
Is It Safe to Take CBD and Ibuprofen Together?

HomeHealthIs It Safe to Take CBD and Ibuprofen Together?

With multiple studies showing there to be countless advantages of CBD, the usage of CBD is soaring. In fact, people are turning to CBD instead of traditional medications. With that said, is it safe to take CBD and ibuprofen together?

Are CBD and ibuprofen together a good idea? Our article answers this question. Many would consider the possibility. We come to you with answers.

Can I take CBD with ibuprofen?

As one of more than 104 cannabinoids found inside the marijuana plant, CBD has been found to offer numerous health benefits without causing a feeling of being “high.” From pain relief to depression, various studies have confirmed that CBD can be highly beneficial for many conditions.

Due to the many advantages that it offers and because of its legality in countries around the globe, CBD use has spiked. The products infused with CBD are virtually limitless: Edibles, shampoos, soaps, lotions, and capsules. In fact, there are even CBD products for pets!

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While many medical researchers agree that CBD benefits insomnia, addiction, diabetes, and even acne, there are some concerns about the chemical compound. CBD production is largely unregulated, meaning that there’s no way to tell what consumers are ingesting along with the cannabinoid. While reputable manufacturers adhere to stringent protocols during the extraction and production process, many others don’t. Furthermore, while multiple studies about CBD’s effects on certain ailments have been conducted, more research needs to be done. Combined, these things have brought to light some concerns about CBD use, like how it interacts with other medications, including ibuprofen.

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What is Ibuprofen?

Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It’s one of the most commonly used over-the-counter drugs to treat mild to moderate pain, fevers, and inflammation. NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, block the enzymes that produce prostaglandins, responsible for causing fevers, inflammation, and pain. In so doing, fever, inflammation, and pain are reduced, hence why Ibuprofen is used to treat these ailments.

While Ibuprofen is considered an effective drug for the conditions it is intended to treat, potential issues may be associated with taking the medication. Some of the side effects that may be experienced while taking Ibuprofen include rashes, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), lightheadedness, vertigo (dizziness), fatigue, and abdominal issues, such as stomach pain, nausea, and diarrhea.

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How does CBD Interact with Ibuprofen?

Not much is known about CBD’s effects on other medications, as more studies need to be conducted. Some researchers believe that there is the potential for negative side effects to occur when taking CBD and other medications, specifically oral medications, including ibuprofen.

Enzymes within the liver metabolize NSAIDs, and these same enzymes metabolize CBD. A body of research has suggested that CBD may block these enzymes, and thus, higher amounts of the compounds within anti-inflammatory medications may enter the bloodstream. Therefore, the risk of experiencing the above-mentioned side effects of ibuprofen may increase when taken in conjunction with CBD.

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Dosage and timing matters

The risk of negative interactions that could occur while taking CBD and Ibuprofen depends on the dosages taken. Researchers agree that large amounts of CBD and Ibuprofen together would likely increase the risk of danger, such as increased bleeding. However, some medical experts have found that taking low amounts of CBD does not affect how the liver metabolizes Ibuprofen. Additionally, the timing of taking these substances affects how they interact with one another. Spacing them out – taking CBD several hours before Ibuprofen or vice-versa will prevent the liver from becoming overloaded. Therefore, enzymes within the organ can focus on metabolizing only one substance.

While taking low amounts of CBD and Ibuprofen may not negatively impact the body, it can’t be considered 100% safe. More research concerning the amount of CBD and Ibuprofen that can be safely taken together and the amount of time that needs should elapse between taking each substance needs to be conducted.

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Closing Thoughts

If you use CBD and you develop a headache or a fever, you may be concerned about the effects of mixing CBD and Ibuprofen. Speaking to your doctor before mixing the two is advisable. While it’s more than likely safe to take low doses of CBD and Ibuprofen together, it’s perfect to “err on the side of caution.”

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