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Best CBD Wax for Dabbing – Buyer’s Guide

What is CBD wax? Which is the best CBD wax for dabbing? CBD wax is an oily substance typically used for dabbing CBD and vape pens. It is a highly concentrated form of regular CBD filtered with CBD oil that has been organically extracted from Hemp plants. It is spotless and strictly produced in laboratories and holds medicinal properties along with soothing sensations.

All products in this buyers guide come from reputable manufacturers that only use cannabidiol from trusted sources. Without further ado, here is our top rated CBD wax.

The Best CBD Wax For Dabbing!


Rich with Terpenes and Amino Acids, CBDFX’s wax is made with filtered CBD oil derived from organically grown hemp plants. The product contains one gram of 30% CBD oil and 300mg of pure CBD. This ultra potent CBD wax contains roughly 20 servings.

As with all CBDFX products, this CBD wax is backed by ethical sourcing and some of the cleanest, strictest laboratory practices in the industry.

CBDfx Dabs1 800x800 e1561459081223

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Buyers Guide

This buyer’s guide is frequently updated with the latest and best CBD wax for dabbing.

When cannabidiol is dabbed, the compound enters your bloodstream nearly immediately (within minutes) via your lungs. When it comes to immediately feeling the effects, there is little competition.

CBD works by interacting with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in our body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS). As part of the ECS, these endocannabinoid receptors are found in all key bodily systems. Thus, allowing cannabidiol to provide a whole host of medical benefits to users.



How to find the best CBD Wax For Dabbing?

Thinking about using CBD wax for medicinal benefits? Then you should know that not CBD wax is made to the same standards. There are a number of factors to look at.

Whether you want to dab CBD or take it orally, the quality indicators are basically the same.

There are many reasons to experiment before deciding on the best CBD wax for dabbing. CBD is typically safe, and come with little to no side effects. However, with so many products on the market, it can be tricky to pick just one. Here’s what you should keep in mind:

Lab results – When looking for the best CBD wax for dabbing, you want a product that you can trust. As such, you want to purchase from a CBD company that publishes third-party laboratory results on a regular basis. These results allow consumers to see that the wax can be trusted and used confidently. We recommend CBDFX as they publish third-party reports for all products.

Ingredients – It’s paramount to check the label of all CBD products, especially if you’re allergic to specific ingredients. Concentrated CBD wax can contain trace levels of other ingredients, like THC.

Price – As you’ve probably realized, CBD products can be expensive. The relationship between quality and cost needs to be given some thought. If a product is of very high quality, then the price tag can sometimes be well worth it.

2 Amazing CBD Chocolates For Complete Sweetness

In spite of having several health benefits, CBD products are not accepted broadly because of their relationship with the cannabis family. Edible CBD chocolates are made of cannabinoids. Consuming CBD chocolates effectively reduce stress and anxiety. But you can not get high by eating CBD chocolates, for the amount of cannabinoid present in the chocolate is very low.

Who doesn’t love chocolate? CBD edibles are made by infusing cannabidiol with delicious treats. With that said, what are the most popular CBD chocolate bars? All products in this buyer’s guide come from reputable manufacturers that only use the very perfect ingredients. Without further ado, here are our recommended CBD chocolate bars:

2 Incredible CBD Chocolates For Your Sweet Tooth

1. Cookies and Cream 500mg

products Cookies Cream Koala Bar c6d10a96 c41f 4f81 a3cc 8024adab4aaf

This is the most suitable CBD chocolate bar for those that love cookies and cream. Guilty as charged! CBD Infusionz offers its chocolate in a range of 6 different varieties. Hand crafted, these artisan bars are made by combining white chocolate with a classic flavour, then mixed with fresh chocolate cookie pieces.

  • Ingredients – Sugar, partially hydrogenated palm kernel, non-fat dry milk, milk glyceryl lactose esters of fatty acids, Domestic Hemp Extract, soy lecthis, salt, enriched flour, cocoa, high fructose corn syrup, corn starch, chocolate cookie pieces, natural and artificial flavour.

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2. Amaretto Orange 500mg

products Amaretto Orange Koala Bar fc661192 0ebd 47a2 ab1c 5bb3936d25cf

This is the perfect CBD chocolate orange on the market. CBD Infusionz offers its chocolate in a range of 6 different varieties. Handcrafted, these artisan bars are made by combining amaretto dark chocolate with the sweetness of blood oranges, and then topped with real candied orange bits.

  • Ingredients – Sugar, partially hydrogenated palm kernel, nonfat dry milk, milk glyceryl lactose esters of fatty acids, Domestic Hemp Extract, soy lecthis, salt, enriched flour, cocoa, high fructose corn syrup, corn starch, dehydrated blood orange pieces, natural and artificial flavour.

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What Are The Benefits of CBD Chocolate?

