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CBD Tinctures How to Use and Why

Let’s answer the question CBD tinctures how to use and why. CBD has been providing relief and help to people since the early 80’s. It is only in recent times however that the substance has got its due regard. We are still a long way away from CBD being a popular household name, but increasing research in the field is indicative of its spectacular growth.

With a variety of products and forms of CBD that one can choose from it might get a little confusing. However, it is always best to choose a product that is suitable to your particular needs. Eg. if you need something that you can carry around in your pocket and require it to work quickly, a CBD pill would be your best bet.

However, if you are willing to play around a little and experiment with the different products, tinctures, oils and lotions could be a good way to go as well.

CBD Tincture vs. Oil

The traditional meaning of the word tincture is a highly potent liquid that can be placed under the tongue and has an immediate effect. 

In the case of CBD, most tinctures are prepared by soaking the flowers of buds of the hemp plant in alcohol, a mixture of alcohol and water or plant-based oil. 

This results in a highly potent product that should be used only a few drops at a time as it has an immediate effect.

These tinctures are usually sold in glass bottles so they do not react with direct sunlight as that may alter the composition of the product.

The Use of CBD Tinctures

CBD tinctures need to be placed below the tongue for a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes. This ensures that they enter the bloodstream directly through the blood in the mouth. 

Often, people tend to swallow the tincture. This can actually cause a delay in the time it takes for CBD to take effect. This is because CBD has to travel through the whole digestive tract and wait to be absorbed into the gastric juices to take action.

Dosage For CBD Tinctures

The dosage for CBD is a matter of relative subjectivity. CBD is not under the regulation of the FDA hence, there is no recommended dosage.

Most studies suggest a dosage of 2.5 – 5 mg is the best to start with. It is always recommended to wait and observe the results of CBD if you are a beginner.

In addition, your dosage will depend on the specific purpose you are using CBD for. For instance, someone suffering from pain caused by end-stage cancer would obviously require a higher dosage of CBD in comparison to someone using CBD for relaxation.

Most tinctures come with droppers that have clear indications on them. Make sure that you can practice filling the dropper correctly as this might require proper control. It is a good idea to practice something more neutral like oil or water.

Your medical practitioner would be the best person to advise you on the dosage that would be optimum for you.

A systematic review conducted in the year 2019, has been published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. Almost three dozen studies were reviewed, where CBD was used for different causes, like epilepsy and anxiety. The dosage of CBD used was different in each case as well. Most of the studies that recorded positive outcomes, were the ones that included a higher dose of CBD.

The Uses of CBD Tinctures

There is limited research on the benefits of using CBD tinctures. However, this does not mean that it is ineffective. In fact, CBD has been named the drug of choice for several end-stage conditions, like cancer.

Listed below are a few conditions that can be positively affected by the regular use of CBD:

  • Epilepsy
  • Inflammation
  • Arthritis
  • Insomnia
  • Migraines
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Anxiety
  • Generalised pain
  • Seizures
  • End-stage cancer

A survey conducted in 2018 portrayed that 62% of people use CBD to help them with certain medical conditions.

Epidioloex is a CBD-containing product that is recommended for use in rare cases of epilepsy and is especially beneficial to children.

Types Of Tinctures Available In The Market

Most CBD products available in the market fall under one of the three categories:

  • Full spectrum CBD

Full spectrum products contain all the components of hemp plants. There is also THC present in these products.

  • Broad spectrum CBD

Broad spectrum CBD products are the ones that contain all the products of CBD excluding THC.

  • CBD isolates

These products contain only CBD and the purest form of the compound.

Are CBD Tinctures Safe?

Since CBD and its related products have been legalised in the US, there has been a boom in the market for the product. 

So long as you are consuming a high-quality product that has clear information regarding the products it is extracted from, there should be no problems.

It is worth mentioning here that CBD in high doses may interact with other medications. If such is the case, it is best to consult with a doctor before you begin consumption.


CBD tinctures are fast-acting and convenient. They are your best bet if you are dealing with conditions like anxiety or epilepsy where traditional medicine usually fails.

Products that carry a certificate of analysis are usually best to purchase as they are tested by a third party and deemed safest for consumption.


CBD Edibles: A Tasty Way to Relax

CBD Edibles: A Tasty Way to Relax. When we think of a snack, we think of something that can be whipped up in a jiffy, and satisfy the tastebuds. Imagine, if you could have a snack that was low on calories, tasty and something that can put you in a great mood. Read on and introduce yourself to probably your new bestie at snack time.

The year 2018 recorded 88% of all posts on social media about CBD in the positive category. Most of these were from millennials. Needless to say, CBD is popular among the young generation today. However, it would not work at all if it were not tasty.

What Is CBD?

CBD is a non-intoxicating compound that can be obtained from the cannabis plant. Most often it is helpful in relaxing and unwinding. 

Is CBD Legal?

Yes, CBD is completely legal in the US and in most countries around the World. CBD products are completely free from THC which is the substance that causes the characteristic high when it is consumed. This is one of the main reasons that CBD is considered safe for consumption and is so freely available.

How Can CBD Snack Be Beneficial?

CBD snacks can be greatly beneficial to consumers. Some of the reasons for the same are listed below:

  • They are completely natural

Most CBD nibbles are completely natural and most of them are made with no artificial colouring. According to a recent study, a third of the millennials read the ingredients that make up their CBD nibbles carefully. Hence companies are motivated to make better products as well.

