach out on one of our social channels.

Topical CBD Products – Everything You Need to Know!



We usually CBD products via vaping or inhaling. But there are some CBD products that you can directly apply to your skin. Applying CBD to your skin has many benefits. It can soothe the skin, reduce skin, and works as a great antioxidant for your skin. Before using topical CBD products, consult a dermatologist and make sure about the safe usage of CBD.

What is topical CBD?

You can vape it, drop the oil under your tongue, or even consume delicious edibles … but can you use CBD oil topically?! CBD topicals are cannabidiol-infused products that are developed for direct skin application. Topical CBD can be found in the form of creams, bath bombs, body washes, lotions, and massage oils.

What is the best type of topical CBD?

With such a broad range of products on the market, it’s hard to know which topical CBD is the best for your specific needs. If you’re in pain, click here to view some topical products that may help you.

Despite the overwhelming variety of topical CBD products, there remains a single consistency: the presence of CBD oil. In fact, these different topical products allow you to reap the benefits of CBD oil in a variety of different ways.  Essentially, you can now experience the effects of CBD as you have a bath, enjoy a massage, or even as you sit at your work desk.

CBD topical creams – These topicals are made by infusing CBD oil into a topical base, and then mixing with other useful ingredients. With a runny consistency, topical CBD cream is most often used instead of standard moisturizers.

CBD bath bombs

Step 1) Run yourself a hot bath

Step 2) Drop in a CBD bath bomb

Step 3) Relax in the CBD goodness

CBD lip balm – If you’re like me, and forever suffering from dry lips, CBD lip balm is a must-have product. CBD works to improve your skin’s lipid bilayer, making CBD lip balm the perfect product to prevent dryness and maximize moisture retention.

CBD Salves – Highly concentrated, you can use a topical CBD salve for isolated skin problems, anxiety management, or as a solution to joint issues. To feel maximum benefits, simply rub a small dab of CBD salve onto the target area.

How to use topical CBD on my skin?

Generally, topical CBD products are not known to cause side effects. However, as with all new medications, it’s recommended to speak with your doctor before using topical CBD products. To start, we recommended applying a small dose of the product your skin. After making sure you are not allergic, you can apply your product more liberally.

Will topical CBD products cause a drug interaction?

So far, so good, but could topical CBD cause an allergic reaction? Yes, although it’s worth noting that allergic reactions to CBD are extremely rare. This is why we suggest testing every product with a small dose.

When using topical CBD products, you should ensure that there aren’t any other ingredients that can cause an allergic response, as it may not necessarily be because of active cannabinoids. Quick tip: Try to find products which only contain the bare essentials, such as a CBD cream that contains only CBD and one other topical base ingredient.

How often should I apply topical CBD to my skin?

As with any other supplement or cosmetic product, topical CBD should be applied as often as is needed. Whether you’ve got a sore knee or achy back, rub topical CBD onto the specific area, and let the cannabinoid provide localized relief.

How long does topical CBD take to work?

As you may or may not know, the time of onset varies depending on the method of CBD administration.

When CBD is applied topically, the CBD oil has to diffuse through skin lipids before it can enter the bloodstream and be distributed throughout the endocannabinoid system. As one of the slowest consumption methods, it can typically take 20-40 minutes for topical CBD to take effect.

Will topical CBD show up in a drug test?

No, your topical CBD will not show up in a typical drugs test. With that said, drug tests are looking for THC. The only concern would be if you applied a huge amount of product with a high concentration of THC, just before your drugs test.


Topical CBD Benefits

Can topical CBD fight the signs of aging and reduce wrinkles?

Unfortunately, getting older is inevitable for all of us. But what if I told you that the signs of aging can be slowed down by using a topical CBD product?! Here’s how topical CBD acts as an anti-aging solution:

Fights inflammation – CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that allows for reduced redness and inflammation. By mixing CBD with other helpful ingredients, like omega 3 and gamma linoleic acid, you have the perfect anti-inflammatory beauty product.

Soothes skin – CBD binds to receptors in the skin, called TRPV-1 receptors. By binding to these receptors, CBD helps to relieve itchy, hot, or irritated skin.