Now that you are well aware of the health benefits CBD has, take a look at some of them from the list below

  • CBD is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, so whenever any part of your body is swelled up and the pain is making you feel restless, consume CBD chocolates as these are easy to eat and also reduce all your muscle inflammation and give your body quick relief.
  • CBD being a magnificent soothing agent interacts with your endocannabinoid system of the brain (ECS) and blocks all the stress and emotional receptors to reach your brain thus relaxing your mind by keeping it away from stressful thoughts and aiding in peaceful sleep. CBD chocolates are the perfect form of CBD product to use for sleep issues.
  • When you might be feeling exerted due to a heavy day routine grab a bite of CBD chocolate, and you will feel the boost in your energy levels to keep you away from fatigue.

Closing Thoughts

When you are likely to have disorganized sleep patterns and have to rely on sleeping pills to get you to sleep, you would surely get addicted to these pills which may cause you uneasiness and anxiety issues if you skip these pills. Now instead of risking your life for these pills, why not switch to something like CBD chocolates that is more natural yet serves as a sweet treat for you and gives you a soothing sleep?

But again it is very important to consult your doctor for the right dosage of CBD chocolate to be taken daily. Also, check if you are prone to allergies to any ingredient present in the CBD chocolate only then go for it. CBD chocolates can pose side effects in your body if you are suffering from other health concerns and are on medications for those issues. Whatever it may be feasting on CBD chocolate to get peaceful sleep is so innovative and unique way of taking medications.

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4 Amazing CBD for Restless Leg Syndrome

It is proven that CBD products are great to cure pain, dryness, and inflammation. However, it can also work as a neurotherapeutic remedy for restless leg syndrome. Restless leg syndrome is a disease that affects the nervous systems of the body that causes a sensation in the legs. CBD products can cure a person who is having restless leg syndrome.

With CBD shown to be beneficial for RLS, what are the perfect CBD products for restless leg syndrome? All products in this buyer’s guide come from reputable manufacturers that only use cannabidiol from trusted sources.

Without further ado, here are our recommended CBD products for reducing the symptoms of RLS.

CBD oil is often recommended for the treatment of insomnia and chronic pain. Additionally, some studies have shown that CBD oil may assist in improving neurotransmitter production in the brain and might be a potential therapeutic aid in CBD for restless leg syndrome.

This post examines the complications and possible causes of the condition and sees what scientific research says about treating RSL with Cannabidiol extracts.

What is Restless Legs Syndrome?

Restless leg syndrome is a condition that affects the body’s nervous system. The result is involuntary movements of the individual’s legs2. The person suffering from the condition will frequently experience the sensation to move their legs – and when the sensation becomes present, the individual may find that they start to experience additional symptoms, especially in cases where the person tries to resist these urges that they will feel.

Epidemiological studies have shown that the prevalence of restless leg syndrome may be as high as 14.3% in the general population1. There seems to be a higher risk of restless leg syndrome as age increases.

One of the most bothersome factors about restless leg syndrome is that the urges often tend to worsen at night. This often causes a person to experience the symptoms while they sleep. In such a case, the person often also experiences a condition known as PLMS or Period Limb Movements in Sleep. The problem here is that this can greatly interrupt a person’s ability to sleep their full seven to nine hours.

Typical symptoms of RLS

While the most common symptom would be the urge to move either one or sometimes both legs, there are other symptoms that a person may also experience when they suffer from restless leg syndrome. In addition to the sensation to move their legs, the person may also experience these symptoms:

  • It may feel like bugs are crawling on the person’s legs
  • There might be a burning or itching sensation in their legs
  • The leg muscles may be affected by cramping
  • A throbbing sensation may also develop in the person’s legs

Potential causes of RLS

A significant issue faced with restless leg syndrome is that medical experts are not entirely sure what causes the condition to develop3. Some breakthroughs have been made in research surrounding restless leg syndrome. In many cases, the condition is linked to genetics – it has been found that those with a family history of the condition may be at a higher risk. The condition may also be related to underlying diseases, as well as the use of certain medications.

How is Restless Legs Syndrome Treated?

RLS symptoms can occasionally be significantly improved by treating an underlying illness, such as iron insufficiency. Receiving iron supplements orally or intravenously can help treat an iron deficit. However, only take iron supplements under a doctor’s care and after your doctor has measured your blood iron levels.

Treatment for RLS that is not accompanied by another ailment focuses on modifying your lifestyle. If things don’t work, your doctor can suggest taking medication. There are several prescription drugs that can be used to lessen leg restlessness, the majority of which were created to treat different disorders. The brain’s concentrations of the chemical transmitter dopamine are impacted by these drugs. The Food and Drug Administration has licensed rotigotine (Neupro) and pramipexole (Mirapex) for the treatment of mild to moderate RLS.

3 Amazing CBD For Restless Leg Syndrome

1. Endoca CBD Oil Capsules

Raw CBDa capsules

This is our perfect CBD product for restless leg syndrome sufferers who prefer CBD in capsule form rather than an oil or topical cream. CBD capsules have been shown to stimulate our endocannabinoid system, helping regulate biological functions such as sleep, pain, and immune function. With a consistent 10mg of CBD in every capsule, this product allows for accurate dosing and can bring a consistent reduction of RLS symptoms.

