It is proven that CBD products are great to cure pain, dryness, and inflammation. However, it can also work as a neurotherapeutic remedy for restless leg syndrome. Restless leg syndrome is a disease that affects the nervous systems of the body that causes a sensation in the legs. CBD products can cure a person who is having restless leg syndrome.
With CBD shown to be beneficial for RLS, what are the perfect CBD products for restless leg syndrome? All products in this buyer’s guide come from reputable manufacturers that only use cannabidiol from trusted sources.
Without further ado, here are our recommended CBD products for reducing the symptoms of RLS.
CBD oil is often recommended for the treatment of insomnia and chronic pain. Additionally, some studies have shown that CBD oil may assist in improving neurotransmitter production in the brain and might be a potential therapeutic aid in CBD for restless leg syndrome.
This post examines the complications and possible causes of the condition and sees what scientific research says about treating RSL with Cannabidiol extracts.
What is Restless Legs Syndrome?
Restless leg syndrome is a condition that affects the body’s nervous system. The result is involuntary movements of the individual’s legs2. The person suffering from the condition will frequently experience the sensation to move their legs – and when the sensation becomes present, the individual may find that they start to experience additional symptoms, especially in cases where the person tries to resist these urges that they will feel.
Epidemiological studies have shown that the prevalence of restless leg syndrome may be as high as 14.3% in the general population1. There seems to be a higher risk of restless leg syndrome as age increases.
One of the most bothersome factors about restless leg syndrome is that the urges often tend to worsen at night. This often causes a person to experience the symptoms while they sleep. In such a case, the person often also experiences a condition known as PLMS or Period Limb Movements in Sleep. The problem here is that this can greatly interrupt a person’s ability to sleep their full seven to nine hours.
Typical symptoms of RLS
While the most common symptom would be the urge to move either one or sometimes both legs, there are other symptoms that a person may also experience when they suffer from restless leg syndrome. In addition to the sensation to move their legs, the person may also experience these symptoms:
- It may feel like bugs are crawling on the person’s legs
- There might be a burning or itching sensation in their legs
- The leg muscles may be affected by cramping
- A throbbing sensation may also develop in the person’s legs
Potential causes of RLS
A significant issue faced with restless leg syndrome is that medical experts are not entirely sure what causes the condition to develop3. Some breakthroughs have been made in research surrounding restless leg syndrome. In many cases, the condition is linked to genetics – it has been found that those with a family history of the condition may be at a higher risk. The condition may also be related to underlying diseases, as well as the use of certain medications.
How is Restless Legs Syndrome Treated?
RLS symptoms can occasionally be significantly improved by treating an underlying illness, such as iron insufficiency. Receiving iron supplements orally or intravenously can help treat an iron deficit. However, only take iron supplements under a doctor’s care and after your doctor has measured your blood iron levels.
Treatment for RLS that is not accompanied by another ailment focuses on modifying your lifestyle. If things don’t work, your doctor can suggest taking medication. There are several prescription drugs that can be used to lessen leg restlessness, the majority of which were created to treat different disorders. The brain’s concentrations of the chemical transmitter dopamine are impacted by these drugs. The Food and Drug Administration has licensed rotigotine (Neupro) and pramipexole (Mirapex) for the treatment of mild to moderate RLS.
3 Amazing CBD For Restless Leg Syndrome

This is our perfect CBD product for restless leg syndrome sufferers who prefer CBD in capsule form rather than an oil or topical cream. CBD capsules have been shown to stimulate our endocannabinoid system, helping regulate biological functions such as sleep, pain, and immune function. With a consistent 10mg of CBD in every capsule, this product allows for accurate dosing and can bring a consistent reduction of RLS symptoms.
CBD for restless leg syndrome is a blessing for many. Boost your confidence and learn when and how you can use CBD for restless leg syndrome. It is sure to calm to nerves and make you relax. Try it out now.
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This lab-tested product from Endoca is our most suitable CBD oil for restless leg syndrome sufferers who prefer to take their CBD sublingually. Endoca is one of the highest-quality CBD companies on the market, and their Hemp Oil is no different. Each bottle has a concentration of 3%, meaning it contains 300mg of CBD. A single drop contains 1mg CBD (300 total drops). Confidence in a bottle.
