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The Benefits of CBD for Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)

CBD oil is often recommended for the treatment of insomnia and chronic pain. Additionally, some studies have shown that CBD oil may assist in improving neurotransmitter production in the brain and might be a potential therapeutic aid in CBD for restless leg syndrome. In this post, we examine the complications and possible causes of the condition and see what scientific research says about treating RSL with Cannabidiol extracts.

What is RSL?

Restless leg syndrome is a condition that affects the body’s nervous system. The result is involuntary movements of the individual’s legs2. The person suffering from the condition will frequently experience the sensation to move their legs – and when the sensation becomes present, the individual may find that they start to experience additional symptoms, especially in cases where the person tries to resist these urges that they will feel.

Epidemiological studies have shown that the prevalence of restless leg syndrome may be as high as 14.3% in the general population1. There seems to be a higher risk of restless leg syndrome as age increased.

One of the most bothersome factors about restless leg syndrome is the fact that the urges often tend to become worse at night. This often causes a person to experience the symptoms while they sleep. In such a case, the person often also experiences a condition known as PLMS or Period Limb Movements in Sleep. The problem here is that this can greatly interrupt a person’s ability to sleep their full seven to nine hours.

Typical symptoms of RLS

While the most common symptom would be the urge to move either one or sometimes both legs, there are other symptoms that a person may also experience when they suffer from restless leg syndrome. In addition to the sensations to move their legs, the person may also experience these symptoms:

  • It may feel like there are bugs crawling on the person’s legs
  • There might be a burning or itching sensation in their legs
  • The leg muscles may be affected by cramping
  • A throbbing sensation may also develop in the person’s legs

Potential causes of RLS

A significant issue faced with restless leg syndrome is the fact that medical experts are not entirely sure what causes the condition to develop3. Some breakthroughs have been made in research surrounding restless leg syndrome. In many cases, the condition is linked to genetics – it has been found that those with a family history of the condition may be at a higher risk. The condition may also be related to underlying diseases, as well as the use of certain medications.


CBD for Beginners

Conventional treatments for RLS

Physicians often find it difficult to treat restless leg syndrome. This is because the cause of the condition can often not be pinpointed. There is no known cure that can completely eliminate the condition, but physicians usually tend to assist in treating the symptoms that a person is experiencing.

A physician will usually try to determine if any underlying diseases could be present that contributes to the restless leg syndrome. This may include diabetes, certain nutritional deficiencies, anemia, kidney disease, Parkinson’s disease, and more. If such a disease is present, then the physician will focus on providing treatment for the underlying cause.

In other cases, a range of drugs may be provided to the patient. The drugs will often be tested one-at-a-time, but there are cases where more than a single drug may be prescribed. The same drug does not work for all patients – a person may have to try different options before they find the medication that works best for them.

Some potential options that may be provided to a person with restless leg syndrome may include4:

  • Anticonvulsants
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Dopamine agonists
  • Alpha2 agonists
  • Opiates
  • Dopaminergic agents

@cmarkbernal Read More

“Update: my RLS is subsiding too! So I have been hesitant to write this, as I wanted to be sure the Lexapro was out of my system. I have been on it for at least 6 year…”

@LisaNiebs Read More

“Robin saved my life with her CBD oil! Twice a day. Eliminating my RLS. Don’t take my heart medication anymore. Sleep better too! Awesome!!!”

“Couldn’t sleep last night even tho I was super tired. Had bad rls. So I smoked some koi blue raspberry cbd and within ten min was fast asleep. That’s all.”

CBD oil as a therapeutic solution for treating RLS

CBD oil, a cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant, may be a possible treatment for RSL. This oil has shown to offer a number of potential therapeutic benefits for patients – all of which could potentially assist in reducing the particular symptoms that have been associated with restless leg syndrome.

According to a study published in the ELSEVIER Sleep Journal5, scientists found that the use of cannabinoids could have potential benefits for relieving symptoms experienced by patients with restless leg syndrome.

As someone with restless leg syndrome, you may find that you’re unable to sleep properly. Fortunately, cannabidiol has been shown to be effective for both sleep and anxiety6.


Restless leg syndrome deprives a person of sleep and causes them difficulty in their day-to-day life. While there are certain conventional treatments that could be useful, finding the right drugs is often difficult. CBD oil, however, poses as an effective treatment option without the need for the pharmaceutical drug. The oil may be helpful in reducing the symptoms of restless leg syndrome and improve the individual’s ability to achieve a peaceful night’s sleep.


1 S.M. Fereshtehnejad, A. Rahmani, M. Shafieesabet, M. Soori, A. Delbari, M.R. Motamed, J. Lokk. Prevalence and associated comorbidities of restless leg syndrome (RLS): Data from a large population-based on door-to-door survey on 19176 adults in Tehran, Iran. PLOS ONE. 17 Feb 2017. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0172593

2 Restless Legs Syndrome Fact Sheet. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver-Education/Fact-Sheets/Restless-Legs-Syndrome-Fact-Sheet

3 Restless Legs Syndrome. Cleveland Clinic. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9497-restless-legs-syndrome

4 Treatments for Restless Legs Syndrome. WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/brain/restless-legs-syndrome/restless-leg-syndrome-treatment

5 T. Megelin, I. Ghorayeb. Cannabis for restless legs syndrome: a report of six patients. Journal of Sleep Medicine. Aug 2017. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1389945717302228

6 S. Shannon, N. Lewis, H. Lee, S. Hughes. Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series. The Permanente Journal. 7 Jan 2019. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6326553/

CBD Oil For Diabetes – What Does the Science Say?

Diabetes is an ever-growing problem in the modern era. Lots and lots of people are getting affected by diabetes for various underlying reasons, and doctors have been constantly at pains to find a cure for it. This article focuses on CBD oil for diabetes, a potential cure for many health conditions that can be used as a new and alternative medicine to treat diabetes too.

A lot of people all over the world are currently suffering from type one or type-two diabetes. There are some which are already pre-diabetic and might end up with type 2 diabetes if they aren’t able to control their condition. Apparently, the occurrence of diabetes is a serious problem. That is why several doctors and researchers have been trying to solve it. One potential solution is the use of CBD oil. For many years now, CBD has been popularly known as the best cure for everything from headaches to mental health problems. Can CBD actually prevent and cure diabetes?

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a certain disease that is associated with the hormone insulin. Typically, our body generates the hormone insulin through the pancreas. This hormone is responsible for effectively storing and using sugar and fat in the body. If the pancreas fails to generate enough levels of insulin, then it can result in diabetes. On the other hand, diabetes can also develop when the body does not react accurately to insulin.

A person who has diabetes has a high blood glucose level. In the long run, diabetes can damage the kidneys, limbs, and eyes. Most often, it can also lead to stroke and heart disease. That is why people with diabetes must be able to manage them properly. Aside from treating them the traditional way, you can also use other treatments such as CBD.

What is CBD?