Encourages sebum production – Applying CBD topically regulates sebum (oil) production, so that your oil glands only produce the necessary amount. With the correct sebum levels, your skin stays more supple, and the look of wrinkles are minimized.

Antioxidant – CBD has powerful antioxidant properties, which help to get rid of the free-radicals that attack your collagen fibers. By using a topical CBD for anti-aging, you allow the natural antioxidants to penetrate your skin.

Can topical CBD treat eczema?

While CBD oil offers healing benefits when ingested, topical applications allow users to solve surface skin conditions, like eczema.  If you have one of the following forms of eczema, topical CBD may work for you:

  • Stasis Dermatitis –Often caused by poor blood circulation
  • Atopic Dermatitis – The most common form of eczema, hay fever and asthma sufferers are particularly vulnerable to this skin condition. Itching and dryness are the major symptoms, with exact cause still remaining a question
  • Nummular Eczema –This produces pink, red, or brown circular spots on the skin
  • Dyshidrotic Eczema –Usually triggered by stress and seasonal allergies, symptoms of DE involve blisters, mainly under the feet or on the palms.
  • Contact Dermatitis –This condition is triggered by contact with certain items, such as: Nickel, dyes, latex, lotions, perfumes, and certain medicines.
  • Seborrheic Dermatitis –SB causes itchy irritation, with scaly rashes. Stress, cold, genetics, and dry weather can all trigger this condition.

As you have hopefully already read in this article, having a balanced endocannabinoid system is paramount to achieving overall health. With an imbalanced endocannabinoid system it’s hard for our bodies to fight against various skin problems, like eczema. As you may have already guessed, CBD reduces eczema’s prevalence by engaging with the endocannabinoid system.

CBD fights against eczema in the following specific ways:

Anti-itch – Unfortunately, Atopic Dermatitis (AD) causes itchy and dry skin. With receptors in the skin that interact with cannabinoids, many AD sufferers are turning to topical CBD products to treat their itchy skin.

Histamine – Recent research has found that when molecules interact with the endocannabinoid system mast cell activation is inhibited. This is important for eczema sufferers as it stops these mast cells from activating and releasing histamine.

Inflammation – As a natural anti-inflammatory, CBD is the ideal supplement for eczema sufferers who want to reduce inflammation.

Backed by science…

In a recent trial, endocannabinoid cream was applied to patients with AD. The results speak for themselves:

  • Improved severity of itch by an average of 60%
  • 38% ceased using their oral antihistamines
  • 33.6% felt they didn’t need t maintain their topical steroid regimen

Note – Eczema patients should take extra caution when using CBD topical salve for eczema because a variety of known irritants can be found in the ingredients.

Can topical CBD treat acne?

Yes! You can use CBD topically for acne management.

Ever had acne? Then you’ll know just how frustrating the skin condition can be. In fact, consumers annually spend over $1billion in hope of achieving spot-free skin.

Acne is the most common skin condition, especially amongst teenagers. There are a few common acne symptoms, these being:

  • Inflammation
  • Irritation
  • Whiteheads
  • Blackheads
  • Nodules
  • Papules
  • Pustules

Topical CBD for acne

Acne breakouts are typically triggered because of hormone imbalance, stress, allergies, or hygiene. As such, it can be hard to find a winning solution. This leaves acne sufferers feeling lost, with typical creams and supplements doing very little to help. With that said, there is one supplement that many acne sufferers are still yet to try: Topical CBD oil.

CBD fights against acne in the following ways:

Inflammation –As acne is an inflammatory condition, evidence indicates that topical CBD can help to calm skin and reduce redness.

Hormones – CBD helps by stimulating the endocannabinoid system inside our bodies, a system that has a direct relationship with other areas of our body. CBD stimulates your endocannabinoid system, which impacts your endocrine system in a positive way. This makes topical CBD an excellent supplement for those suffering from acne due to hormone problems.

Sebum – Recent research suggests that CBD has the potential to balance sebum (oil) production. This is great news for those who suffer from acne due to an overproduction of sebum oil.

Stress – CBD interacts with cannabidiol receptors in the brain. Through these interactions, CBD appears to improve the brain’s capacity to respond to stressful situations. Meaning topical CBD plays a role in decreasing the chance of acne breakouts from stress.