CBD for restless leg syndrome is a blessing for many. Boost your confidence and learn when and how you can use CBD for restless leg syndrome. It is sure to calm to nerves and make you relax. Try it out now.

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2. Endoca Hemp Oil Drops

Best Hemp Oil Drops 300mg Eczema

This lab-tested product from Endoca is our most suitable CBD oil for restless leg syndrome sufferers who prefer to take their CBD sublingually. Endoca is one of the highest-quality CBD companies on the market, and their Hemp Oil is no different. Each bottle has a concentration of 3%, meaning it contains 300mg of CBD. A single drop contains 1mg CBD (300 total drops). Confidence in a bottle.

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3. Diamond CBD Vape Pens

CBD Vape Pens

This is our perfect CBD vape pen for restless leg syndrome sufferers. Just like with the gummies, Diamond CBD disposable vape pens come in a huge array of flavors – our favorite being the Classic Grape! These CBD vape pens are formulated using Colorado-grown CBD Isolate, solvent-less Tec Temper Oil, and natural flavor terpenes. Each pen contains 200mg of natural, organic, and food-grade CBD.

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Buyers Guide

This buyer’s guide is frequently updated with the latest and most suitable CBD products for restless leg syndrome. Restless leg syndrome is a condition that affects the body’s nervous system, which results in involuntary leg movements. Epidemiological studies have shown that the prevalence of restless leg syndrome may be as high as 14.3% in the general population.

While certain conventional treatments could be useful for controlling RLS symptoms, scientists are no closer to finding a cure for this condition. Fortunately, CBD poses an effective solution to pharmaceutical drugs.

Conventional treatments for RLS

Physicians often find it difficult to treat restless leg syndrome. This is because the cause of the condition can often not be pinpointed. No known cure can eliminate the condition, but physicians usually tend to assist in treating the symptoms that a person is experiencing.

A physician will usually try to determine if any underlying diseases could contribute to restless leg syndrome. This may include diabetes, certain nutritional deficiencies, anemia, kidney disease, Parkinson’s disease, and more. If such a disease is present, the physician will focus on providing treatment for the underlying cause.

In other cases, a range of drugs may be provided to the patient. The drugs will often be tested one at a time, but there are cases where more than a single drug may be prescribed. The same drug does not work for all patients – a person may have to try different options before finding the medication that works perfectly for them.

Some potential options that may be provided to a person with restless leg syndrome may include4:

  • Anticonvulsants
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Dopamine agonists
  • Alpha2 agonists
  • Opiates
  • Dopaminergic agents

How to find the perfect CBD products for RLS?

Thinking about using CBD products to alleviate the symptoms of RLS? Then you should know that many factors make one product better than another. Let’s delve further.

Whether you want CBD to relieve RLS symptoms or take advantage of the general health benefits, the quality indicators are basically the same.

There are many reasons to experiment before deciding on the perfect CBD products for RLS symptoms. The cannabinoid compound is typically safe and comes with few side effects. However, with so many products on the market, it’s hard to pinpoint just one. Here’s what you should keep in mind when shopping for CBD:

Lab results – When looking for the perfect CBD oil for treating restless leg syndrome symptoms, you want a product that you can trust. As such, you want to purchase from a CBD company that publishes third-party laboratory results regularly. These results allow consumers to see that the product can be trusted and used confidently.

Ingredients – It’s paramount to check the label of all products you intend to consume, especially if you suffer from specific allergies. Some CBD products also contain trace levels of other ingredients, like THC and other oils.

Price – As with all products, you don’t want to be paying more than you should be. As such, don’t be afraid to shop around. We believe that all products in the guide provide great value to the user. With that said, can you put a price on reducing the frequency and intensity of restless legs? Some products are worth it.

Want to know more about CBD and RLS? Click here.

CBD oil as a therapeutic solution for treating RLS

CBD oil, a cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant, may be a possible treatment for RSL. This oil has shown to offer several potential therapeutic benefits for patients – all of which could potentially assist in reducing the particular symptoms that have been associated with restless leg syndrome.

According to a study published in the ELSEVIER Sleep Journal5, scientists found that using cannabinoids could have potential benefits for relieving symptoms experienced by patients with restless leg syndrome.

As someone with restless leg syndrome, you may find that you’re unable to sleep properly. Fortunately, cannabidiol is effective for both sleep and anxiety6.


Restless leg syndrome deprives a person of sleep and causes them difficulty in their day-to-day life. While certain conventional treatments could be useful, finding the right drugs is often difficult. CBD oil, however, poses an effective treatment option without the need for a pharmaceutical drug. The oil may help reduce the symptoms of restless leg syndrome and improve the individual’s ability to achieve a peaceful night’s sleep.

How Should I Store My CBD Products?