What is CBD? CBD, also known as Cannabidiol, is the second most prevailing cannabinoids commonly found in the cannabis plant or marijuana. Cannabis plants consist of several compounds, but the most popular are the cannabinoids. Although, there are numerous cannabinoids, but the most prominent ones are CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). THC is the cannabinoid that can make people feel “high.” Cannabis plants produce a large amount of THC and only a small amount of CBD. However, a greater source of CBD can be found in hemp plants. Nowadays, most people are currently using CBD in preventing and treating diabetes. Although, this is somewhat new, yet its results are quite promising.

Potential Benefits Of CBD Oil for Diabetes

One of the greatest risk factors for diabetes is obesity. The good news is CBD can help in decreasing the level of obesity. CBD can help in managing the weight by performing various functions in the body. It can help in eliminating extra weight and preventing weight gain by restraining the appetite. CBD is also efficient in burning calories.

CBD can help in preventing diabetes. Most often people who are diagnosed with diabetes have high levels of fasting insulin and low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Based on a five-year study, CBD can help in decreasing the levels of fasting insulin and increasing the levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. People who were not currently using CBD but have used them previously had better levels of fasting insulin, insulin resistance, and cholesterol. But they are not as exceptional as those who are currently using them.

Insulin resistance can happen when the cells of the body reject insulin. As a result, it cannot properly absorb glucose or sugar. Once the glucose amplifies in the bloodstream, it can result in high blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance is a common cause of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. According to researchers, CBD oil for diabetes is effective in treating insulin resistance due to its potent anti-inflammatory benefits.

Based on some studies, there is actually an association between chronic inflammation and insulin resistance. Once the inflammation is minimized, there will be an improvement in the immune system and cardiovascular system. At the same time, it can enhance cell development and sugar metabolism, reducing the risk of insulin resistance and diabetes.

People who are suffering from diabetes may also experience neuropathy or nerve damage. Sometimes this can occur in the hands, feet, or any areas of the body. Diabetic neuropathy can occur when there is numbness, pain, and tingling in a specific area of the body. According to studies, CBD is more effective in treating diabetic neuropathy compared to conventional medicine. CBD can help in alleviating the pain and preventing further neuropathy. It works by stimulating the receptors in the brain and body.

When it comes to treating diabetes, more and more people are now relying on cannabis since it is effective in stabilizing blood sugars.  It can help in enhancing circulation since the blood vessels are always open. CBD will act as an anti-spasmodic agent to help in alleviating muscle cramps and gastrointestinal disorders. Most of all, it can help in moderately decreasing blood pressure, which is essential if a person has diabetes.

So, how can a diabetic patient use CBD Oil in treating diabetes? There are a lot of ways that you can use CBD oil for diabetes. One of the most common methods is by consuming CBD tinctures. This can be done by putting a few drops under the tongue. Other options include CBD capsules and CBD edibles. Rather than using conventional fats, you can use CBD oil in foods to help your heart and arteries function well.

One of the most common illness of a diabetic patient is restless leg syndrome. However, this can be treated by using CBD in a vaporizer. CBD oil comes in different forms including a topical cream which is effective in relieving neuropathic pain and tingling in the feet and hands.

If you have diabetes, then it is recommended that you should see your doctor before you start using CBD oil for diabetes. CBD can help in managing blood sugar levels and diminishing inflammation. Although, CBD may not be a cure for diabetes, yet a lot of diabetic patients discovered that it is essential when it comes to managing the condition.

Final Words

In conclusion, it’s safe to say that CBD’s benefits for opiate withdrawal are clear to see. Cannabidiol for opiate withdrawal may be the most promising solution we have to curb the epidemic. As the research develops, I’m sure we will learn even more about the role of CBD and opiates. Have you used CBD to deal with opiates? We always love to hear from you. Leave a comment below or reach out via one of our social channels.

3 Best CBD Creams for Inflammation – Buyer’s Guide

What are the best CBD creams for inflammation? Studies have shown that CBD products are great to reduce inflammation. It has a great many benefits. It is also tested that CBD products have no side effects while it is used for inflammation reduction. It acts as a natural component and generally comes in cream form. It does not contain any harmful toxins and it is also paraben-free. Read for more.

Scientific studies are showing that CBD is effective for reducing skin inflammation. This research has lead to thousands of people now using CBD to reduce inflammation.

Best CBD Creams For Inflammation

Endoca Hemp Salve 750mg

This powerful hemp salve is the best CBD cream for concentrated inflammation flare-ups. With a thicker and more concentrated solution, this product works as a fantastic hand cream for those with inflamed skin conditions. The nourishing hemp salve also contains other natural ingredients that reduce dryness and promote softness. Made 100% from natural, food-grade ingredients. Endoca offer free shipping on orders over $74. Oh, and use coupon code “mycbd15” for 15% off your entire order. Read our full review here.

Ingredients: CBD (cannabidiol), Coconut Oil, Beeswax, Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil, Citrus Medica Limonum (Lemon) Peel Oil, Citral, Vanilla, Vitamin E.

Tip: Use code “mycbd10” for 10% off all orders 


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Receptra Targeted Topical CBD

This is one of the best CBD creams for inflammation that covers a wide area. Receptra’s product carries an impressive 400mg of CBD per 1oz.  With a load of inflammation-relieving properties, this nourishing topical is ideal for rubbing on areas of inflammation. I rub this product over my lower back after my post-workout shower. Use coupon code “CBD15” for 15% off your entire order.

Ingredients: Shea Butter, Shorea Butter, Coconut Oil, Mango Butter, Beeswax, Emulsifying Wax, Jojoba Oil Infused with Hemp Extract, Camphor, Vitamin E Oil, Arnica Oil, Jasmine, Ylang-Ylang.

Tip: Use code “CBD15” for 15% off all orders.

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Easy to spread over large areas, this is the best CBD cream for inflamation.

Diamond CBD’s CBD oil with MCT delivers all the benefits of high-quality CBD with MCT oil’s essential fatty acids for optimized energy to help you kickstart your day.

For a topical solution, CBD Oil Biotech’s Pain Relief Cream targets sore muscles and joint pain to deliver instant relief. With a heavy focus on continuous research and development in hemp, CBD Oil Biotech and Diamond CBD work hard to produce the finest and purest quality CBD products on the market.

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Buyers Guide

This buyer’s guide is frequently updated with the latest and best CBD creams for reducing inflammation.

If you’re suffering from inflammation problems, I feel for you. In fact, I’m going through exactly the same problem. Even though many over the counter painkillers are the go-to for most adults suffering from injury and general inflammation fare-ups, they are often associated with negative side effects. However, research has found that CBD acts as a natural and holistic alternative.

The effect of cannabinoids on inflammation has been researched on a grand scale. These studies show that CBD is able to reduce inflammation. The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD products help to prevent pain from sport-related injuries or sore joints. Inflammation can also act as the root-cause for some injuries, so by taking CBD we can actually prevent future injuries from ever happening.