While further scientific research is needed, the early scientific evidence suggests that topical CBD is an effective acne solution. The anecdotal evidence is also stacking up in favour of topical CBD for acne, with thousands of acne sufferers praising the use of topical CBD products.

Topical CBD for Psoriasis

In psoriasis, there is rapid multiplication and growth of keratinocytes, which typically causes the skin to become red, flaky, and crusty. It’s not totally clear how, but CBD has shown the ability to stop the proliferation of keratinocyte, which in turn reduces psoriasis. Thus, using topical cannabidiol for psoriasis may be a good idea.

Topical CBD for pain-relief and injuries

Yes – you can use CBD topically for pain. Scientific studies are proving that CB1 receptors located throughout our nervous system are also found directly underneath our skin, meaning that topical CBD is effective at targeting the root cause of your pain.

Does topical CBD help arthritis?

Yes, you can use topical CBD oil for arthritis.

This study found that topical CBD application can provide pain-relief to arthritis and join inflammation, without evident side-effects. Personally, I use CBD topical for bulging disc issues.

Topical CBD during pregnancy

In short, the impact of topical CBD on a foetus is not yet understood with certainly. There needs to be a lot more research conducted before a concrete answer can be given. While THC-free creams may be safe, we would recommend speaking to a health care professional before applying topical CBD during pregnancy.

Topical CBD oil for alopecia

From herbal remedies to hair transplants, can topical CBD help with hair loss and impact an industry now worth $1.5 billion globally?

Despite there being little evidence to suggest that CBD oil can cure male pattern baldness, topical CBD can help to improve the thickness and quality of your hair.

Topical CBD for Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin condition that causes redness to central parts of the face. There are some common causes that stimulate this condition, these include:

  • Temperature changes
  • Alcohol
  • Physical exercise
  • Stress

By binding with the skin’s TRPV1 receptors, CBD is able to reduce inflammation, pain, and skin temperature. The combination of these could result in reduced inflammation, as shown in the following case study. The twenty-month-old boy was suffering from one of his worst rosacea inflammations, mainly due to a severe climate change while on vacation. The boy’s mother massaged 2 drops of her own CBD oil onto the boys left cheek. The results speak for themselves.  

Topical CBD for skin cancer

Can CBD be used topically for skin cancer? It hasn’t been scientifically proven yet, but with heaps of anecdotal claims that topical CBD works for skin cancer, it’s a solution worth investigating.

As the benefits of CBD oil become more apparent, skin cancer sufferers are turning to topical CBD products in attempt to treat their condition. One of the most well-known supporters of the ‘topical CBD solution’ is former skin cancer patient, Rick Simpson. Simpson decided to take his health into his own hands by applying cannabis oil directly to his skin cancer. Since curing his cancer, Simpson is now attempting to educate the world on the benefits of cannabis in treating cancer.

CBD topical for burns and surface wounds

With antibacterial properties, CBD can be used to sanitize open wounds. Topical CBD has also been to shown to desensitize your body to pains associated with burns and surface wounds.


In conclusion, the evidence is suggesting that topical CBD products have their place in both the beauty world and the medical world. So whether you’re looking to use CBD topical cream for pain, fight the signs of aging, or improve your skin-tone, take a closer look at what topical CBD supplements can do for you.

Have you used topical CBD? We always love to hear from you. Please leave a comment below or reach out on one of our social channels.



4 Best CBD Gummies – Buyer’s Guide

CBD is a saviour for people who struggle to sleep for different reasons such as anxiety, hectic schedule, job crisis etc. CBD came into the market as a safe alternative to harmful and addictive drugs for restful sleep. Not just people who suffer from sleep deprivation, but regular people can also use CBD for having a relaxed and calming mind.

CBD gummies are fast becoming one of the most popular methods of taking CBD. These tasty treats provide CBD users with an easy way to medicate themselves, but what are the best CBD gummies for sleep and relaxation?

Best CBD gummies for sleep and relaxation to use today. Get a fantastic night’s sleep with the best CBD gummies for sleep and relaxation. It will calm you down and help you unwind. Wake up full of energy every day.