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This is our perfect CBD vape pen for restless leg syndrome sufferers. Just like with the gummies, Diamond CBD disposable vape pens come in a huge array of flavors – our favorite being the Classic Grape! These CBD vape pens are formulated using Colorado-grown CBD Isolate, solvent-less Tec Temper Oil, and natural flavor terpenes. Each pen contains 200mg of natural, organic, and food-grade CBD.
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Buyers Guide
This buyer’s guide is frequently updated with the latest and most suitable CBD products for restless leg syndrome. Restless leg syndrome is a condition that affects the body’s nervous system, which results in involuntary leg movements. Epidemiological studies have shown that the prevalence of restless leg syndrome may be as high as 14.3% in the general population.
While certain conventional treatments could be useful for controlling RLS symptoms, scientists are no closer to finding a cure for this condition. Fortunately, CBD poses an effective solution to pharmaceutical drugs.
Conventional treatments for RLS
Physicians often find it difficult to treat restless leg syndrome. This is because the cause of the condition can often not be pinpointed. No known cure can eliminate the condition, but physicians usually tend to assist in treating the symptoms that a person is experiencing.
A physician will usually try to determine if any underlying diseases could contribute to restless leg syndrome. This may include diabetes, certain nutritional deficiencies, anemia, kidney disease, Parkinson’s disease, and more. If such a disease is present, the physician will focus on providing treatment for the underlying cause.
In other cases, a range of drugs may be provided to the patient. The drugs will often be tested one at a time, but there are cases where more than a single drug may be prescribed. The same drug does not work for all patients – a person may have to try different options before finding the medication that works perfectly for them.
Some potential options that may be provided to a person with restless leg syndrome may include4:
- Anticonvulsants
- Benzodiazepines
- Dopamine agonists
- Alpha2 agonists
- Opiates
- Dopaminergic agents
How to find the perfect CBD products for RLS?
Thinking about using CBD products to alleviate the symptoms of RLS? Then you should know that many factors make one product better than another. Let’s delve further.
Whether you want CBD to relieve RLS symptoms or take advantage of the general health benefits, the quality indicators are basically the same.
There are many reasons to experiment before deciding on the perfect CBD products for RLS symptoms. The cannabinoid compound is typically safe and comes with few side effects. However, with so many products on the market, it’s hard to pinpoint just one. Here’s what you should keep in mind when shopping for CBD:
Lab results – When looking for the perfect CBD oil for treating restless leg syndrome symptoms, you want a product that you can trust. As such, you want to purchase from a CBD company that publishes third-party laboratory results regularly. These results allow consumers to see that the product can be trusted and used confidently.
Ingredients – It’s paramount to check the label of all products you intend to consume, especially if you suffer from specific allergies. Some CBD products also contain trace levels of other ingredients, like THC and other oils.
Price – As with all products, you don’t want to be paying more than you should be. As such, don’t be afraid to shop around. We believe that all products in the guide provide great value to the user. With that said, can you put a price on reducing the frequency and intensity of restless legs? Some products are worth it.
Want to know more about CBD and RLS? Click here.
CBD oil as a therapeutic solution for treating RLS
CBD oil, a cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant, may be a possible treatment for RSL. This oil has shown to offer several potential therapeutic benefits for patients – all of which could potentially assist in reducing the particular symptoms that have been associated with restless leg syndrome.
According to a study published in the ELSEVIER Sleep Journal5, scientists found that using cannabinoids could have potential benefits for relieving symptoms experienced by patients with restless leg syndrome.
As someone with restless leg syndrome, you may find that you’re unable to sleep properly. Fortunately, cannabidiol is effective for both sleep and anxiety6.
Restless leg syndrome deprives a person of sleep and causes them difficulty in their day-to-day life. While certain conventional treatments could be useful, finding the right drugs is often difficult. CBD oil, however, poses an effective treatment option without the need for a pharmaceutical drug. The oil may help reduce the symptoms of restless leg syndrome and improve the individual’s ability to achieve a peaceful night’s sleep.