  • They are healthy

Who could say no to a snack that is low in calories, and helps you relax as well? We all want to maintain a healthy diet, despite the occasional treats we give ourselves. It is hence extremely important that we consider the foods we snack on as well. CBD nibbles are the perfect solution. However, there are many CBD nibbles in the market and it is important that we choose only those products that contain the right dosage of CBD without sacrificing nutrition.

  • They are portable

Small CBD packages can easily be carried around. They also have a longer shelf life than most other snacks which makes them a great product for bulk purchases.

They are also easy to carry on flights, however, there might be a few countries where they are considered contraband so it would be best to check with your airlines before you carry them.

  • They are tasty

CBD has a distinctive taste that might not always go well with everyone. Most companies try to mask this with a strong flavour that might completely overpower the flavour of CBD, like ginger or rose. There are some however that try to work with flavours that are complementary to CBD.

It is good to go for a safe flavour if you are a beginner, like mint or something sweet. Combination flavours like papaya-pineapple and watermelon-lemonade work well too.

  • They can help you to calm down

If you are someone who feels the nerves pretty often, it is a good thing to invest in a few high-quality CBD nibbles. Since only a few of them are enough to make you feel a lot better about yourself, it is great to have something that will help you feel less stressed or pressured.

Not only do they work as a snack, but they also help you when you are feeling anxious.

Types Of CBD Snacks Available In The Market

Something that is imperative about all snacks is that they should all be easy to consume. We all need a snack from time to time but we do not always have the opportunity to sit back, relax and have a comforting snack. It usually is something that has to be done on the go. Here are a few CBD snacks that you can pop into your mouth, anytime, anywhere:

CBD Gummies

The soft, chewy, fruity flavour of gummies is something that appeals to children and adults alike. 

With a host of options from broad spectrum CBD products to endless options among flavours, CBD gummies are sure to have you spoilt for choice.

CBD Honey Sticks

Uplift your regular afternoon tea with a few dabs of CBD honey sticks or slurp on one between work breaks. CBD honey sticks are your best option for an on-the-go CBD snack.

CBD Popcorn

Choose between butter, caramel, plain salted or the list of endless flavours of CBD popcorn, or add a few dashes of CBD oil to regular popcorn. Either way, you are set for the best movie night of your life. Make sure to make a big batch if you are inviting friends over.

CBD Cookies

A tiny dash of CBD to your regular cookie batter did no harm to anyone. You could also do that with a big batch of brownies. Or if you’re in a rush, CBD cookies are easily available at the market. Easy to carry, and something that can never be denied, what more could you ask for in a snack?

CBD Chocolate

Soothe those chocolate cravings with a gooey chocolate that will calm your nerves and make you feel uplifted. Or you could make your own at home using high-quality chocolate with a dash of CBD oil.

Concluding Thoughts

Regardless of the product you choose, CBD can be your go-to product if you learn how to use it right.

Here is something more for you to look at:


CBD for Athletes Performance Enhancer or Hype

CBD for athletes performance enhancer or hype. The sales of CBD and products that contain it have quadrupled in the recent past, especially among fitness enthusiasts and sportspersons. Though CBD is yet not under the control of the FDA, it is considered absolutely safe for consumption and there is evidence that proves that it leads to faster muscle repair, improved quality of sleep and enhanced performance levels, all of which are extremely important to those in the sports field.

Benefits of CBD For Athletes

Athletes face a number of issues both during and after the completion of tournaments. CBD is a reliable and effective solution for a number of issues that sportspersons might be facing. 

Here is a list of ways that CBD can be helpful to sportspersons:

  • Enhanced muscle repair after a workout
  • Reduction of inflammation
  • Pain relief
  • Enhanced quality of sleep
  • Reduces anxiety and depression

Better Muscle Repair After A Workout

Most of the growth and development in muscles occurs only during the recovery phase and not in the active phase, as many imagine. CBD can effectively calm the body to help with the regeneration and growth of new muscle fibres during this phase. This will lead to increased benefits from the workout.

Reduction of inflammation

Studies show that CBD has positive effects on bodily inflammation. According to a review of literature conducted in the year 2022, CBD has direct anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

There is still a lack of proper research, but a lot of evidence does suggest that CBD may have anti-inflammatory properties. This could be extremely helpful in dealing with diseases like osteoarthritis and other rheumatic conditions. This could also be helpful to those suffering from metabolic diseases like lupus.

Pain Relief

Studies conducted in 2017 have suggested that athletes with medial knee pain benefit significantly with the regular use of CBD.

CBD is also deemed useful in chronic and acute pain. Usually, these pains are associated with overuse of muscles, lack of rest time, injuries that result from overuse of muscles and sometimes they may also be caused due to anxiety faced by sportspersons.

CBD is named as an effective solution to pain and it also helps sportsmen feel more confident and relaxed when they have an important game.

Enhanced quality of sleep

In a study on CBD conducted on around 20 participants, over 66% reported improved overall sleep quality after taking CBD for one month. It was also suggested that CBD reduces anxiety levels in the subjects. 

CBD has been linked to increased levels of natural endocannabinoids. Endocannabinoids are responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles. It is believed to improve the quality and length of sleep.

It’s also believed that CBD helps regulate REM sleep. This can help reduce fatigue and improve alertness during the day. CBD’s ability to reduce anxiety and stress could also help athletes get a better night’s sleep.

Reduced Anxiety And Depression

CBD has a direct effect on serotonin levels in the body and this will automatically help an athlete feel more calm and composed during a stressful situation. This also positively affects the performance of an individual.