Which CBD cream for inflammation?

How to find the best CBD creams for inflammation?

Thinking about using CBD cream to reduce your inflammation? Then you should know that not all products are made the same. There are a number of factors at play. Let’s delve further.

Whether you want to use the best CBD cream for inflammation or just want to take advantage of the many cannabidiol health benefits, the quality indicators are basically the same. With that said, additional ingredients can make one CBD product better than another CBD product for specific conditions, like inflammation.

The cannabinoid compound is typically safe, and rarely comes with any side effects. However, it can be tricky to know which CBD to purchase. When searching for the best CBD lotion for reducing inflammation, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Lab results – Obviously, you want a product that you can trust. As such, you want to purchase from a CBD company that publishes regular third-party laboratory results. These results allow consumers to see that the gummies can be trusted and used with utmost confidence.

Ingredients – It’s paramount to check the label on all CBD products before using, especially if there are specific ingredients you may be allergic to.

Price – As with all products, you don’t want to be paying over the odds. With most CBD products already being rather expensive, you don’t want to be paying more than you should be. With that said, can you really put a price on an inflammation-free life?

Whatever form of CBD you prefer to use, all products in this guide are designed to reduce inflammation. Happy shopping!

CBD Oil For Bone Healing – Benefits

There are limited studies regarding the benefits of CBD oil for bone healing. But according to the existing research studies, scientists claim that CBD works effectively on the healing process of the bones inside the body while enhancing the maturation of the collagenous matrix. So, bones will be more vital to break in the future after CBD oil treatments.

One of the most recent findings is the ability of CBD to perform orthopedic functions particularly in the context of bone healing. This would be another astonishing feat that would bewilder even the critics of CBD. Hence, the case for CBD having a host of curing properties is getting stronger and more interesting.

Resistance to CBD

CBD is the popular marijuana extract and a non-psychoactive compound derived from hemp. Although industrial hemp is now legalized in some U.S. states as contained in the 2018 Farm Bill, the FDA insists that CBD is still illegal. The agency’s approval is required before it could be added as an ingredient to food and health products.

Nonetheless, you can’t simply brush off the findings that using CBD oil for bone healing can aid in the healing of fractured bones. The skeletal system and bones are the main support of the human body. Your bones need to be strong to be able to hold the full weight of your body. It is inevitable for the bones to weaken as you age. But a bone fracture can also weaken the bones.

Evidence from recent CBD studies

In August 2017, the European Journal of Pharmacology published the results of an experiment using rats as a specimen. The purpose of the scientists was to determine whether CBD has a therapeutic effect on a rat with spinal cord injury. What they discovered was that CBD enhanced bone volume and trabecular thickness among others. An increase in compressive load was also noticeable.

The author of the study gave the conclusion that administering CBD could reduce the severity of spinal cord injury. There were prior studies done with similar objectives. The reports released by the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research and the International Immunopharmacology basically yielded the same results.

In a separate study conducted by the General Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army in China, lab rats with spinal cord injuries were treated using CBD. After only 14 days, bone volume and thickness improved. They came to the conclusion that CBD not only enhances bone volume and thickness but makes it durable.

How CBD Heal Bones?

The published studies by the groups mentioned above are significant and may be considered as breakthroughs. From all indications, CBD can be the catalyst for bone regeneration or development. Further, its use might not be limited to broker bones or hairline fractures but extend to the more advanced bone conditions like osteoporosis.

Researchers agree that cannabidiol can really be effective because of the built-in CBD receptors present in the bone. The endocannabinoid system dictates how new bone cells are developed. But it also serves as the guardian as it works to grow, strengthen, and preserve bones. This system is also entrusted with the task of regulating the volume of fat accumulating inside the bone.

There are two receptors in the endocannabinoid system called CB1 and CB2 and CBD can work on any of them. The CB2 receptors can be found in your bone tissue, mostly in the osteoblasts or the bone-forming cells and the osteoclasts or cells that reabsorb bone.

The twin receptors regulate bone metabolism while simultaneously keeping in check the balance between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. That is important to ensure healthy bones. When osteoporosis disrupts this balance, loss of bone density would ensue.

When CBD oil for bone healing is applied and absorbed, the osteoblasts are stimulated to create or develop healthy new bones. Interestingly, when fractured bones treated with CBD heal, it was observed that the healed bone comes out stronger than the original bone.

CBD also works on the CB2 receptors to increase the count and activity of these osteoblasts. Consequently, the osteoclasts are inhibited. Bone formation and bone loss prevention transpire. Thus, your body can maintain normal or ideal bone mass. This could indicate too that CBD is the cure for osteoporosis.



Safe medication to heal bones

CBD products are available in various forms including CBD oil. You don’t have to worry about using them because it is all-natural and poses no threat. CBD has a high absorption rate and the application would depend on your preference. It can be topical like a lotion or be taken orally by mouth.

Other CBD derivatives like concentrates, liquid or thick paste, candies, capsules, spray or vapor can be purchased. The best way to know your correct dosage is to consult your physician prior to using CBD oil and other related products. The reaction varies per person so there is no uniform dosage.

The objective of this article is to share valuable information about the healing benefits of CBD oil. Keep in mind that for younger people, bones form faster than they reabsorb. Inversely, bones reabsorb faster than they form for older folks. Whatever age bracket you belong, bone health is very important.

From here on, be conscious about protecting and preserving your bones. They become less dense and less durable over time. Always be guarded with your movements that could fracture the tiniest and largest bones. A broken bone can lead to bone loss and the dreaded osteoporosis.

An alternative treatment for bone healing

The expression ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ somehow applies directly to bones. Be it your fingers, hands, arms, legs, hips, and others. If you are over 35 years old, the healing period for a broken bone takes longer. Your mobility might be restricted if you don’t watch out.

CBD oil is not the heaven-sent solution to bone problems. It is one of the alternatives available that people find effective. Despite the favorable developments, many continue to question the efficacy of CBD as a therapeutic option. But with new findings emerging, CBD will eventually gain the acceptance it truly deserves.

CBD Oil For Depression And Anxiety – Is It a Solution?

As research suggests, the millennial generation is more prone to suicidal thoughts than older generations. Census suggests that more than one million people commit suicide every year, which is quite a concerning number. CBD oil for depression and anxiety can be an effective solution to solve the crisis as they help dispel negative thoughts by calming anxiety and stress.

Depression and anxiety disorders are among the most common mental illnesses. These conditions affect millions of people around the world and cause deliberating and disabling complications. A major depressive disorder is estimated to affect an approximate 6.7% of the population in the United States, and persistent depressive disorder affects another 1.5% of the adult population in the country. With that said, is CBD oil good for negative thoughts?


Potential causes of suicidal thoughts

Suicidal thoughts or ideation is a common concern in the general population. Some studies have looked at the possible causes for these thoughts, as well as tried to estimate the prevalence in order to understand better how much of an epidemic this might be.