As CBD is a plant extracted complete natural product so you have to be a little precautious in its storing process. CBD loses its properties when comes to heat and light. So store it out from the reach of sunlight and heat. There are many other ways you can apply to keep your valuable CBD products useful for long. To know them to read this article.

To get the best out of your CBD oil, there are a few things to know. This may seem a boring topic, but knowing how to store your CBD products is of high importance.

How should I store CBD products?

It is important to store CBD products like oil in a cool, dry, dark place to ensure maximum freshness and prevent degrading. Many CBD oil products are sold in packages designed to protect against light damage, so keeping your oil in the refrigerator or freezer, which remains cool and dark, except for short periods of time when the doors are open is one of the best ways to store your product. When deciding how to store your CBD oil, be sure to note the vector fluid in which your CBD oil is located.

Easy ways to ruin your CBD

Heat is one of the easiest ways to ruin your precious CBD, which is why it is vital to keep your CBD products away from areas of high temperature.

How long will my CBD oil last for?

If you follow the correct storage methods, the lifespan of your CBD oil is about 1 – 2 years. Proper storage will also ensure that your CBD oil remains strong and that you get all the benefits it has to offer.

The Best CBD Soft Gels – (Review & Guide)

CBD Soft Gels

CBD has been shown to benefit us in many ways. As such, oral CBD supplements are now commonly found in medicine cabinets around the world. With that said, what are the best CBD soft gels? All products in this buyers guide come from reputable manufacturers that only use cannabidiol from trusted sources. Without further ado, here are our recommended CBD soft gels.

Endoca CBD Oil Capsules

These are one of the best CBD soft gel capsules on the market. Who could expect anything else from Endoca? This is the CBD product I use for my back pain, and one of the CBD products I recommend the most on this site. The gels are black in colour and soft to the touch. CBD capsules have been shown to stimulate our endocannabinoid system – helping to regulate biological functions such as sleep, pain, and immune function. With a consistent 10mg of CBD in every capsule, these soft gels allow for accurate dosing and can bring consistent results.

  • Each capsule contains 10 mg of CBD
  • Organic certification
  • No preservatives, artificial colors
    Kosher, Vegan, Gluten free, non-GMO

Capsules Hemp Oil 300mg PerspectiveView

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CBDFX Capsules 750mg

These are the best CBD soft gels for those who require a higher dose of CBD. Each of the 30 capsules inside this bottle contains 25mg of full-spectrum CBD oil.  “Full-spectrum” means that these CBD gels contain all the trace cannabinoids and natural terpenes found in hemp, which modern researchers believe may improve the effectiveness of CBD.

  • 30 X 25mg hemp oil CBD capsules
  • CBD oil gelatin capsules with organically-grown CBD
  • Child-proof bottle
  • Made in the USA

CBDFx CBD Hemp Oil Soft Gels2

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Buyers Guide

This buyer’s guide is frequently updated with the latest and best CBD soft gel products.

Cannabidiol capsules are to be consumed orally, where the CBD is then metabolized, causing the endocannabinoid system to activate. CBD works by interacting with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in our body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS). As part of the ECS, these endocannabinoid receptors are found in all key bodily systems. Thus, allowing cannabidiol to provide a whole host of medical benefits to users.

What are the advantages of CBD soft gels?

Quick – CBD capsules simply need to be swallowed with a swig of water. I take my capsules with my other morning vitamins upon waking up.

No dosing mistakes – With CBD capsules, I can get consistent dosages every time. With other forms of CBD, there is a risk of human error. I don’t want to worry about getting my measurements wrong or time how long the CBD has been sitting under my tongue. I know with 100% confidence that swallowing one capsule will give me consistent results.

Travel-friendly – CBD capsules can be easily placed in any bag or briefcase. Unlike vaping, capsules are discreet method of taking CBD, allowing users to get their CBD-hit even in public areas.

No flavour – Personally, I don’t mind the taste of cannabidiol oils. However, many people detest the taste of CBD oil. If you‘re one of these people, then CBD capsules are the perfect solution.

How to find the best CBD soft gels?

Thinking about using CBD capsules? Then you should know that there are a number of factors that make one product better than another, especially in the CBD industry. Let’s delve further.

There are many reasons to do your research before finding the best deciding best CBD soft capsules. The cannabinoid compound is typically safe, and comes with few side effects. However, with so many products on the market, it can be tricky to pick just one. Here’s what you should keep in mind:

Lab results – It goes without saying, but you want to purchase from a brand you can trust. As such, you want to make sure that there are third-party laboratory results for the product you want.

Ingredients – It’s paramount to check the label of all CBD products, especially if you’re allergic to specific ingredients. Some CBD products can contain trace level of other ingredients, like THC.

Price – CBD products can be expensive, but that doesn’t mean you should be paying over the odds. As such, don’t be afraid to shop around. We believe that all products in the guide provide value to the user.

Want to know more about CBD capsules? Click here.