In addition, the interaction between CBD and the endocannibidiol system of the body helps to improve mood and regulate stress.

Both these effects of CBD on the body, ensure that an athlete can be in complete control of his body during the game and also get better rest at night. 

Side Effects Or Risks of CBD

Though CBD is relatively well tolerated, there is a chance that one or more of these side effects might occur.

  • Dry mouth
  • Drowsiness or fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Changes in appetite and weight
  • Nausea
  • Low blood pressure

Are There Any Risks Of Using CBD As A Supplement To Enhance Performance?

One of the foremost things that sportspersons should be concerned about is whether or not they will be picked up by their doping committees for the use of CBD.

Since every country has their own rules and regulations to follow, each athlete must check with their particular association.

One thing to remember is that CBD is not on the list of the substances that most countries look out for when they perform the dope tests on sportspersons. 

Another risk that you must keep in mind if you are planning to use CBD in the long term to enhance your performance is your body’s reaction to the substance. Though CBD is completely safe and appropriate for human consumption, it is possible that in the long term, your body might signal that it is not working well with it. There are no studies to prove that CBD is harmful in the long run.

Is It Beneficial For Athletes To Use CBD?

This question is rather subjective and would need to be answered by individual persons. 

Innumerable studies have proved that CBD can work wonders for those suffering from anxiety and helps to calm the nerves. This in itself can be a great boon for athletes, considering that they are usually performing to packed stadiums with several people cheering or booing them.

Though the consumption, purchase and sale of CBD is not yet strictly regulated, you must consult your doctor before you begin to use CBD for any purposes. Your medical practitioner would also be the best person to consult regarding the dosage you can safely consume. 

Your coach and other authorities also will benefit from being in the know of the fact that you plan to use CBD as a performance enhancer.

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CBD For Pain Relief Is It Effective

CBD for pain relief is it effective, this is a tricky question. Pain can be dreadful in any form, more so if it is chronic or unmanageable. Often, pain can be incurable, as is the case of those suffering from end-stage cancer or other metabolic diseases. CBD has proved to be helpful to them. Though its use may not be able to identify, treat or improve the medical condition that is causing the pain, it can surely numb the pain to a large extent. Numerous studies draw the same conclusion and you will be able to see how, as you delve deeper into the article.

CBD is derived from the cannabis plant which is commonly known as hemp. It is especially preferred as it does not give the traditional “high” that is associated with the compound THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)

What Is CBD Oil?

Cannabis oil is extracted from the cannabis plant. It is known to provide relaxation without the negative side effects usually associated with marijuana. It is not associated with mind alteration and is freely available in the market. In addition, it is found to be highly effective in treating all kinds of aches and pains.

CBD For Pain Relief

In general, doctors prescribe opioids to those suffering from chronic pain. This might be dangerous as it can lead to unhealthy opioid addictions that are worse than the cause of the pain itself.  

CBD oil may lead to a reduction in:

  • Pain
  • Inflammation
  • Generalised discomfort

Though there are no FDA-approved pain management CBD drugs available in the market, this hemp derivative is slowly but surely making its mark in the field of palliative care. Epidiolex is the only FDA-approved drug that contains CBD and is used for rare forms of epilepsy that do not respond to traditional medication.

Chronic Pain Relief And CBD

There can be multiple reasons for chronic pain, cancer being among the leading causes. 

A review conducted in 2018 assessed how well CBD works to relieve chronic pain. It took into account studies conducted between the years 1975 and 2018. These studies examined various types of pain, including:

  • Cancer pain
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Fibromyalgia

Researchers concluded that CBD was effective in overall pain management and didn’t cause negative side effects in any of the cases, in fact, it led to a positive outcome.

Though there is no research to prove it yet, some scientists are of the belief that CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid receptors in the brain and immune system. This leads to anti-inflammatory and pain relieving effects on the overall body leading to a decrease in the amount of pain felt by an individual.

Arthritis and CBD

In 2016, a study was conducted, namely, Transdermal cannabidiol reduces inflammation and pain-related behaviours in a rat model of arthritis. The results of this study showed a significant reduction in pain and an increase in mobility of rats who were given a dose of 0.6 mg of CBD. 

Though no conclusive evidence is yet available for CBD showing a decrease in pain in arthritis, it is only a matter of time before evidence of the same emerges as several studies on the subject are already underway.

Cancer Treatment Relief and CBD

A 2010 study, conducted on study subjects, suffering from cancer-related pain used traditional opioids on a group of test subjects while giving the other group a THC-CBD extract in conjugation with the traditional medication. The group that received the THC-CBD extract showed an improved response to pain tolerance in relation to the other group.

THC-CBD oral sprays were used in another study in 2013 and the results produced were similar.

The National Cancer Institute has also indicated that CBD can be helpful in reducing the ill effects of chemotherapy and radiation in those being treated for cancers.

Migraine Pain Relief and CBD

Migraine pains can be particularly debilitating as there is nothing much that can be done about it unless the exact cause is identified. 

The results of an intense, two-phase study conducted in 2017 indicate that CBD and THC can lead to a reduction in acute pain caused by CBD and also decrease the intensity of pain associated with the condition.

A conjugation of both THC and CBD was found to be more effective than traditional anti-depressants used in such conditions.

Side Effects of CBD

  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Changes in weight
  • Changes in appetite 

These are some of the side effects that might accompany regular CBD use. Again, there is no study that can associate any one of these with CBD.