According to recent reports, up to one million people commit suicide each and every year. This accounts for a suicidal death at approximately every 40-second interval. The rate of suicides throughout the world is also increasing, which is another concerning factor that needs to be taken into consideration. A 60% increase in suicidal rates has been observed over the last four decades. It has been estimated that by the year 2020, someone will commit suicide every 20 seconds.

Researchers at the Kaohsiung Medical University College of Medicine in Taiwan conducted a nationwide survey in order to not only determine the prevalence of suicide idealization in the country but to also consider the most important reasons why these thoughts cross the minds of the citizens.

A total of 2054 individuals participated in the survey – 48.8% were male respondents, and the remainder of the participants were female. The following prevalence rates for suicidal ideation were found among the participants in the survey:

  • 84% of the participants had suicidal thoughts within the last week
  • 50% of the participants had suicidal thoughts within the last year
  • 49% of all the participants admitted that they had experienced suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives

A number of risk factors for suicidal ideation was discovered in this particular survey study. The most significant risk factors and potential causes for these thoughts identified in the survey included:

  • Depression
  • Psychiatric morbidity
  • Inferiority
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Hostility
  • Unemployment
  • Divorce

Those individuals who had a history of being provided assistance for episodes of psychological distress were at a higher risk of experiencing suicidal thoughts. The survey also found that individuals who had close friends or relatives who experienced suicidal thoughts in the past were also more likely to have such ideations themselves as well.

CBD Oil For Depression And Anxiety – A Therapeutic Solution

CBD, a compound found in the cannabis plant and also known as Cannabidiol, has been linked to a number of positive effects in the human body. Studies have found that the use of CBD oil does not only exert certain physiological effects, which is helpful in conditions where the patient experiences pain and related symptoms, but may also have certain psychological benefits.

Due to depression, anxiety disorders, and other mental illnesses greatly contributing to the high prevalence of suicidal ideation among the general population, along with an increase in the risk of suicidal attempts, CBD oil for depression and anxiety is a promising therapeutic solution that might be helpful for individuals experiencing such complications.

One scientific paper examined current evidence related to the use of Cannabidiol compounds in the treatment of conditions like depression, as well as anxiety. The study found that there is a positive interaction between Cannabidiol and 5-HT1A neuro-receptors. It has been found that activation of these neuro-receptors may provide an antidepressant effect in the brain. The study also found that Cannabidiol compounds may exhibit anxiolytic effects, which means the use of CBD oil may also assist in reducing anxiety in a patient.

Another research paper wanted to observe the effectiveness of CBD oil in a sample of 2409 participants. Participants were asked about the condition they were treated with this compound, as well as how effective CBD was in terms of a treatment option. Out of all the participants, less than 5% found that the use of CBD did not yield effective results – all other participants had positive feedback to provide.

Depression and anxiety were among the top conditions that the participants were treated with CBD oil. There were 36% of participants who reported that CBD oil alone was enough to assist in treating their medical condition.

With the use of CBD oil as a treatment for anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses, the risk of negative thoughts, including suicidal ideation, may be greatly reduced.


Negative thoughts may lead a person to experience suicidal ideation. This may increase the risk of the person acting upon their thoughts, which is a concerning factor, seeing that the rate of suicide is quickly increasing worldwide. Depression and related mental illnesses are important risk factors that contribute to these thought processes.

While there are several conventional treatments available for patients, CBD oil has been found to exert a potent effect that helps to calm the mind and reduce symptoms of depression, without the range of side-effects often associated with the use of antidepressant medications.


1 About ADAA: Facts & Statistics. Anxiety And Depression Association Of America. https://adaa.org/about-adaa/press-room/facts-statistics

2 Suicide Statistics. Befrienders Worldwide. https://www.befrienders.org/suicide-statistics

3 J.I. Lee, M.B. Lee, S.C. Liao, C.M. Chang, S.C. Sung, H.C. Chiang, C.W. Tai. Prevalence of suicidal ideation and associated risk factors in the general population. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association: Taiwan Yi Zhi. Feb 2010. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20206838

4 A.R. de Mello Schier, N.P. de Oliveira Riberio, D.S. Coutinho, S. Machado, O. Arias-Carrion, J.A. Crippa, A.W. Zuardi, A.E. Nardi, A.C. Silva. Antidepressant-like and anxiolytic-like effects of cannabidiol: a chemical compound of Cannabis sativa. Journal of CNS & Neurological Disorders Drug Targets. 2014. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24923339

5 J. Corroon, J.A. Phillips. A Cross-Sectional Study of Cannabidiol Users. Journal of Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. 1 Jul 2018. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6043845/

Vaping CBD Before Bed For Better Sleep

Can vaping CBD before bed relax you from stress? Every 2 out of 5 people are suffering from insomnia. The root causes behind it are having stress and anxiety. Taking sleeping pills is not a permanent solution, since sedatives have side effects. But thankfully, here is an alternative to sedatives, CBD oil. Put a couple of drops of the oil in warm water and take the vapour daily before going to bed.

With evidence suggesting that cannabidiol can reduce insomnia, people are vaping CBD before bed for better sleep.

The importance of sleep!

It goes without saying, but a good night’s sleep is extremely important for your health. Unfortunately, modern life interferes with natural sleep patterns. This study on medical interns is a good example. Trainees in a traditional program with longer working hours of more than 24 hours made 36% more serious medical errors than trainees in a program that allowed more sleep. Another study found that sleep deprivation may have a negative impact on some aspects of brain function, as well as alcohol intoxication. Here are som typical negative effects of sleep:

  • Fat gain
  • Less productively and lower concentration levels
  • Poor exercise performance
  • Greater risk of heart disease or stroke
  • Linked to depression
  • Impaired immune function
  • Increased inflammation

CBD for better sleep

One of the most common questions we receive at CBD Authority is “will CBD help me to sleep better”. If you’re reading this, chances are you want to know the same thing. That’s the point here. You’re not alone. In fact, recent reports suggest that  30–35% of adults in the United States are showing symptoms of insomnia.

Now, there’s a long list of reasons why so many are struggling to sleep. With many of us leading busy lives, stress is one of main culprits of modern-day insomnia. In fact, stress and anxiety are the reason why we suffer in many areas of life. If only we could find a find to reduce stress, and promote calmness instead.

The search for a solution has led many hopeful insomniacs to CBD, specifically vaping CBD before bed for better sleep.

With a huge increase in usage, CBD is capturing a great deal of scientific attention for its health benefits. This research has uncovered that CBD does promote better sleep, although it does so indirectly. Carry on reading to find out how.

Goodbye anxiety, hello relaxation!

Stress and anxiety are the main culprits of modern-day insomnia. In fact, stress and anxiety are the reason why we suffer in many areas of life. Fortunately, there may be a way to reduce stress, allowing you to sleep calmly. And no, I’m not talking about drinking the night away in the local club!

The CBD way! Through years of study, we know that CBD interacts with receptors in the brain. Through these interactions, CBD appears have a calming effect that allows users to experience better sleep cycles.