2 Best CBD Terpenes Oil Vape – Buyer’s Guide

CBD terpenes oil are best for humans because when you vape CBD, it immediately shows reactions within seconds in the body. Consuming cannabinol can be great for humans and it has medical benefits for users. Liquid CBD products are made with similar standard ingredients. There are tonnes of CBD terpenes oil available in the market. Read the article for more.

With vaping CBD shown to have many benefits, what are the best CBD terpenes oil for vaping? All products in this buyers guide come from reputable manufacturers that only use cannabidiol from trusted sources. Without further ado, here are our recommended CBD terpenes oil:

Best CBD Terpenes Oil Vape – Review

Chong’s Choice Vape Additive

Chong’s Choice Vape Additive CBD Concentrate Maximum Strength 16ml CBD oil is designed to be used with vaping e-liquids (e-juice or vape juice). Add Chong’s Choice CBD to your vape and chill like Chong.

Chong’s Choice CBD products are a premium brand of CBD products brought to you by the legendary Tommy Chong and are produced using the highest quality ingredients and 100% natural premium hemp.


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ChongsChoiceOils 728x90 1

CBD Infusionz Terpene Oils

Get up to four flavors of our CBD E-Juice!

4 – 15ml bottle – 200mg of Full Spectrum CBD

  • Tangie
  • Blue Dream
  • OG Hemp Terps
  • Sour Diesel

This CBD E Juice has delicious terpenes and Colorado grown, hemp derived Full Spectrum CBD Oil.

15ml bottle – 200mg of Full Spectrum CBD

Contains 0% nicotine

Ingredients: Food grade PG, Domestic CBD Oil, Naturally derived plant steam distilled terpenes


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Buyers Guide

This buyer’s guide is frequently updated with the latest and best CBD terpenes oil for vaping.

When CBD terpenes are vaped, the compound enters your bloodstream nearly immediately (within minutes) via your lungs. When it comes to immediately feeling the effects, there is no better delivery system.

CBD works by interacting with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in our body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS). As part of the ECS, these endocannabinoid receptors are found in all key bodily systems. Thus, allowing cannabidiol to provide a whole host of medical benefits to users.


How to find the best CBD terpenes oil?

Thinking about using CBD e-liquids for medicinal benefits? Then you should know that not all products in this industry are made to the same standards. There are a number of factors at play. Let’s delve further.

Whether you want to vape CBD or use a topical CBD product, the quality indicators are basically the same.

There are many reasons to experiment before deciding on the best CBD terpene e-liquid for vaping. Terpene oils are typically safe, and come with little to no side effects. However, with so many products on the market, it can be tricky to pick just one. Here’s what you should keep in mind:

Lab results – When looking for the best CBD oil for treating TS symptoms, you want a product that you can trust. As such, you want to purchase from a CBD company that publishes third-party laboratory results on a regular basis. These results allow consumers to see that the product can be trusted and used confidently.

Ingredients – It’s paramount to check the label of all CBD products, especially if you’re allergic to specific ingredients. Some CBD products can contain trace level of other ingredients, like THC.

Price – There’s no getting around it; CBD products can be expensive. But with everything in life, you don’t want to be taken advantage of. Before parting with your cash, please do your research (although as you’re reading this, you already are).

Want to know more about vaping CBD? Click here.

3 Amazing CBD Face Masks Noone Should Miss Out!

cbd face masks

CBD face masks are great for relaxation and skin care before bed. CBD, along with its soothing properties, provides a great texture to the skin while hydrating and plumping the skin. These face masks come with fragrances such as lavender, cucumber, charcoal, rose, aloe vera, etc. They all work differently due to their inherent different ingredients.

Who doesn’t love a face mask? These products provide CBD users with an easy way to improve skin quality. With that said, what are the perfect CBD face masks?
All products in this buyer’s guide come from reputable manufacturers that only use the very perfect ingredients. Without further ado, here are our recommended CBD face masks:

2 Effective CBD Face Masks Everyone Should Know

1. CBDFX Aloe Vera Night Mask

CBDFx av mask

This is the most suitable CBD face mask to use before bed. With 50mg of active broad-spectrum CBD, this face mask includes lavender to replenish your skin and improve your sleep quality. By using this CBD face mask before you go to sleep, you’re actively promoting relaxation. The product also contains hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients that will leave you feeling fresh in the morning

  • 20mg of CBD
  • 3rd party lab batch reports
  • Leaves behind no uncomfortable or harmful residues
  • Relaxes and replenishes in 10 minutes

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2. Envy CBD Face Masks

envy cbd fm

Envy’s Face Mask takes the ritualistic routines of skincare and beauty and combines them together for both convenience and efficacy. This 3-Pack Face Mask contains Full Spectrum CBD and several organic ingredients all designed to soften the face, preserve the natural beauty, and protect against the natural progression of age.

CBD Strength: 30MG total | 10MG per Sheet Mask

  • Licorice Root Extract – Soothes and hydrates the face, fades dark spots, and offers UV protection against the Sun.
  • Rosemary Flower Extract – Improves skin complexion by reducing swelling and puffiness on the face.
  • Centella Asiatica Extract – Increases collagen production and improves blood circulation.
  • Green Tea Leaf Extract – Antioxidant-rich compound that possesses anti-aging properties while reducing redness, inflammation, and irritation.