What are the best CBD gummies for managing anxiety, promoting relaxation, and improving sleep quality?

Check our recommendations on CBD Gummies for Sleeping well.

CBD Infusionz

With a HUGE array of edibles in their store, CBD Infusionz offers some of the best CBD gummies for sleep that money can buy. When purchasing CBD Infusionz Gummies, you have the option to buy Regular (CBD only) or PM (CBD gummies without melatonin).

All items come in the follow CBD strengths: 100mg, 200mg, 600mg, or 1200mg sizes. Meaning Infusionz offers some of the strongest CBD gummies. Full information can be found on their website. Our personal favorites are the sour blue sodas – yum!

Tip: first-time buyers qualify for 25% off storewide


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Sunday Scaries

Sunday Scaries were made to eliminate manifestations of worry, overcome moral hangovers and deal with everyday frustrations. We use our proprietary blend of the highest quality broad-spectrum CBD, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin D3. Our CBD Gummies are the perfect on-the-go solution to eliminating your excessive worrying. They support a relaxed, focused & on-track vibe no matter what day of the week it is. Each bottle contains 20 CBD-infused gummies with 10 MG of CBD per gummy and no THC. Hint: they are not THC gummies. These edible calming gummies come in orange, cherry, pineapple, lemon, and apple flavors.

Take 2-3 gummies anytime you are feeling agitated or on edge from everyday frustrations.

cbd gummy

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Yum Yum Sour Gummies

Typical of a product from the Yum Yum brand, these sour gummies are delicious! As with some other gummies in this review, Yum Yum gummies are made with a melatonin proprietary blend, and with so many CBD-infused gummies at your disposal, you’ll never be too far away from relaxation. Click here for our in-depth review.

Tip: Use code “WELCOME35” for 35% off everything this week.


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Relax Gummies Watermelon Slices

If you’re looking for the best CBD melatonin gummies for night-time insomnia, and you love juicy watermelon (who doesn’t?), then you’ll love these CBD-infused watermelon slices. It will be no surprise that the Relax Gummies were made with one goal in mind – Relaxation. That’s why the two main ingredients are industrial hemp cannabidiol (CBD) and melatonin.

Tip: Use code “WELCOME35” for 35% off everything this week.

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Buyers Guide

This buyer’s guide is frequently updated with the latest and best CBD gummies for sleep and relaxation. One of the most common questions we receive at CBD Authority is, “will CBD help me to sleep better.” If you’re reading this, chances are you want to know the same thing. That’s the point here. You’re not alone.

Recent reports suggest that  30–35% of adults in the United States show symptoms of insomnia. Now, there’s a long list of reasons why so many are struggling to sleep. With many of us leading busy lives, stress is one of the main culprits of modern-day insomnia. Stress and anxiety are the reason why we suffer in many areas of life. If only we could find a find to reduce stress and promote calmness instead.

How to find the best CBD sweets for sleep?

Are you thinking about using CBD gummies to help you sleep? Then you should know that not all products are made the same. There are several factors at play. Let’s delve further.

Whatever CBD product you want to use, the quality indicators are the same. With that said, additional ingredients can make one CBD product better than another CBD product for specific conditions, like insomnia. For example, if you are looking for the best cannabidiol gummy bears for sleep, the addition of melatonin can help defeat insomnia.

There are many reasons to experiment before deciding on the top CBD gummy for relaxing before sleep. The cannabinoid compound is typically safe and rarely comes with any side effects. However, it can be tricky to know which CBD gummies to purchase. When searching for CBD gummies for insomnia, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Lab results – When looking for the best CBD products for sleep, you want a product that you can trust. As such, you want to purchase from a CBD company that publishes regular third-party laboratory results. These results allow consumers to see that the gummies can be trusted and used with utmost confidence.

Ingredients – It’s paramount to check the label on all CBD products before using, especially if there are specific ingredients you may be allergic to. Some CBD gummies can contain trace levels of THC, which some people may want to avoid.

Price – As with all products, you don’t want to be paying over the odds. With most CBD products already being somewhat expensive, you don’t want to be paying more than you should be. With that said, can you put a price on a good night’s sleep? Some CBD gummies are worth the price tag.