It should also be kept in mind that different persons respond to CBD differently. So not everyone is likely to suffer from these side effects.

Is It Safe To Consume CBD With Traditional Medication?

You should proceed with caution if you are a first-time user of CBD. Since CBD is yet not under the control of the FDA, its regulation can be peculiar. What is best is to begin at the lowest possible dose and gradually work your way up.

Certain over-the-counter medications, prescription drugs and dietary supplements might interact with CBD. It is, therefore, best to consult your medical health practitioner before making CBD a part of your everyday life.






CBD Vs Traditional Medicine

CBD Vs Traditional medicine is a question that needs to be answered. Marijuana has over a hundred compounds integrated into it, some of which are proven to be beneficial to the human body. CBD is one of its most active compounds. It is also the compound that holds the health benefits that marijuana can bring. CBD is becoming a well-grounded alternative to traditional medicine. 

The Efficacy of CBD in the Line of Medicine

Primarily, the reason why most medical studies are focused on the use of CBD is that it does not have any euphoric or high effect. This compound is gaining health and wellness momentum all over the world, especially in the states where medical marijuana is legal. 

One of the most popular uses of CBD in the line of medicine is for pain relief. The marijuana plant has been used for pain treatment even back in 2900 B.C. Recently; scientists discovered that CBD is responsible for treating pain, even the chronic ones.

Additionally, CBD is commonly used to reduce anxiety, insomnia and inflammation. Most people choose marijuana over traditional medicine for the reason that it works faster and more efficiently. 

It was also found out that an individual’s body is equipped with cannabis receptors called the endocannabinoid system, the system involved in the regulation of several functions including sleep, pain, appetite, and immune system response.

Moreover, the endocannabinoid system has two main receptors– the CB1 receptor and the CB2 receptor. 

While the CB1 receptors are present all over the body, a significant amount of it is in the brain. It deals with coordination and movement, feeling pain, emotions, thinking, mood, appetite, memories, and other functions. 

On the other hand, the CB2 receptors are mainly in the immune system. These receptors affect pain and inflammation. 

Back then, studies say that CBD attaches to the CB2 receptors. But now, it seems that CBD does not directly connect to either receptor. Rather, CBD directs the body to use more of its own cannabinoids.

Traditional Medicines

While traditional medicines are proven to be effective in treating various diseases, they also cause unwanted side effects as well as adverse reactions. The reason is that pharmaceutical medicines are produced using foreign synthetic chemicals. 

Some of the unwanted side effects coming from prescription medications, regardless of what kind, are nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions, drowsiness, and palpitations.

Here are some of the examples of traditional medicines:

Ginger Root

This is very popular for its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It can relieve pain induced by various syndromes such as premenstrual syndrome and knee arthritis. It is also a popular treatment for nausea and vomiting caused by pregnancy.


Echinacea has a very long history in the line of medicine. It was used by Native Americans to cure sore throat, cough, and pain. It also interacts with the immune system, making it healthier, and reduces pain and inflammation.

Clove Oil

Clove oil has terpene, more specifically beta-caryophyllene, which you can also find in the cannabis plant. Clove oil can be used to relieve pain, upset stomach, and respiratory conditions. 

How CBD is Taking Over its Alternatives

According to a survey, more than 40 per cent of individuals who consume cannabis stopped using traditional medications. Bright Field Group, the conductors of the survey, focused on the legal cannabis industry, found out that there is a rise in the number of people who switch to CBD from their traditional medicine. While it is true that more studies have to be done, the fact that the majority of people are now using medical CBD cannot be denied. 

The research also found out that 42 per cent of CBD users stopped using traditional medications and went over to using CBD medicines. Moreover, 80 per cent of these CBD users discovered that the compound is highly effective in treating their conditions. On the other hand, 90 per cent of those who were surveyed said that they would buy CBD-only products derived from the marijuana plant.

However, it is worth noting that using CBD comes with some short-term side effects, including increased heart rate, and coordination of the mind and body. So, before deciding to switch to medicines derived from CBD, you should make sure to consult medical experts if it is appropriate for your condition.

Medical marijuana and CBD-derived products are taking over the medicinal part of the world. It is continuing to provide relief to patients who are suffering from chronic illnesses. While there are now a lot of alternative options to traditional medicines, the horizon looks bright for people who are willing to try CBD products for the treatment of their medical conditions.

Medicinal Uses Of CBD And THC

CBD – this is the non-psychoactive component that has many beneficial properties including:

  •      anti-inflammatory
  •       anti-epileptic
  •       anxiolytic
  •       analgesic
  •       anti-emetic
  •       antipsychotic

CBD is thought to inhibit the enzyme that breaks down anandamide (one of the two natural cannabinoids in the body) and stimulates the production of 2-AG (the second naturally occurring cannabinoid).

THC – produces the psychoactive effects (“high”) that cannabis is known for. However, it also has many other benefits including:

  •      analgesic
  •       anti-spasmodic
  •       improving appetite
  •       anti-inflammatory
  •       anti-emetic
  •       anti-spasticity

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health benefits of CBD oil

CBD For Skin Unlocking Its Beauty Benefits

CBD for skin unlocking its beauty benefits can be really tricky. Cannabidiol or CBD as it is commonly known as is found in the marijuana and hemp plant. It is a naturally occurring ingredient that is also present in marijuana. However, it is set apart from other ingredients in the fact that it does not allow people to experience the “high” that they get from traditional marijuana.