Studies show that when CBD interacts with the brain’s ECS receptors, cognitive functions improve, allowing the brain to more effectively respond to stressful situations. By improving the brain’s capacity to respond to stressful situations, CBD helps alleviate current stress levels, while serving as a preventative measure against future stress.

Essentially, CBD can combat insomnia by positively impacting how users deal with stress.

Will CBD make me sleepy?

It would be easy to assume that CBD would make you sleepy, especially considering the powerful sedative effects of marijuana or THC. Well, the good news is that CBD is not a sedative compound. Even better, CBD works by combating your insomnia at the source.

Is vaping the best form of CBD for sleep?

Capsules, topical products, tinctures, oils, concentrates, and flower, are the most popular types of CBD products. With that said, is vaping CBD the best form for insomnia?

When you vape or smoke CBD flower or concentrates, it enters your bloodstream nearly immediately (within minutes) via your lungs. This is the fastest way to feel the effects of CBD.


There’s no doubt that insomnia is negatively affecting millions of people around the world. Thankfully, vaping CBD before bed is allowing many people to experience a better quality of sleep.  Although more evidence and clinical trials are needed to better understand the exact mechanisms of CBD at different stages of the sleep cycle, the results are encouraging. As always, talk to a medical professional before starting or stopping any health supplement.

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CBD Oil for Hormonal Imbalance – Truth You Must Know !

CBD Oil For Hormonal Imbalance

Researchers have found out that CBD oil can work wonders to prevent a hormonal imbalance. It has so many amazing benefits regarding this and one can definitely use this product if they are suffering from a hormonal deficiency. CBD oil for hormonal imbalance can work on both genders, male and female. Doctors also suggested that it is a possible remedy for hormonal imbalance.

Physicians and medical practitioners have time and again alerted people about the effects of CBD Oil on Hormonal Imbalance. But many take notice only when problems like loss of appetite, chronic stress, and diminished sex drive arise. It might be too late when you realize that the unevenness in your hormones is disrupting your health. And lately, CBD oil has been identified as one of the possible remedies for hormonal imbalance.

Symptoms of an imbalanced hormonal system

Before dwelling on the effectiveness of CBD oil to correct hormonal imbalances, let us look at the root causes or symptoms first. You can’t instantly detect whether your hormones are out of sync. However, there are manifestations that would indicate that your hormones are causing the changes in your physical and mental well-being.

Hormones are chemical substances that principally control the functions of your internal organs. Thus, your hormones have a great influence on your organs as well as metabolism, energy, and fat retention.

Both genders suffer from hormonal imbalances. Hormones are what you may call chemical messengers. They are potent enough to cause physical strain that could lead to mental anguish. Your endocrine glands produce them and maintain a balanced level to ensure your body performs normally.

  • Fatigue –Tiredness is felt after a hard day’s work. You can easily recover with hours of rest and quality sleep. On the other hand, fatigue goes beyond tiredness. You need to have your hormone levels checked if you are constantly tired, demotivated, and lacking in energy. The fast-paced environment we live in contributes significantly to fatigue.
  • Anxiety – Extreme stress triggers adrenal stimulation. According to neuroendocrinologists, anxiety stems from the production and release of cortisol and norepinephrine by the adrenal glands. Such a case denotes a chemical imbalance in your brain. It’s alarming because fatigue and anxiety could lead to depression. Depressants are usually prescribed to people suffering from any of the three disorders.
  • Weight loss or gain – Having a healthy and balanced diet is the often repeated advice to keep your hormone levels in check. If you have an insatiable appetite and gain weight as fast as your food intake, there must be an imbalance. Inversely, people struggling to lose some pounds signify the same. The two instances are stressful and result in more cortisol being produced. Thus, you need to be mindful of your eating habits and extra cautious about your blood sugar level.
  • Sleep disorder – A telltale of hormonal imbalance is insomnia or lack of sleep. It’s perfectly normal to experience momentary sleep disruption. But if it is sustained, it’s more likely that you have a hormonal Melatonin is the hormone associated with a person’s sleep-wake cycle. This so-called sleep chemical emanates from your brain’s pineal gland. Doctors prescribe melatonin supplements to patients suffering from sleep disorders.  But there are side effects such as dizziness, headaches, and nausea reported in some cases.
  • Changes in skin and hair texture – Your skin or hair might be losing freshness and vitality due to hormonal imbalance. Hair loss, thinning hair, and brittle nails are also symptoms of hormonal imbalance along with mineral deficiencies. The thyroid hormones are at play here. They work to regulate your body temperature and exert influence on the functions of the brain and digestive system. Again it has a lot to do with the nutrients necessary to fill up the deficiencies.


CBD For Correct Hormone Balance

Recent medical research and studies are emerging regarding the health-augmenting and therapeutic benefits of ‘cannabidiol’ or CBD. CBD oil is extracted from hemp which, along with marijuana, belongs to the cannabis genus. This compound is non-psychoactive with no ‘feel high’ effect. Thus, CBD oil is deemed safe for use. CBD is fast gaining popularity because of its numerous therapeutic benefits. Among them is correcting hormonal imbalance. For all intents and purposes, it would be helpful to know the qualities of CBD oil and its ability to correct the imbalances in cortisol, insulin, and melatonin.

  • Cortisol – It is a well-known medical fact that the production of cortisol or the “stress” hormone should be regulated. The endocrine system is chiefly responsible for keeping the cortisol level steady. Otherwise, anxiety, depression, and other negative feelings can escalate. CBD oil can regulate the cortisol level and prevent anxiety, depression, mood swings, and other negative feelings from escalating. Your stress level is kept at a minimum as CBD oil works to sustain your energy.
  • Insulin – Your energy level is tied up with the regulation of insulin or the “blood sugar” hormone. Insulin takes care of balancing metabolism and transforming blood sugar or glucose into energy. When CBD interacts with the receptors in your pancreas, it reduces the inflammation of this vital organ to bring your insulin level to the acceptable benchmark. Henceforth, your cells can absorb more nutrients from your food intake.
  • Melatonin – Lastly, CBC helps in stimulating the production of melatonin or the “sleep” hormone in the pineal gland. Many are using CBD oil just before bedtime. It relaxes the body and aids in achieving quality and uninterrupted sleep. There is no replacement for consistent, good night’s rest to rid oneself of anxiety and depression as well as combating fatigue.

There are actually more than 50 hormones that can be found circulating inside the human body. The article focused mainly on CBD’s effectiveness to regulate stress, blood sugar, and sleep hormones.


The Balancing Act

Remember it took decades before the image of cannabis or marijuana changed from notoriety to medical wonder. Today, there is overwhelming evidence that suggests CBD oil is not only for curing chronic pain.

The production and secretion of significant hormones whose levels are commonly impaired can now be regulated. Essentially, CBD oil lends a helping hand in improving the endocrine functions of the human body.