4 Best CBD Bath Bombs – Buyer’s Guide

After an exhausting and stressful day, there is nothing better than a relaxing bath that can be provided best by the CBD bath bomb. CBD baths technically don’t differ from home spa sessions. CBD bath bombs help soothe the internal tissues, providing relaxation and fighting anxiety. You can get CBD bath bombs online for a pretty affordable price.

If you enjoy baths but haven’t had the pleasure of experiencing a CBD bath bomb, what are you waiting for?! Bath bombs are one of the latest products to hit the CBD market, but what is the best CBD bath bomb?

CBD bath bombs

Without further ado, here are recommended top CBD bath bombs:

Diamond CBD

Diamond CBD – One of the most respected brands in the CBD market. With 100mg of high-quality CBD in each bomb, these are the best CBD bath bombs for relaxing after a stressful week.  A range of choices (12) mean that Diamond has a bath bomb for every occasion. Our favourites are: Coconut Cream & Lavender, Snuggable, and Cotton Candy.

diamond cbd bath bomb cotton candy 100mg e1550784717316
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Kush Queen CBD

With a host of different themed ambiances, these are the best CBD bath bombs when you want targeted relief. Kush Queen uses 100% organic essential oils, each developed from the terpenes of their respective plants.

Our three favourite bath bombs from Kush Queen are: Sleep – for rest (Lavender, Citrus Reticulata & Origanum, and Majorana), Relax – for mood (Lavender, Chamomile & Frankincense), and Relieve – for pain (Clove,Birch, Rosemary, Black Pepper, and Coriander).

kush queen relax cbd bath bomb
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Life Flower Care

Loving crafted with organic essential oils, flowers, and charged stone, this is one of the best CBD bath bombs on the market today – certainly the most luxurious, that’s for sure!

Whether a gift to a loved-one, or a treat to yourself, these bath bombs allow the user to experience a world of relaxation. We recommend their bundle set of best-selling bath bombs – Crystal Visions, Aphrodite, Flower Child, Sativa, and Limonene.

bundle most wanted
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Infused with 35mg of CBD, each CBD BOMB is formulated to relieve aches, ease inflammation, improve sleep quality, and more! The key ingredient (other than the CBD, of course) is the eucalyptus oil. The addition of this essential oil helps to clear the mind and promotes feelings of relaxation.

Our three favourite CBD bath bombs are: Purple Galaxy – Lavende essential oil, lavender & black amber fragrance oil, and topped with an amethyst point and lavender buds, Eclipse – Mango butter, cocoa butter, sage, juniper berry, and peppermint, and Maui – Jasmine, neroli & bergamot essential oils, and topped with a clear quartz crystal.

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3 Effective Topical CBD for Arthritis Pain

3 Amazing CBD For Arthritis Pain Noone Should Miss

Many of you may suffer from joint pain at one or the other point in your life. Now, this may be due to over-exercise, fatigue, or if you suffer from joint injuries. But these pains tend to have a temporary shelf life, but this is not the case in arthritis.

While Arthritis is a medical condition where your joints tend to swell and this can cause you painful moments making it difficult to perform your daily activities. Now arthritis pain can last for a short duration as well as it can haunt you throughout your life.

Arthritis is caused due to various reasons, while for some it can be an autoimmune disease, some may get post-traumatic arthritis because of their joint injuries that had happened long back and many people suffer this medical condition due to being overweight of the body.

Now the pain and uneasiness you feel in your body due to arthritis are very intense and bothersome for many of them as this medical condition interferes with your daily routine and you cannot concentrate on anything.

Now frequent heavy-dose painkillers for temporary relief against joint pains and inflammations can create addiction within your body and this can cause some severe organ damage and other health issues.

But what if you go for a more natural non-addictive external  CBD treatment to soothe all your joint pains and reduce their swelling thus helping you to deal with the daily effects of arthritis?

Read this article for some amazing topical CBD to relieve your arthritis pain.

What You Should Know About CBD For Arthritis Pain?

CBD is a natural chemical extract of the cannabis plant that is popularly known for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. This is why CBD products are used to ease the symptoms of several skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acidic reflux, herniated disc, and arthritis.