CBD is being used for a number of reasons these days, the latest being in the field of skincare. There is ongoing research on the effectiveness of CBD on skincare and most of it seems promising.

Skin Conditions That Can Be Treated With The Help of CBD

There are a few skin conditions that can greatly benefit from the regular use of CBD. It has undoubtedly done wonders for some. Listed below are a few skin conditions that can be easily arrested by the use of CBD:

  • Acne: CBD is known to have both antifungal and anti-bacterial properties. This has led to the popular belief that CBD can effectively treat acne and also the scars caused by it. There is still ongoing research on the subject, but scientifically, it seems possible.
  • Dryness and Itching: CBD can be particularly useful in treating those who suffer from, eczema,  psoriasis and dermatitis. The anti-inflammatory properties of the substance make them an easy option to choose especially if more traditional forms have not worked out.
  • Ageing: Oxidative stress is one of the main reasons for wrinkles, fine lines and skin sagging. Since CBD has strong anti-oxidant properties, it is thought to be effective in preventing ageing. This theory however is still underway.
  • Infections and open wounds: CBD is known to have both antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. This obviously makes it ideal for use on infections and open wounds as it will prevent the growth of any germs.

Benefits Of Using CBD For Skin

  • Regular use of CBD helps to reduce redness, pain and swelling that comes along with inflammatory acne.
  • CBD also helps to regulate the oil production of the sebum glands. This leads to decreased sebum production which in turn reduces the risk of bacterial or fungal infections on the skin.
  • It also helps in the reduction of breakouts and generalised redness and inflammation that is caused due to repeated episodes of the same.
  • CBD prevents the weakening of the skin, which in turn prevents skin sagging as it neutralises free radical damage.
  • CBD is also said to combat any damage caused by hormonal changes. This claim is yet under study though.
  • It also shows a pronounced reduction in skin drying and promotes hydration.

How To Use CBD For Skin Care

Most CBD products are available in the form of serums and creams. You need to incorporate CBD into your daily skincare routine.

There is no need to set up a specialized routine for CBD application as it can be easily layered over or below your regular skincare products.

Since creams are heavier, they always go over the serum. 

However, it is always better to get a board-certified dermatologist to look at your daily application quantities and discuss any other concerns you might have.

Packaging items also contain clear instructions. Make sure you go through the list.

If you are already consuming or applying different active substances in the hemp plant, you should be careful in using CBD for skin care. Consult with your dermatologist and they should be able to help you out.

Who Can Use CBD?

CBD has shown some amazing results for those who have compromised skin. Dry skin does really well with regular CBD applications. Sensitive skin, especially skin that is prone to repeated inflammations shows positive results. In addition, ageing skin has shown improvements. There has been a reduction in fine lines are wrinkles that are noticed with regular CBD application.

How Often Can CBD Be Used For Skincare?

CBD is still not under the control of FDA regulation. Hence it’s use is up to the discretion of the person. It is perfectly fine to use CBD on a daily basis for skin care.

Compounds That Work Well With CBD

Active compounds that are usually used for nourishment and moisturisation of the skin work well with CBD. Ceramides, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide and peptides are a few examples of compounds that work well along with CBD. 

So if you are currently using active ingredients, combining them with CBD is a good idea.

What To Look For When Choosing A CBD Product

Listed below are a few pointers you must keep in mind if you are choosing a CBD product for your skin:

  • Choose the right product for your skin. For this, you will have to read the ingredients of the products carefully. Make sure that you do not opt for a product that might have an irritant included.
  • Do a small patch test before you begin using the product. This will prevent a full-spread allergy if one is to occur.
  • Choose products made from high-quality hemp plants that are organically grown as they have the best results.
  • Try to opt for a brand that has been tested by a third party as this will eliminate any doubts you might be having about the product.
  • Educate yourself about the difference between full-spectrum, broad – spectrum and isolated options. This will help you choose a product that is well-suited to your individual needs.

Side Effects Of CBD For Skincare

A rash or reaction has been noticed in some people after using CBD. It is difficult to decipher if the rash is caused by CBD alone as most oils are sold in tandem with other active ingredients. It is hence always best to perform a patch test before incorporating CBD into your daily skincare routine.

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CBD For Sleep A Dreamy Solution

CBD for sleep, a dreamy solution to all your problems. Sleeping well is essential for optimum health, good brain performance and overall well-being. Not getting enough snooze time can lead to a variety of diseases, some of them more serious than others, like heart disease, stroke or mental illnesses like dementia.

A recent study claimed that as many as 70% of Americans do not get the recommended 8 hours of rest. This number is astronomically high, especially considering that some cases might not even be reported. The reasons for insomnia vary, from stress to new motherhood to chronic pain.

CBD has proved to be an effective tool, especially in cases like end-stage cancer where the disease cannot be reversed. 

Can CBD Help With Sleep Deprivation?

The usage of CBD is still being tested and while it is deemed completely safe for consumption, its effectiveness in treating insomnia is still under debate.

It has been proven without a doubt though that CBD has a calming effect on the central nervous system, hence its use in conditions like generalised anxiety, long-term stress and mental illnesses. 

Since the efficacy of CBD in treating anxiety has been well established, it is a widely accepted thought that CBD would show similar results when treating insomniacs.

A new pilot study of CBD and THC use in humans who suffer from physician-diagnosed insomnia is currently underway. The results of the study will be able to shed more light on the subject.

A limited study of a few patients with Parkinson’s disease showed that CBD helped manage the REM sleep behaviour disorder symptoms. 