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3. CBDFX Face Mask Bundle

cbd fx masks

With 50mg of active broad-spectrum CBD, these face masks are designed to refresh and relax.

The Face Mask Bundle contains the following:

  • 1 x CBD Cucumber Face Mask – 50mg
  • 1 x Lavender CBD Face Mask – 50mg
  • 1 x CBD Charcoal Face Mask – 50mg
  • 1 x CBD Rose Face Mask – 50mg
  • 1 x CBD Aloe Vera Face Mask – 50mg

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How To Choose A CBD Face Mask For Your Skin Concerns?

CBD may assist with a variety of skin issues, including acne and dry skin, according to research. A 2014 research discussed the effects of CBD on adult sebocytes. The cells that make sebum, are the waxy, greasy material produced by the skin. Sebum protects our skin, but then when there is too much of it, it can cause acne. According to the findings, CBD can inhibit sebocytes from producing too much sebum.

Another research published in 2019 revealed that CBD might be beneficial for the treatment of breakouts. According to a 2019 study, CBD may be effective in alleviating the symptoms of dry skin. CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects may help to lessen eczema triggers.

Best cbd face mask

1. CBD Face Masks For Dry Skin

CBDfx face mask works well with dry skin. With a 10-minute activation time, you may obtain the healthy glow your skin deserves while also enjoying the luxury of a spa-like experience anytime you need it. All skin types can benefit from these face masks. Without perfume-like scents or sticky residue, the easy application pulls CBD and other chemicals deep into your skin and muscle tissue. These face masks have also been scientifically tested to assure efficacy and purity while being cruelty-free.

2. CBD Face Masks For Oily Skin

Mash your banana in a mixing dish, then add your honey and CBD oil. Combine the ingredients in a blender for a smoother mask.

Pour in the lemon juice. After combining the ingredients, apply the mask and let it on for 15 minutes.

Rinse well with a warm washcloth. Finally, to get the shine, add your usual moisturizer with CBD oil infusion.

3. CBD Face Masks For Aging Skin

This mask is intended to gently remove debris and oil from either the skin while also acting to balance out, nourish, tighten, and increase suppleness. “We got together from diverse backgrounds to achieve a shared goal: to establish a science-backed self-care brand that blends the most powerful and efficient basic ingredients into existence products that look gorgeous and are sustainably manufactured,” the product researchers said.

Closing Thoughts

CBD face masks can be blended with other skin-enhancing substances and tailored to common facial conditions including acne, dehydration, dryness, and aging skin. CBD improves all skin types, and a face mask is a practical option for people looking for all of the skincare benefits of cannabidiol without any noticeable side effects. According to research, CBD may have anti-inflammatory and calming qualities that are good for the skin. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is the human body’s nerve cell communication system.

CBD for Fibromyalgia – Know The Amazing Benefits!

Fibromyalgia is a longterm physical condition that causes severe anxiety disorders and widespread muscle pain. Generally, it develops after trauma, strong emotional event or child birth etc. Unfortunately there is no medically proven cure for it, but CBD is has proven its effective contribution to cure it permanently. Let us see what doctors are saying.

The benefits of CBD for fibromyalgia cannot be overlooked. They are more than one and there is still untapped potential in the plant that can be put to use.

A solution is needed with fibromyalgia currently affecting an estimated 10 million people in the U.S. and an estimated 3-6% of the world population. Unfortunately, scientists have yet to find a cure for this life-altering condition. With that said, after years of trying to find a solution, research has found there to be benefits of CBD for fibromyalgia.

Using CBD for fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia (FMS) is a long-term condition that causes widespread body pain and mental distress. Fibromyalgia commonly develops after a trauma, a viral infection, childbirth, or an emotional event. With that said, fibromyalgia sometimes begins without any obvious trigger.JO JoyDay Affiliate CBD 300x250 1

Are there currently any treatments for FMS?

At the time of writing, there is currently no cure for fibromyalgia. With that said, some treatments can help to relieve some of the symptoms of the condition.

  • Anti-depressants and painkillers
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Exercise and relaxation techniques

fibromyalgia symptoms cbd

What are the benefits of CBD for Fibromyalgia?

Only a few studies have looked at the effectiveness of CBD in treating fibromyalgia directly. With that said, there have been many studies that cover the typical symptoms of fibromyalgia. Here are the potential benefits of CBD for treating the symptoms of fibromyalgia:

Pain – The benefits of CBD for reducing pain and inflammation have been well documented, with a mountain of both scientific and anecdotal evidence. This review shows how cannabinoids (CBD) can help to relieve the pain caused by fibromyalgia and other conditions. Furthermore, a 2016 study suggested that a lack of endocannabinoids may be at the root of chronic pain syndromes, including fibromyalgia. Taking CBD may correct this deficiency, explaining the compound’s success in alleviating the chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia.JO JoyDay Affiliate CBD 300x250 1

Skin issues – CBD binds to receptors in the skin, called TRPV-1 receptors. By binding to these receptors, CBD helps to relieve irritated skin.