CBD content claims to interact with the endocannabinoid system(ECS) of your brain. Now this ECS is the station that receives all your pain, emotions, stress, and receptors from your body and decodes it, that is when you tend to feel pain in your body due to any medical condition. Now what CBD does is, it actually blocks these receptors from reaching your brain’s ECS and therefore this results in you feeling no longer pain in your joints due to arthritis.
CBD products also claim to reduce the swelling of the joints and make you feel less stressed and help you deal with your arthritis symptoms easily.

3 Incredible CBD For Arthritis Pain To Get Rid Of It

1. Endoca Hemp Salve 750mg

endocahempsalveWith a thicker and more concentrated solution, this is our perfect CBD salve for arthritis pain. The first thing you notice when you open the container is the delightful aroma of fresh lemon. The second thing you will notice is the dense nature of the product. As such, you’ll have to slightly dig into the product before applying it to your skin. The highly-concentrated consistency makes it perfect for applying to small areas of inflammation, like with arthritis. The nourishing hemp salve also contains other natural ingredients that reduce dryness and promote softness.

Made from natural, food-grade ingredients, the product contains 750mg of CBD! Ingredients: CBD (cannabidiol), Coconut Oil, Beeswax, Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil, Citrus Medica Limonum (Lemon) Peel Oil, Citral, Vanilla, Vitamin E. At $64 (or equivalent), this hemp salve may be deemed to be on the expensive side when compared to non-CBD creams.

However, this is on par with most high-quality topicals in the industry. At the end of the day, it will come down to your individual budget. If you have the funds, then Endoca’s hemp salve is one of the most suitable ones you can buy. Endoca offers free shipping in the U.S. for orders over $74. You can read our full review here or read the reviews on their website by following the link below.

Tip: Use code “mycbd10”  for 10% of all products sitewide

Check Price on Endoca

2. Hemp Extract Healing Salve VEGAN

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In a unique stick shape, this product is our perfect CBD cooling salve for arthritis pain. This product combines CBD oil, peppermint, menthol, eucalyptus, beeswax, and camphor to calm joint inflammation. This salve is especially useful when you want to apply your topical CBD without leaving residue on your hands. The cooling stick glides across the skin with ease and offers great value for money. The product contains 500mg of CBD per stick. Ingredients: CBD oil, peppermint, menthol, eucalyptus, beeswax, and camphor.

Check Price on Zatural

3. Diamond CBD Pain Relief

relax cbd extreme oil biotech cbd cream bundleDiamond CBD is the industry leader in quality and is working to instill strict standards of quality throughout the industry. All Diamond CBD products must pass a gauntlet of tests to be certified pure and guaranteed for potency, efficacy, and freshness. Diamond CBF sources all its cannabidiol from organically grown, NON-GMO hemp farms in Scandinavia and in the  USA.

We like these products as they absorb rapidly, leaving no oily or sticky residue. For the above reasons, this is our first choice for arthritis sufferers that need to target larger areas of inflammation. Tip: Save over 50% now on the Diamond Pain Relief Bundle 

Check Price on Diamond

How To Choose The Perfect CBD For Arthritis Pain?

Now you are well aware of the complications that painkillers create in your body. Now in the search for some natural and safe treatment for your arthritis pain, it is perfect for you to go with the topical CBD as this is used on your external skin and also helps you get relieved from all the joint pains and inflammations and you can stay pain-free for longer hours before applying the second batch of the topical CBD on your body.

Buy the topical CBD that can provide quick and effective pain relief for your joint pains, also it should have a cooling effect on your inflamed joint areas. Most importantly the product should have large coverage and should be cost-effective as well.

Closing Thoughts

Topical CBD for arthritis pain is very handy and is quite effective in dealing with your regular arthritis pain. These CBD for arthritis pain can give you quick relief from the stammering pain you are feeling in your joints. Also, you can get a variety of these topical CBD for arthritis pain that can match your budget and nourish your skin. But since these products can only provide temporary relief that does not have a long-lasting effect and again the pain is back in its active mode, if arthritis affects your mobility of hands and legs, it is better to consult the doctor for a more long-lasting treatment for your arthritis. While these CBD topicals can definitely ease your nominal joint pains and inflammations so that you get back to your daily routine.