Before starting to consume CBD, the patients experienced disorder symptoms 2–7 times a  week. 

After consuming CBD, the symptoms occurred 0–1 times a week. These results suggest that CBD can be a possible treatment for REM sleep behaviour disorder among healthy individuals.

Initial research on animals also shows that CBD acts as a wake-inducing drug. However, other studies suggest CBD acts as a sedating drug. Further research is needed to determine what doses and methods of CBD use affect wakefulness and sleepiness. But we can safely assume that CBD plays a crucial role in regulating the sleep pattern of individuals. As such it can easily be used as an advantage in those who suffer from insomnia.

Dosage of CBD To Improve Sleep

Since CBD is not under FDA regulation there is no recommended dosage that you can adhere to. However, most products come with detailed instructions on the packaging that are easy to follow. 

Various clinical trials have recommended a dosage of between 25 – 1500 mg of CBD per day.

The Forms of CBD Available For Consumption

The most popular forms of CBD available for consumption are as follows:

  • CBD oils
  • CBD pills
  • CBD gummies
  • CBD vapes
  • CBD sublingual sprays

Side Effects of CBD

CBD has been deemed safe for consumption after numerous studies and research, some of which are still in the pipeline. However, like any other pharmaceutical drug, CBD might show certain side effects on certain persons. The same are listed below:

  • Fatigue
  • Diahrrea
  • Sudden fluctuations in weight
  • Dry mouth

These side effects might or might not be observed, but it is best to keep an eye out for them.

Is CBD Approved By The FDA?

CBD has not yet been approved by the FDA. However, there are a few cannabis-derived drugs that have been approved by the FDA.

Epidiolex: This was the first oral CBD solution containing purified cannabis-derived substances. The drug is usually used to treat rare forms of epilepsy, especially the ones that do not respond to traditional medication.

Marinol and Syndros: These two drugs come in capsules or oral solutions. They are used in the treatment of nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients and treatment of weight loss in patients with HIV.

Cesamet: This capsule affects the part of the brain that controls vomiting and nausea. The drug is prescribed to patients receiving chemotherapy who have not responded to other forms of medication.

Does CBD Show Interactions With Other Products

CBD is known to slow down the metabolic reactions occurring in the liver. This might be considered a boon in some cases but it usually is a cause of concern.

CBD might also interact with any other herbs or supplements that a person might be consuming. This might cause the individual to become drowsy and lethargic.

Some experts have also raised concerns about children consuming CBD gummies that contain melatonin. Though no reports of an event as such have come to light till now, CBD gummies containing melatonin might lead to melatonin poisoning in children.

You should make your doctor aware that you are planning to take up CBD to help you with your condition. This will help him to enable you to get the best out of your choice. If in any case there are complications, your doctor will be in a position to act immediately if he is fully aware of your consumption.


CBD is widely available and is increasingly popular as an option for traditional medicine. Several studies have also proved the same. The use of CBD depends upon you entirely. It is best to use only the required amount that helps you with your symptoms. In addition, you must do your own research on the product and make sure you are consuming an amount that is suitable for you.

Here are some other articles that you might like to read:


CBD: Finding Your Perfect Dose

CBD: Finding your perfect dose. CBD or cannabidiol is one of the most important active ingredients, found in marijuana. It is derived directly from the hemp plant and also forms a part of medicinal marijuana. CBD can also be artificially manufactured in a laboratory these days.

Modern medicine is beginning to rely more heavily on CBD and doctors are using it for treatments in various conditions, from Parkinson’s to brain seizures.

This might get you thinking about the side effects of CBD. According to a report from the World Health Organization,  “In humans, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential…. To date, there is no evidence of public health-related problems associated with the use of pure CBD.”

Figuring Out The Perfect Dose For CBD

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) currently does not regulate the dosage of CBD, so figuring out a dose that works for you can be slightly tricky.

It is imperative that you speak to your doctor before settling on a dose. Given the circumstances, it might seem like a good idea to play it by ear and self-administer doses that give you the level of comfort you desire. However, this can be highly detrimental to your health, especially if you have any long-term diseases like high blood pressure or diabetes. It is, therefore, best to have an upfront conversation with your healthcare provider and allow him to administer a dose for you.

Research conducted in 2017 by Kerstin Iffland and Franjo Grotenhermen concluded by stating that “CBD safety profile is already established in a plethora of ways. However, some knowledge gaps detailed above should be closed by additional clinical trials to have a completely well-tested pharmaceutical compound.”

The research also stated that there is no one specific universal dose of CBD that can be recommended for everyone. Just like pharmaceutical drugs, each person responds to a different dose of CBD. The dosage also varies considerably if it is being administered to animals.

Most human studies have concluded that a dosage between 20 to 1500 mg/day is safe.

It is always considered safe to start with a low dosage of CBD. Say, for example, you plan to use CBD to help you with chronic pain from an underlying condition. You could start with a low dose of say 20 mg and work upwards from there. It is highly possible that at the end of a few weeks, you feel that a dose of 50mg provides you with the relief you desire and makes your pain bearable. 

It is also highly recommended that you keep track of the dosage you have been using. This will prevent you from going overboard.

You should consider the following before deciding on the dosage for yourself:

  • Your current body weight
  • The condition you are aiming to treat
  • The concentration of CBD in the product you plan to use

How To Calculate CBD Dosage

Most CBD products come with detailed instructions in the packaging regarding the calculation of dosage. It is always best to include your doctor in the decision about the dosage of CBD you wish to intake.