Restless leg syndromeStudies show that using cannabinoids could have potential benefits for relieving symptoms of restless leg syndrome (RSL).

Fatigue – Studies have shown that CBD engages with the brain CB2 receptors responsible for sleep regulation. With preliminary research suggesting that CBD products can allow better sleep, people living with Fibromyalgia may control fatigue. Furthermore, with CBD being effective against inflammation, CBD can reduce fatigue that is caused by inflammation.JO JoyDay Affiliate CBD 300x250 1

Anxiety and stress – Living with the pain of fibromyalgia can cause anxiety. Fortunately, studies have found that CBD oil is a natural anxiolytic (anxiety calmer) and effectively treats social anxiety. Furthermore, there is anecdotal evidence, with reports from CBD users feeling more relaxed and less anxious after taking CBD supplements.

There needs to be more research done into how CBD benefits people with fibromyalgia. As cannabinoids become more popular, more studies should be conducted, hopefully leading to better lives for many.


There’s no doubt that the symptoms of fibromyalgia are affecting the lives of many around the world. With such few solutions to fibromyalgia, sufferers are now using CBD to control their condition.

Though cannabidiol is not yet the first choice of medication, there is an increase in the number of doctors subscribing to CBD patients. CBD helps people with not only fibromyalgia but also those who are living with other conditions, like depression or anxiety. When it comes to fibromyalgia, CBD has been shown to reduce pain, control anxiety, and decrease RSL.

Though there is a lot of research to be done about the effects of CBD on a person with fibromyalgia, some anecdotal evidence is enough for people to jump aboard the CBD bandwagon and give it a go. Though CBD has shown many potential health benefits, results will vary from person to person. As always, talk to a medical professional before starting or stopping any health supplement.

If you are one of the many people who have fibromyalgia and you’re thinking of trying CBD oil, here are our recommendations.

The Amazing Benefits of CBD for Constipation

CBD for Constipation

Cannabidiol (CBD) is being used to treat various sicknesses, conditions, and infections. With that said, Can CBD reduce constipation?

Clearing out your bowels is never important enough unless you know the pain of not being able to do it. See the benefits of CBD for constipation. Continue reading to learn more about the role of CBD in constipation.

JO JoyDay Affiliate CBD 300x250 1Understanding ECS is essential if you want to understand how CBD works for constipation. Essentially, CBD operates by balancing and supporting the ECS by subtle effects on the CB1 and CB2 receptors. These receptors play an important role in modulating serotonin, GABA, dopamine, and inflammation. Therefore, CBD has many potential applications.

How can CBD help with constipation?

The specific mechanisms of action are still being defined. Still, some of the areas of interest to me clinically are the effects of ECS on gastrointestinal motility, inflammation of the intestine ( IBD ), and permeability of the intestine. CBD is an immune modulator and a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.

In addition, CBD helps to balance ECS and has enormous potential to impact various digestive disorders positively. Interestingly, the deficiency in ECS is related to pathological conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), colon cancer, and coeliac disease.JO JoyDay Affiliate CBD 300x250 1

Clinical endocannabinoid syndrome (CEDS) can be improved with CBD because it prevents the degradation of our ECS, which increases their effects. In fact, it is one of the most important mechanisms of CBD’s action.

Let us not forget the role of stress and anxiety when it comes to digestion. Most of us know that stress exacerbates our intestines, and stress management is essential to keep symptoms at bay. CBD has been shown to promote stress resistance and reduce anxiety, which further increases its strong role in the intestine.

Cannabinoids, like CBD, are offering us new ways to treat digestive problems. Most gastrointestinal diseases are linked to chronic inflammation, so reducing inflammation is the main target of many common irritable gastrointestinal treatments.JO JoyDay Affiliate CBD 300x250 1

The CBD alternative

CBD acts as an excellent alternative to many synthetic drugs, which can lead to negative health problems. Also, senior citizens usually get constipation due to opioids and hypertension drugs, which CBD may work as an alternative. Seniors with constipation due to opioid intake can solve the problem by switching to CBD from opioids.


It is also possible that cannabinoids can alleviate the suffering of people with IBS. According to many leading doctors, gastrointestinal diseases such as IBS are caused by the lack of endocannabinoids in the patient’s digestive system. Studies have shown that CBD can alleviate many IBS-related symptoms, such as cramps and diarrhea, abdominal pain, and depression.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition affecting the intestine of the digestive system, which leads to symptoms such as swelling, diarrhea, constipation, and cramps of the stomach.

The anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects of CBD make it a promising therapeutic agent for treating IBS symptoms such as pain and inflammation. CBD can reduce the severity of intestinal inflammation by controlling what is known as the neurosis axis.JO JoyDay Affiliate CBD 300x250 1

When patients use CBD oils or extracts to treat their IBS, we see something fascinating. Cannabidiols interact with cannabinoid receptors in the GI channel, which relaxes the real issues. In clinical trials of the relationship between CBD and IBS, it is found that oils effectively suppress nausea and stimulate a healthy appetite. By using CBD products consistently, patients can increase endocannabinoid levels in the intestine.
@MoirKerry Read More

“If anyone has digestive issues, constipation, IBS etc CBD is great, I’ve had IBS & collitis on & off for over 20 years, I’ve had no bloating, crampsetc since starting CBD it’s brilliant!”

@biomince Read More

“CBD oil for constipation is a miracle…my autistic son has suffered for well over 20 years… 17 day record for no BM. Tried CBD oil, and within a few days he has had a BM 28 out of 30 days a month, it’s been a MIRACLE.”

@KotoPup Read More

“It’s been two weeks since I started vaping CBD.
My IBS hasn’t been flaring up as bad (even with a bit of spicy food).
My random twitching (clonus) has lessened.
I have good days again instead of not so great and worse days.”


With constipation being such a pain for so many people worldwide, sufferers are now using CBD to lessen the intensity of symptoms, allowing them to experience a better quality of life.

Though CBD is not yet a standard form of medication for digestive issues, more and more doctors are recommending CBD as a solution to a range of conditions. CBD has been shown to balance the ECS, which positively impacts various digestive disorders regarding constipation.

Though there is a lot of research about the effects of CBD on a person with constipation, some anecdotal evidence is enough for people to get behind CBD and give it a go. As always, talk to a medical professional before starting or stopping any medicinal supplement.

2 Best CBD Moisturizers – Buyer’s Guide

CBD moisturizers carry anti-ageing potential without introducing any foreign or chemical substances to the skin. They include vitamin C and omega 3 fatty acids, which help hydrate and moisturize skin while providing a glossy tone. CBD moisturizers are also ideal for removing dry and flaky skin cells along with removing irritation from dryness.

Scientific studies are showing that CBD has anti-inflammation and soothing properties, making it a perfect ingredient for many beauty products. With that said, what are the best CBD moisturizers? Without further ado, here are our recommend CBD moisturizers for dry skin.

Receptra Targeted Topical CBD

This is the best CBD moisturizer for soothing large areas of dry skin. Receptra’s product carries an impressive 400mg of CBD per 1oz.  With added Shea butter, coconut oil, mango butter and other nourishing ingredients, this CBD topical adds instant hydration when applied. The addition of CBD allows this cream to reduce inflammation and redness, making it ideal for flare-ups.

  • CBD 400mg – 1oz / 800mg – 2oz
  • Shea Butter, Shorea Butter, Coconut Oil, Mango Butter, Beeswax, Emulsifying Wax, Jojoba Oil Infused with Hemp Extract, Camphor, Vitamin E Oil, Arnica Oil, Jasmine, Ylang-Ylang.

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Endoca Hemp Salve 750mg

This powerful hemp salve is the best CBD moisturizer for relieving small patches of dry, inflamed skin. With a thicker and more concentrated solution, this product works as a fantastic hand cream for those who suffer from dry hands. The nourishing hemp salve also contains other natural ingredients that reduce dryness and promote softness.

  • Made 100% of natural and organic food grade ingredients
  • Contains: CBD (cannabidiol), Coconut Oil, Beeswax, Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil, Citrus Medica Limonum (Lemon) Peel Oil, Citral, Vanilla, Vitamin E.

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Buyers Guide

This buyer’s guide is frequently updated with the latest and best CBD moisturizers for reducing dry skin.

If you’re suffering from bouts of dry skin, I understand how frustrating it can be. Fortunately, research has found that CBD can reduce the inflammation associated with dry skin, making it a perfect ingredient in modern-day moisturizers. In fact, the effect of cannabinoids on inflammation has been researched on a grand scale. These studies show that CBD is able to reduce inflammation.

How to find the best CBD moisturizers?

Thinking about using a CBD product to reduce dryness? Then you should know that not all moisturizers are made the same. There are a number of factors at play. Let’s delve further.

Whether you want to use the best CBD moisturizer cream for reducing dryness or just want to use CBD as a natural wellness product, the quality indicators are basically the same. With that said, additional ingredients can make one CBD product better than another CBD product for specific conditions.

Topical CBD is typically safe, and very rarely comes with any side effects. However, it can be tricky to know which CBD to purchase. When searching for the best CBD product for reducing dry skin, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Lab results – Obviously, you want to use a moisturizer that you can trust. As such, you want to purchase your CBD product from a company that publishes regular third-party laboratory results. These results allow consumers to see that the moisturizer can be trusted and used with utmost confidence.

Ingredients – It’s paramount to check the label on your CBD moisturizer before applying to your skin, especially if there are specific ingredients you may be allergic to.

Price – With most CBD products already being quite pricy, you don’t want to be paying more than you should be. With that said, can you really put a price on an inflammation-free life?