Since CBD is all-natural, you have a safer and better alternative to anti-depressants and other supplements. You can use it to defend against stress, end your sleep misery, and have more romantic interludes. Life is a balancing act and fortunately, there is CBD oil to balance our all-important bodily hormones.


Summarizing on CBD Oil For Hormonal Imbalance

CBD, a cannabinoid made by the hemp plant, can be used to activate the endocannabinoid system. Since it has the potential to affect key hormones like insulin, cortisol, and melatonin, CBD is increasingly being mentioned as a natural remedy for hormonal issues. Menstrual irregularities, pelvic pain, and uterine fibroids are just a few signs that these two hormones are not balanced properly. 80 percent of women, according to statistics, have hormone imbalance. This article explains in some detail how CBD oils can aid in regulating hormonal imbalance.

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3 Best CBD Products for Weightlifting – (Creams, Oils, and Capsules)

CBD is popping up in the workout industry these days and has become very popular recently. Sometimes microscopic tears appear in muscle tissues during a workout, causing soreness in the muscles. CBD has natural properties to heal the tissues, vital for a faster recovery. CBD has little to no side effects, thus, perfectly fine to consume within a diet.

The best CBD products for weightlifting are here. If you spend most of your time at the gym, look at the best CBD products for weightlifting. Get that added boost. You need to do an extra set of lifts.

Scientific studies are showing that CBD has many potential benefits for weight lifters. This research has l tread to thousands of gym-goers now using CBD to improve their performance. With that said, what are the best CBD products for weightlifting?

Best CBD Products For Weightlifting

Lawrence Taylor – Pain Master

Lawrence Taylor Pain Master CBD Cream

LT Pain Master CBD Cream has 1000MG of high-quality CBD sourced from industrial organic CBD hemp oil. Lawrence Taylor’s CBD cream is formulated with a concentrated CBD tincture and is free of THC.

Lawrence Taylor Pain Master CBD Oral Drops

LT Pain Master CBD Oil features 1000mg of high-quality CBD sourced from organic hemp oil and endorsed by Lawrence Taylor. These concentrated CBD oral drops are designed with the athlete in mind.

These items are a bit more expensive than some of the others on the market. However, a little goes a long way!

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LT bundle

Endoca CBD Oil Capsules

These are the best CBD capsules for weightlifters to ingest their CBD in capsule form rather than topical cream or tincture. CBD capsules have been shown to stimulate our endocannabinoid system, helping regulate biological functions such as sleep, pain, and immune function. If you don’t like the taste of cannabidiol, these CBD capsules are perfect for you. Every capsule is smooth, slippery, odorless, tasteless, and easy to swallow. I like to take this product first thing in the morning with my zinc, vitamin C, creatine, and D3 supplements.

With a consistent 10mg of CBD in every capsule, this product allows for accurate dosing and consistent results in the gym!

  • Each capsule contains 10 mg of CBD
  • Organic certification
  • No preservatives, artificial colors
    Kosher, Vegan, gluten-free-GMO

Tip: Use code “mycbd10”  for 10% of all products site wide

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Endoca Hemp Oil Drops

This lab-tested product from Endoca is the best CBD oil for weightlifters who prefer to take their CBD sublingually. By medicating with this trusted hemp oil, the brand, you can transfer all the benefits of cannabidiol into your gym session.

  • 300mg of CBD per bottle (3% concentration)
  • A single drop contains 1mg CBD (300 total drops)
  • Made with 100% organic hemp
  • Vegan, gluten free, non-GMO
  • Dropper for dosing included
  • Worldwide shipping

Tip: Use code “mycbd10”  for 10% of all products site wide
Best Hemp Oil Drops 300mg Eczema

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Buyers Guide

This buyer’s guide is frequently updated with the latest and best CBD products for weightlifting.

Are you serious about your lifting? Then you’re likely always looking for new ways to gain an edge in the weight room. Pre-workouts, bath salts, protein shakes, and Creatine are all effective supplements, but another supplement is starting to make waves within the athletic community.

There is now much evidence showing that cannabinoids can positively impact athletic performance and muscle growth. If you’re looking to gain more muscle or improve your athletic performance, CBD products may be able to improve your results.

best cbd weightlifters

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is one of the many compounds found in the cannabis plant. Unlike the THC compound, CBD is not psychoactive, meaning it won’t get you high. WiD is the ideal supplement for athletes wanting to up their game.

With no psychoactive effects but with many medicinal benefits, endocannabinoid systems

You may be wondering how CBD works?! Well, CBD supports the endocannabinoid system.

The endocannabinoid system has a direct relationship with other key bodily systems, like the immune system. By supporting the endocannabinoid system, CBD can benefit its users in a variety of ways.

Does CBD help to build muscle?

Ever since CBD exploded in popularity, the evidence is stacking up that cannabinoids aid athletic performance and muscle growth. If you’re looking to gain more muscle or improve your athletic performance, CBD oil may be able to improve your results. With that said, what are the benefits of CBD oil for bodybuilding and weightlifting?

Anti-catabolic – If you’re well-versed in the field of bodybuilding, you’ll know that being catabolic is a major no-no for maximizing tissue growthUnfortunately, our cortisol levels rise in response to stress, whether that’s from an intense workout or fry-to-day environmental stresses. This is a major problem as cortisol is a catabolic hormone that reduces protein synthesis and prevents tissue growth.

A preliminary study published in September by the Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research found that CBD interferes with cortisol secretion. Subjects experienced a significant decrease in cortisol levels in their blood. By using CBD to reduce cortisol levels, you can reduce the loss of muscle tissue.

Inflammation – Intense exercise can take its toll on the body. Who knew!?! CBD oil has been shown to reduce inflammation, which makes CBD an ideal supplement for weightlifting.  The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD may also help to prevent pain from sore joints or injuries.

Sleep – Muscles recover and grow as we sleep, making sleep one of the most important aspects of bodybuilding. In fact, sleep is essential for everyone who wants to be healthy!

By taking CBD, we’re able to actively engage with the CB2 receptors in the limbic and paralimbic regions of the brain, the part of the endocannabinoid system responsible for regulating sleep and mood. With the support of CBD, users can experience more frequent REM sleep, allowing for maximal protein synthesis to be achieved.

Chronic pain – As an athlete, your body is subjected to high amounts of pressure. At the end of a long training session, it’s not uncommon to feel fatigued and have joint pain.

Symptoms do CBD help with weight loss?

Cortisol – Heard of cortisol? Otherwise known as the stress hormone, cortisol is a hormone that elevates under stress/pressure. Cortisol is also a hormone that directly relates to fat – When you’re going through a stressful time, your body goes into ‘panic mode’ and will start storing fat in preparation for the worst.

With evidence that it lowers cortisol levels, CBD can be an ideal solution. This is a well-researched area of CBD, with studies showing the positive effect of cannabidiol on plasma prolactin, growth hormone, and cortisol.