The calculation of dosage also depends on the kind of product being used, eg, gummies have an entirely different method of dose calculation, in comparison to CBD oil.

CBD Doses For Common Conditions

CBD for anxiety: The most commonly recommended dosage for anxiety and conditions related to it is 300 – 600 mg per day.

CBD for epilepsy: The use of CBD is recommended for only certain types of epilepsy. 2.5 milligrams per kilogram of the person’s body weight is a good place to begin. 

CBD for cancer-related pain: The dose of CBD in such conditions should not exceed 30 milligrams per day. The dose may be regulated as per the requirement of the person.

CBD for central neuropathic pain: A maximum of 25 milligrams is usually recommended, depending on the extent of pain and the severity of the condition.

Opioid addiction: 400 – 800 milligrams per day is the recommended allowance in such conditions. However, it must be kept in mind that such cases must be under the strict supervision of a medical practitioner. The doctor must be alerted immediately if any side effects are observed.

Arthritis: A maximum of 30 mg per day is allowed for those who suffer from chronic pain caused because of long-term arthritis.

Side Effect Of Too Much CBD

Anything in excess is harmful and CBD is no exception to this rule. Listed below are a few symptoms you might observe if an excess of CBD (in any form) has been consumed:

  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Diahorrea
  • Upset stomach
  • Drowsiness
  • Lightheadedness 
  • General disorientation

This is also a good place to point out that persons on blood thinners, heart rhythm medications, thyroid medications and seizure medications should exercise extra caution when using CBD.

There is yet a lack of conclusive evidence regarding the perfect dosage for CBD. It is therefore imperative to start small and increase dosages only after consulting with a medical practitioner. Dosages must be increased only if necessary, so it is always recommended to start with the smallest dose possible.


In conclusion, it is obvious that CBD has been shown to improve the quality of life in healthy individuals as well as those whose health is compromised. Its efficacy and potency can vary from person to person. It is obvious that one must be careful with the dosage and consume only the required amounts. 

CBD is already freely available in the US and there can be no denying that in the time to come, it will take the World by storm. If used responsibly, a tiny amount can significantly improve your daily life.

Take a look at the other blogs we have:

CBD Vs Anxiety: Can It Help

Anxiety disorder menopause woman, stressful depressed emotional person with mental health illness, headache and migraine sitting feeling bad sadly with back against wall on the floor in domestic home

CBD Vs anxiety: Can it help you. Lets answer that question.

CBD is one of the most important active ingredients present in medical marijuana. There are several other components that makeup marijuana, some of which are linked to causing the ill-famed “high” people experience. CBD displays no such properties and is becoming increasingly popular among the younger as well as the older populations.

The Evidence For CBD Health Benefits

A study published in the journal Neurotherapeutics, in the year 2015, conducted by Esther M. Blessing and her teammates concluded the following, “Preclinical evidence conclusively demonstrates CBD’s efficacy in reducing anxiety behaviours relevant to multiple disorders, including PTSD, GAD, PD, OCD, and SAD, with a notable lack of anxiogenic effects.”

According to a recent Forbes Health survey, conducted by OnePoll, 51% of US citizens who currently use CBD state that it helps them lower their anxiety levels. A total of 2000 adults were tested for this study. 

In 2011, a small trial-tested CBD on participants with generalized social anxiety disorder. Compared to a placebo, CBD significantly reduced anxiety and discomfort in the participants with SAD

In 2020, researchers tested the effects of CBD oil at different doses on 397 patients with a number of different health conditions. Participants experienced significant improvement in anxiety and depression. They also showed improved abilities to complete their usual activities. The use of CBD oil suggested considerable improvement in pain in these groups as well.

A clinical trial was conducted in 2011, on a small group of individuals, all of who suffered from social anxiety disorder (SAD). A group of control participants was also set up, and both groups were subjected to a simulated public speaking test (SPST). CBD was found to considerably reduce the symptoms in the test group and the results were good enough to be compared to the individuals in the control group as well.

Another test conducted in 2019 showed improved sleep quality among individuals who suffered from generalised anxiety. The participants in this group consumed varied amounts of CBD, ranging between 25 – 75 milligrams per day. This research also shone a light on the fact that higher quantities of CBD might be too expensive to purchase on a regular basis, and users of CBD need to be educated about the same.

How To Use CBD For Anxiety

The regularisation of CBD dosage is still underway and there are no hard and fast rules as to how much CBD one must consume at a time.

A study in 2019 observed that 300 – 600 mg of CBD helped individuals with generalised anxiety disorder. This study included 57 adult males with similar symptoms.

The ideal dose is a matter of personal preference and depends on several factors, like, the product being administered, the method of administration and the health background of the individual consuming it.

Popular Methods of Consuming CBD

Listed below are some methods of CBD consumption that are popular:

  • CBD oils
  • Sublingual sprays
  • CBD capsules
  • Edibles
  • Vapourised oils
  • Cannabis flowers

Does The Method Of Consumption Matter?

Yes, the method of consumption can determine how long it might take for the CBD dose to take effect. 

While smoking or vaping cannabis in any form has an immediate effect, the consumption of CBD in the form of oils and capsules usually takes 30 minutes to 2 hours.

You could choose a method suitable to your specific needs. It is usually not a problem to consume CBD on the go as well, since oils, tinctures, capsules and vapes can easily be carried around.

Possible Risks of CBD For Anxiety

Though CBD is known to be pretty well tolerated by maximum people, there are potential risks that one is exposed to when consuming the product. They are as follows:

  • Drowsiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhoea
  • Reduced appetite
  • Abnormal fluctuations in weight

Who Should Stay Away From CBD?

CBD has not been cleared for use by pregnant women and lactating mothers. Since it is possible that certain compounds might pass through the blood barrier of the mother and reach the foetus, it is better to stay away from consumption of CBD during these times. Studies are underway to record to side effects of CBD on infants and foetuses, obviously, these studies are not easy to perform and it will be a while before we have any clear answers.

People who are consuming blood thinners and medications for liver disease should also not consume CBD as it is said to be pharmaceutically incompatible with the medicated drugs.

It is always best to get a doctor’s opinion before beginning your journey with CBD as CBD is yet not regulated by the FDA.

Concluding Thoughts

The market is flooded with CBD products. It is best to choose a product that suits your own needs. You certainly must consult a doctor and also keep a personal record of your doses and the symptoms that might be alleviated or increased after consumption.

Though there are many options available, it is best to make a thorough study of the ingredients list on each product. 

Do look out for products that have been tested by a third party as this alleviates any doubts that might arise. You should also see if the product comes with a certificate of analysis.

Enhance your knowledge about CBD by reading the following articles:

Can CBD Relieve Stress

Shot of young woman relaxing at homehttp://

Can CBD relieve stress? Stress is part and parcel of everyday life and as life goes on, we can only see an increase in stress levels. As such, it becomes imperative to develop reliable coping mechanisms. CBD and products containing this pharmaceutical compound are highly recommended. This is because they are proven to be safe, effective and readily available. As you delve into this article, you will discover how CBD can be helpful in relieving stress.

CBD And Stress Relief

The renowned medical journal Psychopharmacology published a study in April 2021. This study was conducted by Spinella, Stewart, Naugler, Yakovenko and Barrett. 

The objective of the study was to determine whether CBD expectancy alone could influence stress, anxiety, and mood, and the extent to which beliefs regarding CBD effects predicted these responses.

43 healthy adults were tested wherein they were administered CBD oil sublingually. The participants were unaware that on some days they were administered regular oil instead of CBD oil.

The study concluded that “CBD expectancy alone impacted several subjective and physiological responses. Additionally, expectancy-related factors were implicated in the anxiolytic effects of CBD for those who believed it was helpful for such purposes, emphasizing the need to measure and control for CBD-related expectancies in clinical research that involves the administration of CBD.”

This is just one research. There are several others that have provided conclusive evidence that CBD is effective in reducing the symptoms faced by individuals who are subjected to chronic long-term stress.

CBD is known to be particularly helpful in reducing the symptoms of neurological conditions like Parkinson’s’, epilepsy and seizures. Several doctors in the US rely on CBD to provide relief especially when patients do not respond to traditional medicines.

Benefits Of CBD For Stress Relief

CBD has been the subject of a large number of studies, including one done in the year 2022 by Berger M and his colleagues. The trial included 31 participants between the ages of 12 – 25. The study showed an improvement in anxiety and overall functioning of the participants, many of whom suffered from treatment-resistant, moderate to severe anxiety.

CBD has also been shown to relieve pain and is hence a common choice for palliative care, especially among patients of cancer and neurological diseases.

CBD is now also readily available online, making its consumption more popular.

Most CBD products are easy to administer and come in the form of oils, gels, gummies, pills etc.

CBD also, as opposed to popular belief, does not give a person a high. Hence, it is completely safe to administer to people. 

How To Select CBD Products For Stress Relief

You should keep the following factors in mind when relying on CBD for stress relief:

Dose: It is always advisable, to begin with the lowest dose of CBD and only make increments in the dosage slowly. Since CBD is yet not under the authority of the FDA, the dosage is entirely dependent on the person.  The range is pretty large and can be anywhere between 5 – 50 mg. 

Budget: There are varied products in different ranges in the market. The more expensive ones obviously boast of a higher quality of materials used in them. If you are a beginner it would be good to begin with a mid-range product.

CBD type: You can choose from full spectrum, broad spectrum and customised formulas to help with specific problems. You can choose any one or more as per your requirements.

Testing: Products that have been tested by a third party are usually the best. This is because the third party is likely to give genuine feedback on the product, which can be helpful.


Most CBD products contain detailed instructions about the dosage on the packaging. This should be followed strictly.

Though CBD does not cause any high, it is always best to speak to a medical professional before you begin the use of the substance. 

Dosage will also depend on the presence or absence of any disease as well as the severity of the condition. For instance, CBD required for pain management in the end stages of cancer is vastly different from CBD required for stress relief.

Most people use 5mg if they require CBD on a daily basis. It is a really good way to start this process.

Possible Side Effects

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Mood changes
  • Appetite changes
  • Diahrrea
  • Infections

How Fast Can CBD Act?

The time taken for CBD to take effect usually depends on the potency and quality of the materials. It will also, obviously, show significant changes along the way, but it cannot act on symptoms instantly. With this information, you should be able to decipher that it is best not to wait for the last moment if you intend to use CBD to calm your nerves. It is always good to begin your dose the moment you feel your symptoms coming on.

In Conclusion

It is common knowledge that a healthy dose of CBD could be beneficial to calm down the nerves. Since CBD does not give you a high, it is definitely completely safe to consume. 

CBD has also proven to be of use in certain fatal diseases, like certain cancers and metabolic diseases. Though its effectiveness is still under study, it is worth a shot when all traditional options have been run out. 

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