Insulin – CBD has been shown to help turn around insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, which play a big role in your hormone imbalances. This is supported by many studies, such as this one that looked into the critical role thof e endocannabinoid system in their gelatin good intake and energy metabolism.

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Is CBD on the banned substance list?

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) implemented new regulations on January 1, 2018, allowing all athletes to use CBD supplements.

Which CBD is best for bodybuilding?

CBD can be taken in several ways, but which form of CBD is best for weightlifting? It’s important for each fitness-enthusiast to personally discover how to leverage CBD’s bodybuilding benefits on their own physique.

Topical – Used for inflammation and pain relief, CBD creams are the most popular form of CBD within the bodybuilding industry. Topical CBD products allow you to target specific areas of the body, making them perfect for those people with injuries or achy joints. Click here for our recommended topical products.

Tinctures – This is the most popular way to take CBD. Tinctures are taken sublingually, usually done by placing a few drops of liquid underneath the tongue.  You could also take your CBD oil with food or liquid, like placing a few drops into your post-workout protein shake.

Edibles – These are tasty food items that contain CBD. Ideal as a post-workout CBD snack, these tasty treats provide gym-goers with an easy way to medicate. Click here for our recommended gummy products.

Will CBD Cause a Drug interaction?

A drug interaction is a reaction between a drug and another substance. Unfortunately, drug interactions can cause unexpected side effects.

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CBD and the Cytochrome P450 Enzyme System

CBD has been shown to inhibit the cytochrome P450 system’s ability to metabolize some medications, leading to higher levels of some drugs in the system at one time.

CBD won’t necessarily cause problems if you’re taking other drugs, but we recommend speaking to your doctor before doing so.

Topical does not cause a drug interaction since it isn’t digested and doesn’t make its way through the liver or interact with the cytochrome P450 system.

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Should I take CBD pre-workout or post-workout?

While many individuals like using CBD after a workout to improve recovery, others have found that CBD acts as a performance booster when taken pre-workout.

Pre-workout – Some athletes have found that activating the endocannabinoid system immediately helps their body to function more efficiently, thus improving gym performance.

Post-workout – Some have found that CBD causes a feeling of relaxation that does not mix well with their lifting, meaning they prefer to take their CBD once the workout is finished.

Essentially, it comes down to trial and error. Keep in mind that CBD affects everyone differently. To test, take a small dose before/after your workout. Make sure to do this over the course of a few days. We don’t recommend taking CBD for the first time during a weightlifting competition or important event.

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How to find the best CBD for weightlifting?

Thinking about using CBD for weightlifting? Then you should know that not all products are made the same. There are several actors at play. Let’s delve further.

Whether you want to use the best CBD for weightlifting or take advantage of the many cannabidiol health benefits, the quality indicators are basically the same. With that said, additional ingredients can make one CBD product better than another CBD product for specific conditions, like injuries.

The cannabinoid compound is typically safe and rarely comes with any side effects. However, it can be tricky to know which CBD item to purchase. When searching for the best CBD product for weightlifters, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Lab results – When looking for the best CBD product for weightlifters, you want a product that you can trust. As such, you want to purchase from a CBD company that publishes regular third-party laboratory results. These results allow consumers to see that the gummies can be trusted and used with utmost confidence.

Ingredients – It’s paramount to check the label on all CBD products before using, especially if there are specific ingredients you may be allergic to.

Price – As with all products, you don’t want to be paying over the odds. With most CBD products already being rather expensive, you don’t want to be paying more than you should be. With that said, can you really put a price on improved athletic performance?

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Why do I use CBD for the gym?

Since the age of 17, I’m always looking for new ways to take my physique to the next level as a hardcore gym-goer. As all-natural bodybuilders will know, the first few years of weightlifting are where the most muscle is built. However, making gym progress after the “newb gain” phase is very difficult. So when I first heard about the benefits of CBD, my mind instantly started thinking about how CBD could give me an edge in the gym.

Now, I’m not like every guy who goes to the gym. Thanks to an incident in the summer of 2014, I can’t lift heavy like I used to.

There I was, mid-lift when a massive pop echoes throughout the gym! Yes, that disgusting sound came from my lower back, which I later found out to be a herniated disc.

This brings me to the main reason why I use CBD for weightlifting – inflammation. I take CBD oil in tincture form first thing in the morning; this allows the CBD to reduce my inflammation and stiff joints from the previous workout. I also apply topical CBD over my body after my post-workout shower, making sure to be generous over my lower back area.

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Final Words

In conclusion, it’s safe to say that CBD has some amazing benefits for your fitness, bodybuilding, and wellness goals. So whether you’re looking to build muscle, lose weight, or improve your overall performance, take a closer look into CBD supplements.

Have you used CBD for bodybuilding? We always love to hear from you. Leave a comment below or reach out via one of our social channels.

CBD Oil for ADD And ADHD – Everything You Need To Know!

The research about how CBD oil helps in ADD and ADHD is very limited. However, most people consider CBD oil an effective medicine for resolving ADD and ADHD health issues if administered in a proper way with a proper dosage. As doctors are still not determined about the safety measures of CBD oil for ADD and ADHD, it can cause adverse effects.

Anyone who has suffered from ADD/ADHD will know how far the effects of this personal condition can extend to one’s social and work life, creating anxiety and hindering one’s well-being. Likewise, sufferers will likely have noticed how fickle and addictive these stimulant medicaments can be. With that in mind, we want to give you an alternative solution. Read on to find out how you can effectively use CBD for ADD & ADHD treatment.

What is ADD/ADHD?

Before discussing the effects of CBD Oil for ADD and ADHD, we must first define the terms. An often misdiagnosed neurobiological disorder, ADD/ADHD is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity; symptoms that are usually perceived early in childhood but sometimes last through adolescence all the way to adulthood. Although there is a fine line between the two disorders, most adults tend to be diagnosed with ADD, whereas children often develop features of hyperactivity on top of the lack of attention.

In relation to its symptoms, ADHD is classified in:

  • Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive: The majority of symptoms involve difficulty in waiting patiently, sitting still, or interrupting.
  • Predominantly Inattentive: Most symptoms involved difficulty in staying attentive, losing objects, struggling to memorize and recall information, disorganization, being easily distracted, etc.
  • Combined Hyperactive-Impulsive and Inattentive: This form involves having six or more symptoms of both types.

Regardless of type, the main physiological irregularity found in ADD/ADHD patients is the shortage of dopamine (a chemical neurotransmitter responsible for cognitive processes such as memory and attention) in the prefrontal cortex of the brain.

Although the number of children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD has grown exponentially over the past 50 years, up until recently doctors have treated patients predominantly with psycho-stimulants, such as: Clonidine, Dexmethylphenidate, Methylphenidate (Ritalin) and Lisdexamfetamine – drugs that are molecularly identical to methamphetamine and cocaine.

While these medicaments induce dopamine – and thus promote concentration – they also come with an array of unpleasant side effects, such as: Mood swings, stomache-ache, trouble sleeping, mood swings, high prices, and addictive properties.

What is CBD (Cannabidiol)?

Cannabidiol is one of the active ingredients in Cannabis sativa, otherwise known as marijuana. However, unlike its infamous cousin, CBD doesn’t hold psychedelic effects, meaning it won’t make you high.

CBD is a cannabinoid substance, which means it engages with the cannabinoid receptors in the brain. It’s this direct impact on the cannabinoid system that allows CBD users to benefit in such miraculous ways.

CBD Oil For ADD And ADHD – How can CBD help with treating ADD/ADHD?

CBD is able to treat ADD/ADHD by influencing the brain’s dopamine management systems. If properly dosed and administered safely, CBD is able to positively impact the patient’s dopamine levels.

Our brains hold specific receptors for various substances that the body itself produces. Most drugs act on these receptors, helping them either catch or block these substances, helping to treat or prevent a given disorder.

One of the types of receptors is the cannabinoid receptors, also known as CB1 and CB2. The THC found in marijuana is one of the substances that have an affinity with these receptors and the ability to activate them. For exmaple, the “high” effect one gets from smoking a joint represents the activation of CB1 by THC.

Unlike THC, CBD has little affinity for the cannabinoid receptors in the brain and instead works as an antagonist to them. This means that when it binds to these receptors, it occupies space without activating them, which in turn prevents them from being activated by other substances.

CBD can also bind to other receptors, such as 5-HT1A – a serotonin receptor – that influences mood and is strongly related to depression. This connection may be related to the antidepressant, anxiolytic and neuroprotective effects of CBD.

All that being said, CBD hasn’t got the power to cure ADD/ADHD per se. What it has shown to do is diminish the negative effects of the disorder the same way conventional medicaments would, only with less harsh side-effects and in a more natural way. And since each organism responds differently, you should check with your doctor about how to manage your CBD intake.

How to take CBD for ADHD?

Being a new drug, doctors have not yet reached a consensus on what is the most effective method of cannabidiol use. With that said, the most common way to take CBD for ADD is to use CBD tinctures. Whichever method you prefer, remember to always consult your doctor before starting a new medication.

Tablets/Capsules – Isolating CBD in the laboratory and turning it into tablets is feasible and effective.

Vaporize – If you want to relieve your ADHD quickly, then vaping is the way to go. By vaping, the CBD is able to hit your bloodstream very quickly.

Oil tinctures – Versatile and easy to administer, CBD oil should be applied under the tongue with the help of a dropper. Instead of swallowing the oil, it is recommended that you let the drops settle for one or two minutes. This is the most practical method of CBD administration for children and adolescent ADD sufferers, and the effects are almost immediate.


In conclusion, it’s safe to say that using CBD is a great way to deal with ADD. But like with any new drug, we recommend speaking to your local health professional before adding CBD to your ADD medication.

Have you used CBD to successfully manage your ADD? Have you found a great CBD product that is working well for you? We always love to hear from you. Leave a comment below or reach out on one of our social channels.

2 Amazing CBD Oil For Dogs With Epilepsy

Just like humans, our furry friends have cannabinoid receptors and an endocannabinoid system. By giving our pet dogs the perfect CBD products, we can affect their epilepsy in a positive manner. All products in this buyer’s guide come from reputable manufacturers that only use the very perfect cannabidiol. Without further ado, here is our perfect CBD oil for dogs with epilepsy.

Though research is limited at this point regarding the effectiveness of CBD products on the epilepsy of a dog, CBD is known for its soothing properties. Out of many, we have chosen the three most suitable products of CBD that have positive effects on epilepsy that are CBD Infusionz Dog Treats, Infinite CBD Pet Dropper, and Holistapet Organic CBD dog treats.

3 Perfect CBD Oil For Dogs With Epilepsy

CBD Infusionz

CBD Infusionz CBD dog treats Bacon 250mg CBD Hemp 1024x1024

CBD Infusionz – All Natural Dog Treats. This is the most suitable CBD oil for dogs with epilepsy that love the taste of delicious bacon! These treats for dogs with epilepsy have an ideal 10mg of CBD in each treat. The treats are grain & gluten-free, made from 100% natural ingredients, and contain powerful super-foods (blueberries and cranberries).

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Infinite CBD Pet Dropper

best CBD dogs epilepsy Dropplets

Infinite’s CBD dropper is one of the perfect CBD tinctures for dogs with epilepsy. With coconut oil as the carrier, Infinite CBD claims that this product allows for a healthier coat and is gentle on your stomach. A Medium Pet dropper has 2.5mg per drop or 1500mg. Complete product information can be found on their website.

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How To Select CBD Oils For Dogs?

This buyer’s guide is frequently updated with the latest and perfect CBD oil for dogs with epilepsy.

CBD has been shown to help dogs with epilepsy. It does this by interacting with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in our pet’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS). As part of the ECS, these endocannabinoid receptors are found in all key bodily systems. Thus, allowing cannabidiol to have a positive effect on your pet’s epilepsy.

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How to find the most suitable CBD dog oil?

Want to improve your dog’s epilepsy with CBD? Maybe you just want to improve your dog’s health. Then you should know that not all CBD products for dogs are made the same. There are a number of factors at play. Let’s delve further.

Whether you want to use CBD for a specific condition or just want your pet to take advantage of the CBD oil health benefits for dogs, the quality indicators are basically the same. With that said, additional ingredients can make one CBD product better than another CBD product for specific conditions, like epilepsy in dogs.

There are many reasons to experiment before deciding on the perfect CBD oil for dogs with epilepsy. The cannabinoid compound is typically safe for pets and comes with few side effects. However, with so many products on the market, we recommend picking one that is specific to dogs. When searching for the most suitable CBD for dogs with epilepsy, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Lab results – When looking for the perfect CBD oil for epilepsy in dogs, you want a product that can be trusted. As such, you want to purchase from a CBD company that publishes third-party laboratory results on a regular basis. These results allow consumers to see that the product can be trusted and used confidently.

Ingredients – It’s paramount to check the label of all products that we give to our pets.

Price – Just like with every product, you don’t want to be paying over the odds for your CBD product. With that said, can you really put a price on a happy dog? Using the perfect cannabidiol product for dogs with epilepsy can sometimes cost more, but it can be worth it.

Closing Thoughts

CBD oil, commonly known as cannabidiol, is derived from marijuana plants. Both hemp and marijuana are members of the cannabis plant family, however, hemp has less Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychotropic component. CBD has been approved by the FDA to treat some types of epilepsy in people, and it may also benefit pets.

Seizures affect about one out of every twenty dogs. Many pet parents who have dogs who have seizures on a regular basis are continuously looking for methods to improve their dog’s condition. CBD oil has shown promise in the treatment of epilepsy in dogs. A CBD randomized controlled trial at Colorado State University (CSU) yielded promising results in the treatment of seizures. 89% of the nine dogs given CBD had superior seizure control.

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